Larson Conway
Anybody home?

Jason does not seem bipol... let's agree to disagree here. Going from a hunter to a QTE bossfight is definitely ludonarrative dissonance. At least in Tomb Raider the QTEs are confined to parts where Lara is actually reactionary instead of in control (which they did great as the use of QTEs diminshed as she was taking control of the environment), that's ludonarrative consonance. At least Lara when she killed her first man reacted with "I was scared by how easy it was" (which I agree is a bit too fast, though not out of character), instead of Brody who is a scared rich kid who must learn to be a hunter, yet already is a veritable killing machine the moment he steps out of the first shack door.
15 mins in and the story's already pissing me off.
"Let's split up guys"
Anybody home?[IMG][/QUOTE]
As great as this is, I would be upset to see that spoiler if I hadn't gotten to that point yet.
I'm really disappointed in the post-game. The cries of "Metroid-esque" were unwarranted. The fast-travel system doesn't truly allow you to explore the island, you can only get from one area to another using the camps. Even Arkham City was more "open-world" than this.
I enjoyed this a lot, but, with no interest in multiplayer, I do regret paying full price for this. A really great rental, though.
Anybody home?
all i kept thinking was, man it must smell gross there.
Anybody home?
15 mins in and the story's already pissing me off.
"Let's split up guys"
I just rolled my eyes at the homage during that scene. I liked the area but that shot just had me groaning.
Finished it. When I return to the game to look for collectibles...are there still bad guys? Wish there was a new game+
Finished it. When I return to the game to look for collectibles...are there still bad guys? Wish there was a new game+
A couple here and there in the mountain village and so on but if you are missing some of the combat trophies it is better to just start a new game.
A handful in each area. Shanty Town has like 10 tops
Fuck, this game just seriously dropped in fun factor, I was loving it up til now. The bit in theit's seriously unfun and just irritating. Hoping it's over soon.dark forest with the dogs and soldiers is just horribly generic-shooter. The dogs are awful and seem to take 3-4 shotgun rounds before dropping, and I can barely see them. So frustrating.
why not?QTEs have nothing to do with ludonarrative dissonance.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Tomb Raider game from beginning to end. Great job to everyone in the Crystal Dynamics team!
One critique I read about the game was that the tomb challenges were a little on the easy end which in some way I have to agree. Were the tomb puzzles made to that degree of difficulty to ease in new gamers to the franchise? Can we expect to see even harder puzzles in the next Tomb Raider game?
Thanks! we will pass your kind words along to the team. In regards to puzzles, we are hearing a lot of consistent feedback that we are hoping to address. As you pointed out, accessibility was a consideration for this game but one of the nice things about the non-linear experience is that we could have done harder puzzles without making everyone get stuck as far as story progress so maybe in the future we can push this farther.
Crystal D's puzzles were never really that hard anyway. Core, on the other hand, had some malicious puzzles that made you shout with victory when you "made it".
Crystal D's puzzles were never really that hard anyway. Core, on the other hand, had some malicious puzzles that made you shout with victory when you "made it".
LOL they actually mapped nipples underneath her tank top!
I liked the homage.
Thanks, i actually think i've seen it...
Does she end up escaping from the cave, only to wake up from the dream and still be stuck?
Oh, what's that?
All i could think of during that was...
Thanks, i actually think i've seen it...
Does she end up escaping from the cave, only to wake up from the dream and still be stuck?
Yeah this is true.
I also thought that the way the side tombs worked was really lame, solve puzzle get bunch of salvage...
I made this thread on TRF about an idea I had for the side tombs in future games.
Basically treating the side tombs as a side story that would span the entire game and you would have to solve them in sequence as a requirement.
This is why you have survival instinct, damnit. Press the button and it tells the people who get stuck exactly what to do. The experience isn't non-linear at all, they just made the tombs optional along the linear paths. They could have put them in a list you access from the campfires and said "Look, you can choose any item from the list in any order! Non-linear!" which is actually kinda what they did since you need to use fast travel to return to anywhere, but that's a misappropriation of what "non-linear" means in video games. Give gamers a bit more credit, huh? Sure a lot of them these days eat this stuff up (I honestly cannot believe the people saying this is GotY and praising the platforming/puzzles), but 8 million people bought the old games; surely you don't have to water down the gameplay so far; there's some level between "frustratingly hard" and "so easy a vegetable could win". Throw in copious hints for people that can't find their way out of a paper bag, give them an optional difficulty that allows them to bypass tricky stuff, I don't care. If people want an experience, give them an experience, but don't drag the gameplay and level design down in the process. It's not like spectacle and gameplay can't coexist.Thanks! we will pass your kind words along to the team. In regards to puzzles, we are hearing a lot of consistent feedback that we are hoping to address. As you pointed out, accessibility was a consideration for this game but one of the nice things about the non-linear experience is that we could have done harder puzzles without making everyone get stuck as far as story progress so maybe in the future we can push this farther.
I got another idea. They could make a game where the primary focus of the gameplay is to enter, explore, and raid tombs with complex puzzles. They could call it, I dunno, Human Hunter![]()