Cheapest price is $26 at Nuuvem, can pay via Paypal and it's the same thing you get from GMG -- (ROW) Tomb Raider + Animal Instinct/Pistol Burst DLC. Not sure if that's considered shady here but it seems legit reading everywhere else and I had no problem paying through Paypal, activating and pre-loading from the US.
Invisible walls is about Tomb Raider.
They are mostly criticizing how very disconnected the narrative and character progression seems from the actual gameplay.
Invisible walls is about Tomb Raider.
They are mostly criticizing how very disconnected the narrative and character progression feels from the actual gameplay.
Nothing about the actual gameplay? Guess I shouldn't be surprised. The only thing that matters in a video game is the non interactive story after all :\
This game is just... so... good. I'm sort of in awe of just how good it is. It really is the best game in its series and in many ways is a damned sight better than Uncharted. If there is going to be a game of one-up-manship between Naughty Dog and Crystal Dynamics now, then I'm all for it.
They are basically criticizing everything (XP,puzzles,combat) in context with the story and character.
That's not the kind of criticism I'm looking for though. The story shouldn't matter at all, just let me know if the gameplay stuff works or doesn't work for the player, not some wannabe movie script. I wish reviewers would start understanding that.
The issue here is that games are evolving...unfortunately so are reviewers. If you don't want your story be reviewed then cut it out and go link/zelda style.
That's not the kind of criticism I'm looking for though. The story shouldn't matter at all, just let me know if the gameplay stuff works or doesn't work for the player, not some wannabe movie script. I wish reviewers would start understanding that.
Thank you for describing why you think this game is good.![]()
I'm the same as you but i find it very ironic that most criticisms for this game are about the reason this reboot supposedly happened (aka to introduce us to a more grounded realistic version of Lara and tell a gripping story of "survival".)
And i'm saying supposedly because i think the true reason this reboot happened it was because SE was after the Uncharted crowds and they wanted to turn this game into a shooter.
Are they actually evolving when story and plot depth has actually regressed since the 90s? I don't see anyone topping planescape or baldur's gate 2 with these "story focused" cinematic games.
The issue here is that games are evolving...unfortunately so are reviewers. If you don't want your story to be reviewed then cut it out and go link/zelda style. I for one prefer an engaging story.. completing tedious puzzles without any sort of laid out story just doesn't do it for me.
I hope that satisfies Your Holiness.
I still can't pre-load my GMG key...
Then why are you playing videogames?
Are they actually evolving when story and plot depth has actually regressed since the 90s? I don't see anyone topping planescape or baldur's gate 2 with these "story focused" cinematic games.
Video games have great stories. It is the only reason I play games anymore.
That's not the kind of criticism I'm looking for though. The story shouldn't matter at all, just let me know if the gameplay stuff works or doesn't work for the player, not some wannabe movie script. I wish reviewers would start understanding that.
I feel like I'm being trolled.
Video games have great stories. It is the only reason I play games anymore.
Were Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate really that representative of the story/plot depth in the average game in the 90s though? IMO they were always exceptions.
Damn, reading those points feel like something that I expected from just looking at the game. I'll give it a rent to see if it's buying material or just a one-time play stuff (Steam sale material). Thanks for your input, I'm really interested in the game now.After spending ~5-6 hrs with the game [not my copy], I'm giving it my sea lion of approval.
Gif that best describes my feelings while playing the game:
Bruh, there's nothing to talk about. The game isn't really doing anything new, and since game criticism RARELY ever gets down to the meat of game mechanics, nobody's gonna talk about those either. All you'll get is "it's fun" or "think Uncharted but with executions and XP." The bulk of conversations about this game will be gameplay vs. narrative, and/or how it's not like TRs of old.
Realistically, the next will be more action packed.
Exactly why we question why the hell guys like you are still in this thread.
Majority rules. Game is great and those who have it fucking like it.
End of story.
I find it funny people keep posting their thoughts, saying they really enjoy it and the naysayers who have yet to play it, pounce! Ill be more interested in the negative criticism from people who actually have played it. Not watched YouTube videos.
The controls and graphics are a lot better from the previous build I got to play. The screen tearing has disappeared and it controls so well. Much better than Uncharted imo.
Oh and the graphics are fucking glorious.
I find it funny people keep posting their thoughts, saying they really enjoy it and the naysayers who have yet to play it, pounce! Ill be more interested in the negative criticism from people who actually have played it. Not watched YouTube videos.
Because official threads aren't supposed to be uber positive circle jerks and, last I checked, this is a forum. I'm still interested in the game and will pick it up when it's cheap, but in the meantime there's discussion to be had.
Because official threads aren't supposed to be uber positive circle jerks and, last I checked, this is a forum. I'm still interested in the game and will pick it up when it's cheap, but in the meantime there's discussion to be had.
It's okay. I felt the same after seeing how almost all of the vanilla achievements/trophies of BF3 are campaign related. Focusing that on the less important aspect of the game is something I don't understand.Never played any of the other Tomb Raider games before, but I'm really enjoying this one. Only real complaint I have is the achievements (on Xbox). I've been playing for a few hours now, and the only achievement that I've unlocked is the one for doing an optional tomb mission. Looking at the achievement list, there are far too many multiplayer ones.
Not such a big deal, but still.
I find it funny people keep posting their thoughts, saying they really enjoy it and the naysayers who have yet to play it, pounce! Ill be more interested in the negative criticism from people who actually have played it. Not watched YouTube videos.
So if the majority is enjoying something that they feel are honest feels, then it is wrong for them to be doing so?
Thats kind of fucked up, Clint.
Yes, but there comes a point where the same repeated criticism does nothing to advance the conversation in a topic. The game has been made and the developer's choices have been set in stone. Perhaps a critique of the direction of the franchise would better be served in a separate thread rather than a thread focusing on the actual, playable game that is available to purchase by the consumer?
The only reason you play games now is for stories that try to ape books and movies but cannot do so above a D-tier quality? That makes sense.
Maybe, but we don't even get an exception in this current industry anymore.
Even more so when the people who outright hate it are purchasing it anyway.
No, but it's also not wrong for opposing viewpoints to be in the thread bringing up legitimate issues they have with the game. The point of the thread is discussion, positive or otherwise.
Um the stories in a lot of games are great. They are right up there with movies and books.
To be fair, it wouldn't be hard to have better controls than Uncharted. Uncharted's main strength is the story and character depth. And graphics. Everything else ranges from shit to serviceable.
But it's great to hear that whatever control/graphical issues you had with an earlier build got fixed. Making the wait for it harder.
Um the stories in a lot of games are great. They are right up there with movies and books.