Good list, here is how I would change it.
I can agree that list is close, but I can't agree with TMNT IV or Mortal Kombat.
TMNT IV is straight up boring button masher. It gets repetitive and boring and too easy. The desire to replay like many other games on the SNES isn't there. I honestly replay most of these games a number of times almost every year. TMNT IV I recently tried and it doesn't do it for me. So, I have to pull it. I am a huge TMNT fan. I had all the action figures, I have expensive fancy posters, belts, t-shirts, expensive fancy Mondo Tees action figures, but this game (along with the Arcade version) feel extremely primitive. I actually prefer the NES TMNT ¯\_(ツ

_/¯ I enjoy the difficulty, platforming, and variety it provides.
Mortal Kombat is Multiplatform and there is nothing unique to the SNES version as far as I know that makes it wonderful. Mortal Kombat back in the day was always fun and a huge quarter crusher that could draw crowds in the arcades where I grew up, but the SNES or even the Genesis versions were snoozefests compared to it.
This list definitely needs Pilotwings. The difficulty, uniqueness, the variety. It was completely new game. (The N64 version was a huge and wonderful update!) What can I say I love <3 Pilotwings <3 <3 <3 XOXOXO
If you put on Donkey Kong Country you have to put them all on. Regardless, complete the collection. Put Donkey Kong Country 3 on here. Sheesh.
Chrono Trigger is already on nearly every platform available. Why again? Sure, great game, but do we need it on yet another platform? If you played it on every platform so far, how many times have you played it in total?
Mario All-Stars is arguable since it's mostly a compilation and Mario, Mario 2, and Mario 3 again? Really!? Don't we already complain enough about re-buying it every year?
Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Evermore, Harvest Moon, and as bad as they were Play Action Football, Stanley Cup Hockey would be nice nostalgic surprises.
Licensed games that would be cool are any Disney games back then Aladdin, Lion King, etc. Buster Busts Loose, the Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, and even Jetson's / Flintstone / Hanna Barbara games. Again, despite how bad. They give a taste and sense of the landscape and a trip down nostalgia and memory lane.
I want Super Ghouls n' Ghosts on this list, I really love that game. Not sure where though. Super R-Type and Gradius I would like to add, but not sure where.
Forget this, SNES is a beast. It has a superb library. One could live with the SNES through retirement playing the definitive games and seeking out the hidden games in the rough.