Miles Quaritch
Why can't they add New Game Plus ?
Same reason why Arkham Asylum doesn't have NG+, it would ruin the game.
I love the idea of a mercenaries mode though, that would be incredible. Who do we petition to get such a DLC?
Why can't they add New Game Plus ?
You can continue after the ending to hoard collectibles. The island is a lot less populated too
It would make the game beyond trivial. Sucks that there isn't NG+ because it'll probably take everyone until after finishing the game to complete all the weapons
Um wtf is this a glitch or am i missing something obvious?Right after you get the rope ascender, what's supposed to happen? I use the ascender on the crate thing, mash sqaure, but the crane rips off and the crate stays in the same place.
If anyone is interested, Tomb Raider Trilogy for PS3 is $15 if you buy from Newegg's eBay page. I just got myself a copy since this game got me in the mood for some more puzzle-oriented tomb raiding.
I was thinking the same thing actually. I beat Underworld and really liked it years ago, never beat Legend or played Anniversary though.
You can go past that bug. Just walk on the edge of the door slowly until you get Lara into falling animation. I suggest that you equip and aim with the bow, because then you will walk much slower.
What do people think of Rab Florence's piece on Tomb Raider:
I can tell you that this new game has given me exactly what I wanted from Tomb Raider. An incredible world, with every location feeling real and heavy with threat and history. A place to get lost in.
Just finished it. It's not a bad game by any stretch, on the other hand it never really goes beyond "good" and "competent". There were some great locales though. The game was also too easy on hard.
Endgame spoilers:
So Mathias spend 30 years on the island when all he had to do was to burn that Himiko statue ? Also Lara is dumb, she had diary of Whitman plotting and did nothing, also didn't figured the vessel thing until the end.
Didn't read it past that summary so far but I'm already annoyed. People putting immersion over gameplay is a losing battle I've been fighting for a few years now.
Didn't read it past that summary so far but I'm already annoyed. People putting immersion over gameplay is a losing battle I've been fighting for a few years now.
I'm sure there are people that are better than me, but I did beat all 3 Uncharteds on Crushing, so I mean it's not like a total doofus or anything.
I didn't think TR Hard was as hard as UC3 Crushing, but it definitely wasn't "a cake walk" that I could do "without breaking a sweat". I actually thought it was just right
I played on Normal, and I can confirm that cover camping is not a good idea.
Immersion is very important to me. My issue is that I usually can't get immersed in games where control is constantly wrested from me. Personally, I'd rather play a weak but consistent game over something that's bipolar about player agency.
My final impressions for this game are going to be as all over the place as this game is.
We're all immersed by something in games, for example I need either a reeeeally good story (obsidian games, Walking Dead, Spec Ops) to get into something or good gameplay. But what I've noticed in the past few years is that people prefer the most shallow games possible as long as it creates some large world they can run around in. They don't bother noticing that there's barely any notable gameplay in games like Skyrim or TR, it's all "oooh look at the pretty world". That's the kind of "immersion" that is bugging me lately.
I wish this game had some kind of mercenaries mode or something
I always thought that the argument for there being no NG+ because it would break the game was stupid. You have to beat the game in the first place in order to play a NG+ game so you've already played it the way it was meant to be played. Who cares if the second time you play it you choose to play a "broken" version of it instead of playing the exact same way again?
I'll admit those Shantytown waves made me drop the difficulty down to normal (although I put it back up again afterwards). I tend to get a case of the "fuck its" when Im going on my 12th death and there isnt any sort of trophies or post game rewards involved with difficulty completion.
The lack of difficulty trophies is kind of stupid.
I didn't find Shantytown all that difficult though, I thought the next section was tougher.
We're all immersed by something in games, for example I need either a reeeeally good story (obsidian games, Walking Dead, Spec Ops) to get into something or good gameplay. But what I've noticed in the past few years is that people prefer the most shallow games possible as long as it creates some large world they can run around in. They don't bother noticing that there's barely any notable gameplay in games like Skyrim or TR, it's all "oooh look at the pretty world". That's the kind of "immersion" that is bugging me lately.
I'd put it about 60/40 from what I've seen around the board, maybe 70/30. More and more people are starting to realize just how shallow and pointless the game is.
Yeah, there's a lot of room to expand on the systems introduced into this game. Given that there's a clear stealth element, I found it kind of strange that enemies never react to walking over each others dead bodies.
In the sequel I hope it becomes more Lara the Tactician/Huntsman than Lara the Action Movie Star
Actually, I should qualify my statement a bit more. Except for cutscenes, there aren't a lot of cases in this game where control is completely taken away from you. It's more a matter of having no meaningful input as you endure some on-rails setpiece, or having your choices reduced to walking forward or doing a QTE.
I agree with what you're saying, and I've certainly been guilty of this myself, especially with sandboxes this gen. There's a part of me that can enjoy just sightseeing, wandering around some empty, shallow, beautiful space. It's a weakness of mine, and I am a sucker for detailed, creative environments and characters. I'm certainly not apologizing for something I enjoy, but I understand it's only part of a game's package.
In 10 years though, returning to games with only skin-deep beauty will show them for the tech demos they are. Once the luster is gone, a lot of us are going to realize we were impressed with a beautifully wallpapered box containing a busted copy of Hungry Hungry Hippos (/cough, Skyrim).
This is the opposite of my feeling about the old Tomb Raider games. Playing the games today is (in my case) literally painful on the eyes. The tank controls are functionally effective and were smart at the time, but comparatively feel fairly terrible now. Same with the camera controls. But the actual gameplay (combat aside) and level design make for something that endures.
2 PHDs and the guy can't even hold a book.
I'll admit those Shantytown waves made me drop the difficulty down to normal (although I put it back up again afterwards). I tend to get a case of the "fuck its" when Im going on my 12th death and there isnt any sort of trophies or post game rewards involved with difficulty completion.
I always thought that the argument for there being no NG+ because it would break the game was stupid. You have to beat the game in the first place in order to play a NG+ game so you've already played it the way it was meant to be played. Who cares if the second time you play it you choose to play a "broken" version of it instead of playing the exact same way again?
You can so easily abuse any combat scenario in this game I don't see how people get stuck anywhere.
2 PHDs and the guy can't even hold a book.
2 PHDs and the guy can't even hold a book.
2 PHDs and the guy can't even hold a book.
I'm not sure I believe people who said they played the entire game with the bow. Unless you have truly brilliant aim and were able to headshot each guy in succession during the heated firefights without ever missing, you'd get swarmed and die.
Yeah, not like TR doesn't already have game breaking glitches. Other games in the genre (like Uncharted) also come to a screeching halt with bugs when you turned on cheats. [/sarcasm]well that makes sense until you consider that playing the game in any different way than it was meant to be played may trigger every kind of glitch or bug, some of which may prevent you from advancing through the story.