Im thinking about training my zerker after this fashion: 26/51/33. I know I didn't use all the allotted points, I figure I would leave some wiggle room for tweaking at the later levels.
Im thinking I will focus primarily on +Ice dmg weapons and sockets and anything eq that will boost my crit% chance. Going to go with a DEX/FOC primary.
Any suggestions?
Say whaaaaat? I thought you had to physically smack them with the staff to get the benefit. This changes everything! (especially since I have 5 unique staves from lvl16 to 40 from my other games that I passed down to this) I think I'll still keep a nice wand & shield backup for rough times, though.
But now with all these levels saved between Frost Phase and Charge Mastery, I could max out Elemental Boon as well as Frost Wave. Yet... would it be better to take Frost Wave to 15, or should I leave it at 10 so I can put Staff Mastery at 10? As you said, Icy Blast is the one to use, so a 10% increase over 7 bolts is 70%. However, the jump from 3 to 5 frost waves could be very helpful with crowd control. Hmmm...
Could someone offer a little insight into speccing my low level Engineer?
If you can bear the wait?
Max out Fire and Spark and Emberquake when it's available. Supposed to be a devastating build but you have to wait so long to take advantage of it...but you're already going in the right direction!
You could always wait for Emberquake. It's a really good 2H Ability, massive range, and it benefits greatly from Fire and Spark. The downside is that it benefits fairly well from both STR (WeaponDPS scaling) and Focus (raw Magic damage) so stat builds and itemization feels clunky.
Onslaught is also nice to have for wading into fights and debuffing things. Onslaught -> Ember Hammer is a nice way to start fights by jumping in, debuffing enemies, and then knocking off all their shields. But, I personally dislike Ember Hammer so it's more of a one-point wonder skill for taking out shields. It is nice for Force Field builds if you max it, though; it scales well with Charge but doesn't actually use them up so it lets you take advantage of Charge while not actively spending it.
Also, I like Coup de Grace but I think it's best at one point. 3*STR is a good amount of damage as is and the 1s cooldown makes it not that great vs trash enemies and then bosses are stun immune. Uniques can be stunned, and some bigger trash enemies, so it's not entirely useless. Just ... doesn't feel worth the investment.
I really need a good build to shoot for with a berserker. Everybody's advice feels at odds with everyone else, I haven't seen anything really solid on various forums. Not solid like Glaive Throw, Prismatic Bolt, Flame Hammer...
What's a nice build with good synergies that has some killing power? 2H, dual wield, whatever.
EDIT: scy, that looks pretty cool. What does a typical fight look like with that? Is Frost Breath very important to the build? It does weapon damage so that seems at odds with the focus on...focus.
I've been looking at other's 2H engineer builds. Did I waste the points I invested in Bulwark? I haven't seen many people using it.
Ah, that's cool, thanks.
Not sure I would max Shadow Burst, 5 targets seems like overkill.
Why do these builds take Battle Standard to 10? That only seems necessary if you're playing in a group, right? Are its beneficial properties optimal right there, but double the duration isn't worth aiming for?
I've been looking at other's 2H engineer builds. Did I waste the points I invested in Bulwark? I haven't seen many people using it.
It is weird. For crowds I'd probably Hailstorm them first to hope that immobilizes a decent portion of them then hit with Icy Blast from medium range on alternating angles. It sure cleaned up house in the slaver's den just now, although that was rather closed so even misses became hits after a ricochet or two.If it deals WeaponDPS, it procs Staff Mastery. The same applies to Wand Mastery. This means Magma Spear, Icy Blast, and Shockbolts will trigger it (the two channeled WeaponDPS spells won't, for the record). Icy Blast is a lot better than I gave it credit for originally, though it's an iffy spell on Elite if only for it best used at point-blank range. It still fires weird for trying to snipe things from afar :/
Yeah, I figured that if Frost Wave is a direct attack but more consistently hitting target than Icy Blast, then it could take priority as a striking move and Icy Blast would be more of a setup to kill their defenses. It's already wiping out champions with just 3 levels (to be fair, I have already acquired items for +13% ice damage, and hailstorm stacks on another 20%)Icy Blast is mainly there to proc Staff Mastery; for that, you can leave it at 5/15 (-20% Damage debuff is still nice to have). Frost Wave is what makes the Frost spec. It's a monster of a spell.
How useful is vitality for a berserker in elite? Currently playing on veteran and I have been putting about 15% of my points in vitality and it seems the least useful out of focus, dex, and str. I was doing 2/2/0/1 till about level 25 and have switched to something more like 1.5/2/1/.5
scy, may I ask why you aren't using Cold Steel Mastery? +90% to ice damage in an ice build is kind of a big deal, no?
Okay, Onslaught is awesome. The debuff seems to work on everything, the damage itself is allright and as a bonus, you can jump over monsters to get out sticky situations quickly. Much better than Ember Hammer imo!
Edit: ...looks like some people are testing Cold Steel Mastery and it may in fact be working for more skills. And by that I mean the tooltip actually means "Requires a Melee Weapon" and not "Works on melee attacks."
Guess I have some testing to do when I get off work.
Onslaught in, Ember Hammer off their Shields, Dynamo to build Charge if you go that route, do something with all your Charge!
And by do something with your Charge, I probably mean Forcefield![]()
You're probably looking at a thread I'm posting in!
Haha, you're right. I really wish I was off work right now just so I could test this out. I'd hate to shift to a different build (again). ~270 STR, 113 DEX, ~100 Focus, 53 VIT? Meh.
Makes the passive worth 180 Focus, not factoring the Physical part of it. Which is enough to be potentially build changing. And means that losing a heavy amount of Focus doesn't really hurt the Permafrost part of the build. Hrm...decisions, decisions :/
There any sort of anti cheating mechanic for online? Curious about how legit people's items are in this game.
Is cold mastery more affected by FOC or STR? Ive been putting more points int FOC at the initial levels, but maybe I should start concentrating on STR
This is my only real issue with the game... nobody knows WTF anything does. We are literally all working together to figure stuff out and put it in a wiki. Even the basic systems of gameplay aren't explained in the game, the abilities are barely described let alone elaborated on, and there is no official resource to check. I understand not doing a print book because they'll want to tweak some things, but then why couldn't they make their own wiki? It has been done before.Edit: ...looks like some people are testing Cold Steel Mastery and it may in fact be working for more skills. And by that I mean the tooltip actually means "Requires a Melee Weapon" and not "Works on melee attacks."
This is my only real issue with the game... nobody knows WTF anything does. We are literally all working together to figure stuff out and put it in a wiki. Even the basic systems of gameplay aren't explained in the game, the abilities are barely described let alone elaborated on, and there is no official resource to check. I understand not doing a print book because they'll want to tweak some things, but then why couldn't they make their own wiki? It has been done before.
Can a person that isnt in Newgame+ yet, create a game, and have a friend in NG++ join it?
One of the major sources of confusion is dodge and block. Dodge doesn't apply to so many things that block does, and it's entirely arbitrary.
Someone on the forums was saying that dodge appears not to report every time it procs, that they definitely dodge more often than is stated.
The linear reduction can certainly get you fucked over rather easily. A simplistic yet numerous and fast crowd swarms in to stall you, then in just a moment fighting them, suddenly a mage off screen has a slow, immobilize, or draw on you, then an outer crowd of magic-throwers and the main mage all fire at once. Bam, insta-dead. It makes the dash/backflip/teleport moves absolutely essential.We need something better than armor to take care of freakin' magic damage. An "emberdodge" stat or something, seriously.
I want to know this too.Though, I'm not far enough in the game to know: Do the "reflect projectile" shields in different classes reflect magic projectiles, or just arrows and stuff?
Dodge seems to only occur with melee attacks. It might work on projectiles, but I'm confident it does not work with spells. It doesn't help that DODGED never pops up like BLOCKED does.One of the major sources of confusion is dodge and block. Dodge doesn't apply to so many things that block does, and it's entirely arbitrary.
No word. They've only said that they're working on it.Has there been any word recently on when the modding tools will be out?
Though, I'm not far enough in the game to know: Do the "reflect projectile" shields in different classes reflect magic projectiles, or just arrows and stuff?
Should I be putting points into Focus if I'm a Sword and Board engineer?
Dex is the only stat I've been completely skipping out on so far.
As for stat dumping and builds for characters, if you are using skills that rely on weapon dps and auto attacks a majority of the time *not wands/staffs* then Str is better than focus. If you like skills that have no dps modifier on them then focus is better.
Should I be putting points into Focus if I'm a Sword and Board engineer?
Dex is the only stat I've been completely skipping out on so far.
Strength increases all weapon damage including physical and elemental, but only weapon damage.
Focus increases all elemental damage, both on your weapon and on skills.
There's skills with both Weapon DPS and flat modifiers. Or WeaponDPS as Elemental Damage. Balancing Crit Damage comes into question here as well. Then there's a question of which is better overall: WeaponDPS scaling or Level Scaling? Signs are pointing to the latter so you get high DPS 2H Engineer builds, for instance, that want more Focus than STR with Seismic Slam, Dynamo Field, and Emberquake.
I think my Engineer will just do 113 DEX with 1:1 STR:Focus until I sit down and math it all out :|
I'm pretty damn sure weapon dps as elemental damage doesn't give a damn about your focus stat. Unless say you are using a wand or staff
I think the Weapon DPS as Elemental Damage applies mostly to some of the skills that say that like Flame Hammer. Some regular weapons other than wand/staff also apply Elemental damage that I'm assume is affected by Focus.
Incidentally, I actually don't think Flame Hammer deals Fire damage on hit, just the splinters and DoT. This is one of those things that needs some testing done.