Okay, towards then end
when you kill Mathias using dual pistols was fucking deadly.
I think we can all agree that we can be excited on the next adventure of Lara with it being a next gen title and all that resources to make the game more grand in a much bigger scale and depth and just fix the flaws from this title, it can be something truly incredible.
I think we can all agree that we can be excited on the next adventure of Lara with it being a next gen title and all that resources to make the game more grand in a much bigger scale and depth and just fix the flaws from this title, it can be something truly incredible.
If you like easy traversal, lots of combat, lots of set pieces, shitty stories forced on you, brain dead AI, and no challenge in your games, yes, you can be excited.
It's been 17 years and the Tomb Raider franchise has changed so much but people will still misspell Lara's name.
It's been 17 years and the Tomb Raider franchise has changed so much but people will still misspell Lara's name.
How the heck can some of you guys actually think this game is GOTY material? I must know >.>
It's been 17 years and the Tomb Raider franchise has changed so much but people will still misspell Lara's name.
No, I mean misspell. I can actually accept people pronouncing her name "Laura" because you get to fudge about due to accents and whatnot. In fact, listen carefully and you'll hear Roth pronouncing it "Laura" in the sure you didn't mean mispronounce?![]()
No, I mean misspell. I can actually accept people pronouncing her name "Laura" because you get to fudge about due to accents and whatnot. In fact, listen carefully and you'll hear Roth pronouncing it "Laura" in the game.
But when it comes down to spelling, there's no ifs and buts. It's "Lara", not "Laura".
done. fun, horribly written, well-made game. would've far preferred a tomb raider game, but, hey, maybe someday...
How the heck can some of you guys actually think this game is GOTY material? I must know >.>
How the heck can some of you guys actually think this game is GOTY material? I must know >.>
So, I've finished this game 5 times now.![]()
And some people continuously buy new games that they know they won't like just so they can tell everyone how bad they are constantly.People have nominated worse games as goty material on here like the last two mass effects and MGS 4. Some people have no ability to see quality and critique games.
The dialogue wasn't great but the documents were well written imo
And some people continuously buy new games that they know they won't like just so they can tell everyone how bad they are constantly.
Why are you here? You sound like the spiteful angry Brother-in-law at a wedding.
I go into Disney Land and I'm all happy and blissful and you're in the front yelling, "Fuck happiness."
Regardless, I'm more than excited to see where this game will lead the series. I hope it's more exploration and thinking in the next game, but if the combat is as fun as in this one, then I don't mind if there's just as much of it.
I really wish they'd make an arena dlc.
Some people have no ability to see quality and critique games.
If you like easy traversal, lots of combat, lots of set pieces, shitty stories forced on you, brain dead AI, and no challenge in your games, yes, you can be excited.
Proof here. Spoiler for pretty minor little easter-egg that might be a nice surprise.
I disagree. The documents were the worst part of all the writing, especially when they try to get fancy with these cringe-inducing metaphors. And the ones of the Japanese generals trying to be theatrical with "we... we were all... wiped out..." just felt like they were written with the audiolog in mind (was I the only one that got the impression that the one reading them was some white guy in a booth, probably the studio janitor, doing a lousy stereotyped Japanese accent?). There was nothing natural or believable about them.The dialogue wasn't great but the documents were well written imo
I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected, but I enjoyed Jeff Foxworthy's Jalapeno Cheddar Grit Chips a lot more than I expected, too.
I can't see myself playing a sequel if it's essentially the same package as this. The plot was both functionally and effectively meaningless to the experience except as a vehicle to set the stage for the setpieces - a sequel with a different yet similarly awful plot but the same gameplay would, for all practical purposes, be the same game to me.
I would be on board if they completely re-evaluate combat (variety if nothing else, please), add some (any) skill based component to platforming, and have tombs with puzzles and exploration at their heart.
I genuinely enjoyed the middle portions of the game. But it was pretty much the same way I enjoy an Assassin's Creed game. Thoughtless free running, and this game, with its magnetic Lara is almost as easy, and looking at the pretty backgrounds.
But that's not what I want from Tomb Raider, or really any game unless I get it for 5-10 bucks (as I have every AC game save part 1, yay steam!).
I agree with you about re-evaluating the puzzles/platforming. But even if they do that, I won't buy it at launch. This series is now 75% off steam sale category.
I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected, but I enjoyed Jeff Foxworthy's Jalapeno Cheddar Grit Chips a lot more than I expected, too.
I can't see myself playing a sequel if it's essentially the same package as this. The plot was both functionally and effectively meaningless to the experience except as a vehicle to set the stage for the setpieces - a sequel with a different yet similarly awful plot but the same gameplay would, for all practical purposes, be the same game to me.
I would be on board if they completely re-evaluate combat (variety if nothing else, please), add some (any) skill based component to platforming, and have tombs with puzzles and exploration at their heart, rather than just mood lighting and pyromania.
The voice acting by Camilla is quite bad.
same. they need to lose both the 'melodrama for the sake of melodrama' thing, & the 'lara as distressed damsel' thing', & revert to solo, sarcastic, bad-ass bitch lara. iow, full pulp, no 'touchie-feelie' crap. because, for whatever its faults, one thing the original trs (& the uncharted series) got right that tomb raider got wrong was 'if you're gonna go over the top, keep your tongue firmly in cheek at all times'. otherwise, as you say, you're left with nothing but a handful of setpieces...
iow: thanks, cd. now, bring back lara croft & tomb raider...
What a terrible attitude. I mean seriously now.....get over yourself.
What's been making me chuckle for weeks about this is how the original Tomb Raiders had a character whose oversexualized design seemed virtually indefensible 15 some odd years ago. Now she seems like some role model. I'm not sure how this works exactly.
Here, we've just swapped the "badass sexy" trope of the 90s for the more currently popular "PG-13 horror flick token brunette who survives while the stereotypes die" trope.
I can imagine a Xena reboot where the kitchy perfection of Lucy Lawless is replaced with Jennifer Lawrence covered in mud and blood, crying and apologizing while she pulls guys' hearts out through their mouths.
Because I liked previous Tomb Raider games, I've played through most of this, and I can say whatever I want so long as I'm not trolling? I'm glad you liked it. I don't. It's the internet. Both opinions can exist.
But your opinion was presented in a condescending, shitty way. What did you expect the response to be? He was responding to your shitty ass attitude, not your opinion.
Replaying the game right now, and it´s striking how much better the game is in the open levels/hubs, and how much the game is losing its quality in the linear uncharted like action parts.
For a sequel i really hope they ditch the linear uncharted like action parts, and focus solely on open and fun to explore levels.