I feel your pain, I dodged every spoiler bullet so far, but this one got me :/
Oh well, I guess I should play it before I see even more spoilers.
Don't worry, man. I 1000/1000'd Hannah Montana: The Movie.
I'm sure a few hours of Tomb Raider multiplayer actually aren't so bad.
With that said, Hannah Montana: The Movie was actually better than some other high budget, high profile games I've played this generation. I'm not even embarrassed.
I enjoyed it more than Resident Evil 6 and obviously Medal of Honor: Warfighter.
Although maybe that's just because it only took 4 hours to beat and I muted the volume and put a Giant Bombcast on while playing it.
I put it on my Gamefly queue because they wouldn't actually send me anything I wanted to play. Also 1000'd Terminator, TMNT and a few other shit games that are easy Achievements in like less than 5 hours. I had Gamefly for 2 months and I never once got mailed a single game that I even remotely wanted to play.I'd believe it. Anything is probably better than MOH:Warfighter and RE6. Is it an easy 1000/1000? I'd pick that up from my local Blockbuster if that's the case.
...You know, for the points.
I put it on my Gamefly queue because they wouldn't actually send me anything I wanted to play. Also 1000'd Terminator, TMNT and a few other shit games that are easy Achievements in like less than 5 hours. I had Gamefly for 2 months and I never once got mailed a single game that I even remotely wanted to play.
That was 3 years ago, though. They're probably better about that now, or at least I would hope so.
my streaming schedule is booked with RE games but I should play some more TR games. I doubt I'll finish 1 but maybe play 2 or Legend then Anniversary then UW
Wow writing in a video game that doesn't suck ass.*Spec Ops pics*
That reminds me, my friends fastest RE DC time was 38 minutes.
I am proud of myself cause I got so far in arranged mode yesterday, I didn't know Chris's scenario in arranged mode is the most difficult one.
You should link me to your stream sometime.
It's in his GAF profile.You should link me to your stream sometime.
it's in my profile ;P
I see. old school CV and RE is a good look.
You decide
I'll buy it when it's on sale or something. But I'm very hyped for said sale!
That's much worse than anything I've seen Drake do.
I'll buy it when it's on sale or something. But I'm very hyped for said sale!
It's also completely unnecessary too. That's graphic just for the sake of being graphic.
I just picked up the PS3 version. This is my first Tomb Raider since Tomb Raider 3 *excited*![]()
Welcome to third person shooters. I didn't hear this many complaints when people played Max Payne 3 and Red Dead Redemption. Either you come to grips with the fact that this is an empowerment fantasy just like the rest of them, or you criticize gratuitous violence as an enterprise.
That's much worse than anything I've seen Drake do.
There's a difference between cinematic and being gratuitous for the sake of being gratuitous. An example is The Last of Us which is more gorey than TR however it fits contextually very well into that world of desperation and brutality. Unless Lara is a psychopath, this doesn't make contextual sense. Hell, Drake doesn't curbstop people just for kicks and it wouldn't fit his character to do so.
I think people are just going to have to accept the narrative dissonance to enjoy this game, as is the unfortunate case with almost all video games these days.
People who really give a shit about this sort of thing and haven't played Spec Ops: The Line yet are doing themselves an incredible disservice.
The same can be said about the new Tomb Raider.
There's a difference between cinematic and being gratuitous for the sake of being gratuitous. An example is The Last of Us which is more gorey than TR however it fits contextually very well into that world of desperation and brutality. Unless Lara is a psychopath, this doesn't make contextual sense. Hell, Drake doesn't curbstop people just for kicks and it wouldn't fit his character to do so.
This stuff only started bothering me after I played Spec Ops. Normally I'd be all, "Cool! I get to bash that guy's head in!" But now I look at stuff like that and just think how completely unnecessary and repulsive it all is.
Drake's stuff seemed less violent but still had things like ... snapping necks of unaware people all over the place.
It doesn't fit any of the media shown in regards to her character. That's probably a more apt way of putting it. Joel in The Last of Us, supposedly has an extremely ruthless background and is supposed to be a dark character. Joel's extreme acts of violence are justified in regards to his background and the circumstances in that world. The shotgun blast at the end of the E3 trailer wasn't supposed to glorify violence but just show how fucked up that world is. Lara purposefully lifting someone's head up to blow their brains doesn't fit the "I'm just trying to survive" aspect that the media has demonstrated so far. That isn't the actions of a person just trying to make it through events but rather that of someone enjoying themselves.
Drake's stuff seemed less violent but still had things like him dropping people off massive cliffs(even the innocent guard in UC2) and snapping necks of unaware people all over the place. His situation was also not necessarily pure survival, considering he's willingly going into these areas to search for treasure.
But yeah, I do agree in some of those gif kills don't seem to fit what they were going for in TR unless there is an apparent psychopath argument to be made, which I can't determine yet.
I quite agree with you but I saw the first 60 minutes of Tomb Raider (Walkthrough video) and in my opinion it actually fit's very well.
Can't wait for the Tomb Raider: I Spit on Your Grave Edition.