Community is a perfectly fine reason to buy the game on Xbox 360 but the bottom-line that Tomb Raider's multiplayer is really filler that even the guy on Giant Bomb says should just be ignored Tomb Raider isn't really a game restricting you to a certain community.
I'm not complaining I'm merely leaving a observation, also how is playing games on Xbox easier than PC?
You can still chat with your friends while playing just leave your Xbox on and use your mic.
I chuck the disc in, and I play it. I don't have to tinker with settings or anything, it just works. All my friends play on console too - and if they do want to PLAY this game with me (which I didn't even mention, btw) the option is there.
Yes, it's lazy. Yes, I could be experiencing it better. But I work two jobs, am a practicing medical officer and write reviews for two sites on top of that. I need all the time I can get, and sitting / lying on the couch is a better experience for me to relax after a huge fucking day at work.
I'm not saying PC is worse or anything - I know it looks better and I know I could be playing this game in 60fps with amazing graphics if I wanted to put down the money to get a decent enough rig and consistently update it. But I just don't care enough to bother - graphics, to me, in a game are just so inconsequential to whether or not I'll enjoy the game.
The atmosphere is rich enough particularly in this game for me to enjoy it to not notice it's shortcomings.
I also loathe the elitism that PC gamers breed, and it's a little bit of a reason as to why I was a bit hostile earlier. Sorry. >_>