Yeesh. That's way too much for us, hahaLike Brian mentioned in an recent Forbes interview, if we'd want to ballpark a "smash hit", it'd be something like 200K sales at full or near-full price. Not quite what publishers aim for, is it, haha, but since it's self-distributed, you'd have to think 100K such sales already surpass the profit margin of the money we raised with the WL2 Kickstarter.
We haven't set any hard targets yet so I'm just ballparking and spitballing. It's not like we really *need* sales with the game's budget done and the next game's budget done, but there are levels at which you could call it a smash hit, and they're way lower than what you'd think of for a publisher.
Not sure if you are able to talk about such things, but is there a chance that W2 and Torment will be distributed at retail in certain countries some time after launch or does the team exclude such a possibility since boxed copies are supposed to stay exclusive to backers?
I'm asking since there are quite a few indie games being released in stores in markets with a strong PC presence (In other words: Europe/Germany) and I wonder if you would be willing to make a deal if someone approached you (and I'm pretty sure there'll be at least a certain degree of interest, considering the PC RPG market is still relatively popular).