Tes, it's the best one!!There's an IKEA-themed interior :lol :lol
it's called "Scandinavian"
Tes, it's the best one!!There's an IKEA-themed interior :lol :lol
it's called "Scandinavian"
Tes, it's the best one!!I just bought the Seabed today. My Ariel is now complete. Red hair, mermaid costume, seashell hair clip and the Seabed. Excellent!
Omg! My double looks adorable! :3Nice. xD
Oh, and I have a new GAF couple!
MicH and Paritan~
I hate to be a pain, but the images all appear so small that my QR reader can't pick them up. :THey guys! Here is the full cast of Danganronpa, I hope you enjoy them. You may have to play with how they say their names as some of them butcher the names when said normally. Also just to be on the safe side I will throw a SPOILER WARNING for anyone who has not finished or played Danganronpa yet. The Character details can be counted as a spoiler if you have not started the game yet. Nothing major but i wanted to be safe for anyone still interested in picking up and playing Danganronpa.
In Japanese versions they have black bags over their headsWoah the US version has the block head assistants? I thought all English versions had robots...?
My friend had a baby with Filsamech.
Oh god WHY
Half human, half robot. Out to destroy the world in the name of E3!My friend had a baby with Filsamech.
Oh god WHY
Socute~My friend had a baby with Filsamech.
Oh god WHY
So far for me it seems like it needs one of three things: tickling around the belly, tapping on the face, or peekaboo.My mii and my girlfriends mii had a baby in the game and it just refuses to stop crying. I try tickling it in all the right spots and play peak a boo but it just wants to cry non stop. You can even hear it crying from the main map.
You're one of those people who thinks all babies are cute, aren't you?Socute~
Edea is on the phone and she just keeps saying "mrgrgr" repeatedly, it is AMAZING
Could you share the QR code for Edea. My island could use some Mrgrgr.
What's the trick to earning decent amounts of money? My townsfolk keep asking for food and clothes and as a result I'm always under $500. Also how are you supposed to get stomach medicine without it being a gift from someone?
Feeding people food they really like is usually a net gain over the cost of the food, I think the same generally goes for most gifts they really like. Also play games with them and sell the items you win at the pawn shop.
There's a 7MB patch live on the eshop. Not really sure what it does.
What's the trick to earning decent amounts of money? My townsfolk keep asking for food and clothes and as a result I'm always under $500. Also how are you supposed to get stomach medicine without it being a gift from someone?
Feeding people food they really like is usually a net gain over the cost of the food, I think the same generally goes for most gifts they really like. Also play games with them and sell the items you win at the pawn shop.
In addition, once Miis get over happiness level20 or so, they start giving you gold and silver coins. Those sell for decent cash.
Is the version number on the title screen now 1.2?
Ah it's actually 1.1. My 3ds was offline for a while so I guess I'm getting an older update.
Update Details
This update enhances gameplay stability and performance.
babies are really annoying holy shit
Never got an answer to my question. Does anyone know if couples can have more babies after the first one? Or is one baby all they can have?
They can have more, as long as their marriage stays good. If they begin to fall out, they probably won't have another unless you can help rekindle their love. Their relationship status needs to be "Soulmates".
But babies eventually let you do this...
But babies eventually let you do this...
My friend had a baby with Filsamech.
Oh god WHY
We just launched Tomodachi Life. The Tomodachi Life numbers were significantly stronger than we had forecasted and planned.
Though not as much as I'd like. *chuckles* They managed to get the SpotPass working at my nearest Starbucks again and the two times I've hit it in the past week, not one person had a StreetPass for it. Meanwhile I don't leave the house with it not being the last game I've played.According to Reggie, sales of Tomodachi Life are higher than their forcasts
Nice to see this quirky little game doing well