New recommendation added to OP:

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd =
Se7enSword &
Following up on the events after the end of Trails in the sky SC, Estelle and Joshua's role as protagonists of the story ends and the spotlight now shifts to Kevin Graham, a member of the Gralsritter. The story this time delves into the lore and background of the Trails world and paves the way for future sequels.
Even now, people continue to unearth more information from this game about future sequels. Truly a timeless masterpiece.
As the name might imply, this is the 3rd game in the Trails in the Sky trilogy. Half a year after the events of Trails in the Sky SC, Father Kevin Graham takes on a routine mission on behalf of the Septian Church. He and his partner are then plunged into a realm that follows an unnaturally strict set of rules and is as intent to open old wounds as it is to keep them behind closed doors...
Now, if you've already played the first two games, you're going to buy this anyway so I doubt much more needs to be said here.
If you, however, have not played them, let me first ask:
What is wrong with you?
And secondly tell you why you should fix this mistake asap!
The Trails in the Sky series is known for its
- amazing worldbuilding
- great characters (even the random town NPCs!) and story
- Estelle Bright, one of the all-time best female JRPG protagonists
- Olivier
- Falcom soundtrack goodness
- lots of text
- length (we're talking 40-60 hours for the first game and 1.5 - 2 times that for the second game).
- NPC dialog that changes after every little main story progress, telling you about their lives, problems, relations and the world itself. Their little sidestories can even span multiple games!
- and Olivier
While these games don't throw you into an epic adventure right off the bat, their slow build- and set-up deliver huge pay-offs if you're willing to stick with it.
Combat is turn-based with slight positional elements and an intricate 'magic' system (Orbments and Quartz) that allow you to greatly customise the abilities of your party.
The games also run on a toaster and can be played entirely with mouse alone.
And did I mention Olivier already?