This almost never happens in this game. There are two areas on the entire island that you return to with gear that allows you to access areas you couldn't access before, and really only 2 items, well 3 if you count that secret tomb you can't access without the climbing axe.The one thing it's cool is to come back to older areas to access new ones with new abilities, if we had to make a list of things to continue into the next TR title, I would keep that aspect. MEtroidvania is not an altogether bad fit for accurate TR gameplay.
A semblance is all? Playing through this game got me interested in the franchise. I checked out an Underworld demo and thought it was pretty good. Are the PS1 games the only 'real' Tomb Raider games? The Gametrailers retrospective made it seem like they kept falling in quality after the first one.
You've never had rocky road? Or Phish Food?I did not know this existed! Must find! Must consume!
This almost never happens in this game. There are two areas on the entire island that you return to with gear that allows you to access areas you couldn't access before, and really only 2 items, well 3 if you count that secret tomb you can't access without the climbing axe.
Y2Kev said:Tomb Raider 4 is sooooooo hardcore. Anyone that can play that today gets props from me. It's just long, hard, and samey. I guess that was as far as they could push that formula.
I actually am a fan of Uncharted's cut scenes, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Tomb Raider's cutscenes.
Tomb Raider's set pieces were meaningful to Tomb Raider.
I actually loved the set pieces that were in TR and I'm not talking the ones we already saw at the last two E3s.
Crystal Dynamics created an experience and a lane that while shares the cinematic flare of what ND brought to the table is uniquely theirs.
I'm a fan of what Naughty Dog created with the UC series, but I'm not going to blindly give them a pass as the only one that has the ability to make a great game.
Crystal D. pulled off a Tomb Raider experience that overall was a blast and worth every cent.
Tomb Raider 4 is sooooooo hardcore. Anyone that can play that today gets props from me. It's just long, hard, and samey. I guess that was as far as they could push that formula.
GoL is awesome, coop is the shit. Sad there won't be another one.
The most annoying thing about Tomb Raider 4 is the areas that span multiple levels. This is most extremely compounded by a puzzle that requires you to go to a small room in another level (loading screen) to push/pull a block into the right spot, then return to the previous area (loading screen) to push another block. It also suffers from theme fatigue. It's all Egyptian levels and there's only so much you can do with that. It was full of good ideas, but it was very plodding.
The most annoying thing about Tomb Raider 4 is the areas that span multiple levels. This is most extremely compounded by a puzzle that requires you to go to a small room in another level (loading screen) to push/pull a block into the right spot, then return to the previous area (loading screen) to push another block. It also suffers from theme fatigue. It's all Egyptian levels and there's only so much you can do with that. It was full of good ideas, but it was very plodding.
You've never had rocky road? Or Phish Food?
The more and more I think about this game...the more and more I become "meh" on it.
Dont get me wrong. I'm glad I played it. Glad being the key word there.
I can't remember anything about TR5 except for a level inside like a museum or facility or something.
I tried to replay the old games but man, they really aged poorly. The beginning Tomb Raider 3 level looks disgustingly bad, like 10 different terrible jungle textures jutting out at odd angles
e: just look at this
I like Mint Chocolate Chip
What kind of Tomb Raider does that make me
I can't remember anything about TR5 except for a level inside like a museum or facility or something.
I tried to replay the old games but man, they really aged poorly. The beginning Tomb Raider 3 level looks disgustingly bad, like 10 different terrible jungle textures jutting out at odd angles
e: just look at this
pfft that's just beanstalk world, get with the program
Wait, why won't there be another one??
And is there online co-op? Flying solo right now but I would love to try co-op if there's online.
I would say Tomb Raider 1-4 are good, but they are extremely slow and tiring by today's standards. Crystal Dynamic's Tomb Raiders are more actiony and guided like this game, but less so. People are upset because Tomb Raider has yet to be adequately updated for modern times, and this game is further from that than Crystal Dynamics' previous efforts. I'd say a frustrating thing about this game is that provides what I can see as an excellent base for updating Tomb Raider with modern gaming technology, but the base is buried deep in platforming and puzzles that require no skill and tiring combat. It's like Crystal Dynamics has no faith in the gamer to play the game in a way that highlights the experience they want to present. They want players to see what they've made and fear that if the player can fail they won't...
The more and more I think about this game...the more and more I become "meh" on it.
Dont get me wrong. I'm glad I played it. Glad being the key word there.
For real? I thought I noticed a few but that is really dire... I guess the last third of the game doesn't change much...
...but for the record, at least in the TR sequel, I hope they focus on making that happen a lot more (as well as changing platforming from worthless to challenging)
I was just listening to Klepick on GB and he says that exact same thing. Its the kind of game that is a fun little diddy at times but when you step back and really think about it you realize it was kind of a empty experience.
I think it was Dahbomb who said its kind of like the Transformers equivalent in the videogame world and I think that is pretty spot on.
I actually thought the villain was not that bad, allthough there was a lot of things that felt felt undeveloped, but the whole documents really did add a nice amount of details for me. I did like how they were voiced too. Hell, this game felt in some ways an evolved version of some of Resident Evil mechanics (examining the items with additional information when you come across a mark of interest, and the voice over from the writer of the individual document) from past titles. I liked that little touch
I think this game in general would have benefited a good deal from a slower start. A trip around the endurance that lets you get acquainted with the crew that gets further expanded via the videos and documents later as normal, and more time around Sam and Mathias when he shows up.
Did anyone ever tell Lara the definition of insanity?
Well, one of the two areas is the final area of the game, which is probably the most amazing area thematically but they do little more with it in terms of gameplay than the rest of the game. The gear you return with only allows you to open 2 doors you couldn't before.
But hey, I like metroidvanias, and I think metroidvania gameplay would mesh well with Tomb Raider gameplay, but Tomb Raider was never a metroidvania... well, I guess Tomb Raider 4 sorta had metroidvania elements; there was this one puzzle that spanned multiple levels that involved upgrading your motorcycle with turbo so that you could clear a jump and get past a monster.
I didn't bring up the Transformers analogy but I agree with it. This game is the equivalent of a summer pop corn flick.. which are usually loud and dumb but enjoyable nonetheless. Transformers is the quintessential movie to describe that popcorn entertainment. But there are still better popcorn movies than others. Like Uncharted 2 is the Indiana Jones of gaming but Tomb Raider is A Good Day to Die Hard.. starring a chick.
I didn't bring up the Transformers analogy but I agree with it. This game is the equivalent of a summer pop corn flick.. which are usually loud and dumb but enjoyable nonetheless. Transformers is the quintessential movie to describe that popcorn entertainment. But there are still better popcorn movies than others. Like Uncharted 2 is the Indiana Jones of gaming but Tomb Raider is A Good Day to Die Hard.. starring a chick.
Dude come on. It's definitely better than Die Hard fucking Five.
Fate of Atlantis is the Indiana Jones of gaming![]()
Dude come on. It's definitely better than Die Hard fucking Five.
I can't remember anything about TR5 except for a level inside like a museum or facility or something.
I tried to replay the old games but man, they really aged poorly. The beginning Tomb Raider 3 level looks disgustingly bad, like 10 different terrible jungle textures jutting out at odd angles
e: just look at this
Was Tomb Raider Legend the one which had Lara parading around skyscrapers in Asia? That was a dreadful part of an otherwise decent game if so.
Nah but it's better than the one where the internets get hacked.
Was Tomb Raider Legend the one which had Lara parading around skyscrapers in Asia? That was a dreadful part of an otherwise decent game if so.
Tomb Raider is really like an Alien 3 at this point
Totally split down the middle and gradually, over time, some on the other side will grow to like it and there will end being a shitload of newcomers that bust a nut all over it.
I got a better comparison
Indiana Jones is to OG Tomb Raider as King Solomon's Mines is to Tomb Raider reboot >![]()
Tomb Raider is really like an Alien 3 at this point
Totally split down the middle and gradually, over time, some on the other side will grow to like (or at least appreciate what it does) it and there will end being a shitload of newcomers that bust a nut all over it.
It really kinda was and you know, it's weird because I can't sense this shit as fast as you guys do. For me I absorb it all in and then release it all, like a big fucking fart, after completion.
The hype balloon swells up so fast, especially when youre first playing and especially when its a new game. But that deflation man... lol
Hopefully Infinite wont do this, but really, at this stage of the game and where the industry and gameplay and all that bullshit is at? Who the fuck knows.
Your taste in everything is really special.
Hey I didn't say the new Die Hard was good, just that TR is worse than it.
I got a better comparison
Indiana Jones is to OG Tomb Raider as King Solomon's Mines is to Tomb Raider reboot >![]()