Website is completely fucked and I can't link my account (why do I have to do this? Does Runic know about Steamworks?). Great start. By this time people were crying tears of blood about D3.
So... If we cannot link now, can we link it later?
Runic Games ‏@RunicGames
Thanks for being patient with us, we're working hard. And YES you can start playing in SP/offline and carry your same character into MP/LAN!
Nice.From Runic's twitter account :
add me on steam
I have 3 ppl who want it!
The feel is perfect!
Only one minor complaint / question. What does the "scroll skills" option do under keybindings? I hotkeyed several skills F1-F2-F3 etc... With TAB I can switch between two, but I thought with the scroll through skills option (which I tried binding on my mousewheel) I could be should be able to quickly scroll through all my RMB skills?
Am I misunderstanding?
Playing LAN over hamachi while the online does not work.![]()
So they've made a steamworks game just to force us to login throw their website? Seems reasonable enough.
How come my account is linked but I see none of my friends on list?
They are not forcing you.
So they've made a steamworks game just to force us to login throw their website? Seems reasonable enough.
There's program called LanGame, I suggest to use it instead.
Don't you have to login to play online?
Does the difficulty settings offer anything other than a harder challenge? Any effects on drop rate or quality of items?
Does the difficulty settings offer anything other than a harder challenge? Any effects on drop rate or quality of items?
How come my account is linked but I see none of my friends on list?
I'm digging it as well, but I still prefer the game feel of Diablo.This shit is seriously awesome. So slick, so much fun.
+1 kudos to Runic for being able to carry your singleplayer character over to multiplayer so we don't have to worry too much about servers being down at launch.
You could use Hamachi instead (or any LAN alternative).
Repost for the new page, but how do I make item names show up on the ground?
As someone who only plays hardcore in Diablo 2 and 3 (I have not died a single time in Diablo 3) is starting off in elite mode/hardcore in Torchlight 2 probably too hard in comparison? Veteran to be safe?
I was only able to get 45 minutes in during my lunch break but man does this game have awesome personality and charm or what?