I'm thinking of picking this up, but I read some of the negative Steam reviews :/ Are they accurate at all?
Negative in what way?
I'm thinking of picking this up, but I read some of the negative Steam reviews :/ Are they accurate at all?
Negative in what way?
Sleep off a rough bout of exploration in the middle of a murder investigation, and you might wake to find that a character youd just been chatting with has become the killers next victim. As a result, conversations feel as weighty and full of danger as fights, and it drives home a central moral: Your choices matter.
If Torment can keep up this pace of interesting challenges and fascinating stories, it might just prove itself as a successor to Planescape Torment in more than merely name.
Does it open up new dialogue choices?
I went with a Nano with Read Thoughts, and was disappointed that it didn't seem to give you additional choices related to people's thoughts. Although Steam discussion said it does, but they aren't labeled as a Read Thought check/option, so not 100% sure
Several skills that you have will open additional dialogue options, but the game bizarrely does not notify you of this.
Nice. Is that the standard edition or special?Grabbed this on PS4. Came with a map and cd soundtrack. Nice steel case at Gamestop too.
Nice. Is that the standard edition or special?
Does anyone have a track list of the soundtrack? I bought the Day One edition that came with a soundtrack CD that has 22 tracks but no track list. WIndows Media Player does not show title information. Just track 1, track 2, etc.
This just tells me you havent played Alpha Protocol, where you role play various forms of asshole. You should rectify this.
Interesting, the soundtrack that I got as a kickstarter backer has 50 tracks.
Track list (tagging just in case)
Main Title
What Does One Life Matter
Sagus Exterior - Exploration
Sagus Deep - Exploration
Sagus Crisis
The Fifth Eye Tavern
The Mere
The Sorrow
Miel Avest at Peace
The Oasis
Valley of Dead Heroes - Crisis
The Bloom
The Bloom (Reprise)
The Bloom - Deep Exploration
Innermost Heart
Sticha Lair - Stealth
Sticha Lair - Crisis
Labyrinthine Worlds
The Calm
Final Journey
Fathom Battle - Part 1
Fathom Battle - Part 2
Final Confrontation
Final Confrontation - Crisis
Post Tash Mere
Memovira - Crisis
Callistege's Theme
Tybir's Theme
Erritis's Theme
Aligern's Theme
Matkina's Theme
Rhin's Theme
Blue Tide
Gold Tide
Indigo Tide
Red Tide
Silver Tide
Bloom Sting
Labyrinth Sting
Sagus Sting
Valley of Dead Heroes
The Sorrow Appears
The Aftermath
Stichas Attack
The First Castoff
Matkina's Mere
Who is the Changing God
One puzzle that's eluded me since back in Early Access is thein the Order of Truth building. Has anyone figured it out yet?colour-sphere
I got a question about how the stats work. Is each stat just a resource (like mana) or does your capacity or current level matter? Like if you spend might does your damage with your sword go down? Or is your damage with weapons purely tied to the weapon?
If it's just a resource I can spend it willy nilly on stuff right? As long as long term attrition is not an issue?
I regret backing the game regardless of how it turns out, if only because I hate incentivizing such poorly managed, borderline fraudulent projects.
Numénéra is a borderline fraudulent project? How come?
Unless I missread, my english isn't the best.
Negative in what way?
A lot of "this isn't what was promised" and "cut content." Some balance issues too, though that's always YMMV in my book.
Personally, I don't give a shit about cut content if the final product is any good.
But with InXile... caveat emptor.
I regret backing the game regardless of how it turns out, if only because I hate incentivizing such poorly managed, borderline fraudulent projects.
Each stat's a resource. Your maximum in each stat pool affects certain derived statistics (Might -> 1 Health/point, Speed -> 5% Evasion/2 points, Intellect -> 5% Willpower/2points) but you can spend down your stat pools on effort as much as you want. The only penalty is that you have less stats to spend elsewhere until you've restored your pool.
Pools can be replenished by specific cyphers, healing consumables, or environmental interactions, or by resting -- which will advance some time-sensitive questlines. Lucking into a critical success on an effort attempt restores the stat points spent on that action.
You can mouseover any weapon to see what stat pool it's tied to, which tells you what stat you need to expend to increase your hit/damage with it in combat. If you have a 100% chance to hit your target you'll automatically apply the weapon's maximum effort bonus damage.
Yeah, basically this. My main concern is whether or not the cut content contributed to the game in a major way, and whether or not the game suffers as an RPG because of this.
I mean, I understand the point of Torment in that it's mainly trying to establish a narrative first similar to PS:T... but the game is also an RPG, no?
The narrative and the RPG are the same thing in PST and apparently in this game as well. Not sure how one comes first.
Certain stretch goals were being cut with no communication to the backers until after the community had figured it out themselves. They then offered refunds to anyone who wanted asked (afaik).
Not a great look for inXile, but someone who considers that "fraudulent" behavior, well, yeah, probably that person shouldn't be backing much of anything.
Wait, this game is on a timer? Ugh that's the worst. Is it only for a few side quests, or can you fail the game entirely by taking too long? Is it obvious which parts fail if you take too long?
My absolute least favorite design in RPGS. I thought designers realized 10 years ago that everyone fucking hates timers in RPGS. I guess not inExile.
Uh what? I've encountered one side quest that was on a timer and the "timer" was tied purely to how many times you rested, not how long you played. The quest also took all of 5 minutes to beat.
No one else is getting the dialogue lag bug? Dialogue scrolling starts to stutter until it eventually comes to a complete stand still...
So, for those who are playing it right now, is it a worthly successor of Planescape Torment?
No one else is getting the dialogue lag bug? Dialogue scrolling starts to stutter until it eventually comes to a complete stand still...
I'm very impressed with inXile's effort here. I didn't think they had this in them after Wasteland 2.
A lot of "this isn't what was promised" and "cut content." Some balance issues too, though that's always YMMV in my book.
Personally, I don't give a shit about cut content if the final product is any good.
But with InXile... caveat emptor.
I regret backing the game regardless of how it turns out, if only because I hate incentivizing such poorly managed, borderline fraudulent projects.
Wasteland 2 was pretty damn great if you ask me.
Hate the idea that resting to restore effort advances the game and potentially screws up quests. I get why someone would think that's a neat and/or clever design decision but the completionist in me loathes this kind of design.