TL2, definitely one of my favorite titles in 2012. Ultra-impressive work from Runic (not surprisingly)! I keep describing it as "what Diablo 3 should have been", as that pretty well summarizes my feelings on it. I know everyone keeps making the comparison (and I'm sure the Runic guys are insanely sick of people doing so), but after the ultra-letdown of D3 (IMO) I'm very glad TL2 came along to quickly take its place.
Bottom line, if you haven't played TL2 yet do yourself a favor and *at least *grab a copy of the demo (available on their website at ).
I've been playing a lot of co-op and for me that's really where it shines... very fun and super-addicting. Running through dungeons with a buddy or two is definitely an excellent co-op experience. The soundtrack from Matt Uelmen is, of course, top notch (this statement should of course be no surprise coming from a guy who has Diablo 1 & 2 soundtracks on his iPhone).

The art direction and assets live up to the same standard IMO.. That said, there are times where I'd almost prefer more detail, or "higher fidelity", perhaps. I somewhat frequently feel that the game is not as immersive as I'd like, and that's really only due to the artwork. Not a big deal though, because I actually really like the artwork anyways.
Yeah, either way, I haven't yet finished the game and I'm sure I'll be putting many more hours into it!