You know Tita/Agate is happening whatever we like it or not. I already gave up hope after the first door. Heck I already gave up hope after Elise.Even after Tita has grown up, her and Agate pairing up is an icky proposition to me. I hope either of them would have an actual love interest by the time of Cold Steel III to put my mind to rest. But then that'd make Tita potentially Rean-eligible and ew.
Chapter 7
No more chest phrase in Gehenna ?
Finished it.
Cried at the end.
Aidios almighty what a fantastic conclusion.
For the Japanese players, it was a cool final dungeon. For us? They made it into something very special.
Star door 15 -This was pretty fucked up and I can see why most of it was taken out of the PSP version of the game.
Hoping for the best but bracing myself really hard.You know Tita/Agate is happening whatever we like it or not. I already gave up hope after the first door. Heck I already gave up hope after Elise.
Hoping for the best but bracing myself really hard.
Moon Door 3 / Star Door 8
These effectively changed my impression of Lechter from "that spy pretty guy" to "Kloe's man". I'm not really hot on any potential romances - imagined or otherwise - in the series, but I'm shipping this so hard.
Also, how hype is that Star Door 8? The Olivert - Gilliath conversation had me reeling, and that finale oh gawd. I wonder how I'd feel about this if I hadn't played Cold Steel.
I'm not sure howactually achieved anything but god damn if that wasn't the most him way of doing things.flying by in an airship and shooting rose petals
Bruh declared war in the most Oliver fashion possible
Question about 3rd and Cold Steel 1:So there's some areas and dungeons in CS1 where fiends or fiend-like enemies appear like the wheels that do Speak Lies. Is the implication that they're being taken from the still-decaying phantasma or is it something else? And I guess is it answered in CS2/Crossbell in which case 'nevermind'.
I could've done without the picture; like it was horrifying enough as it was.
I'm not sure howactually achieved anything but god damn if that wasn't the most him way of doing things.flying by in an airship and shooting rose petals
Reposting on the new page. Can anyone help ?Where is the item to open Moon Door 5 ? And also for the Nightmare Arena ?
Lucky you, how much would I like to jump back in the serie fresh. You're in for a quite a wild ride.Thread inspired me to finally dig into that copy of TitS FC that's been sitting in my GOG library for a good year or two. Did I make a mistake choosing hard difficulty? Because damn, enemies are hitting like a truck.
Reposting on the new page. Can anyone help ?
Reposting on the new page. Can anyone help ?
Nightmare arena istowards the end of the 7th plane dungeon
I honestly don't remember where I found the item for moon door 5 honestly- I just had it by the time I made it there, so sorry I can't help there.
Moon Door 5 item is the Fortune quartz. You just need to equip it.
Which characters should I bring throughout Stage 6 to get optimal dialogue results? So far through I've got:
Part 1:Part 2:--Agate--Part 3: ?--Zin--
This is of course in addition to the characters you are required to bring.
Well now the big dilemna is which Zemurian weapon I should craft. Any suggestions ? I have two ore right now.
Thread inspired me to finally dig into that copy of TitS FC that's been sitting in my GOG library for a good year or two. Did I make a mistake choosing hard difficulty? Because damn, enemies are hitting like a truck.
finished this
just out of curiosity what are the secret achievements for? there's 5 I didn't get(please erase my memories,fierce fighter,flighty fighter,farewell,my nightmares,the dadliest)
Do Anton and Ricky appear in Zero & Ao too?
He pointed the gun right at him, and kept it pointed at him after he shot it.
Basically a huge "Don't fuck with me." in the most him way possible.
So, I just arrived at the finale.
I'm missing Star Doors 11, 13 and 15
And also Sun Doors 3 and 5
Anyone knows where they are?
I'm pretty certain they are in every game
Anton will have a breakdown at one point and it will be:Anton and Ricky's Great Adventure
Sun Door 4 is awesome yo
These characters look a lot different than I imagined tho
Too bad i don't know how to poker
I don't think i quite get what I'm supposed to do in theMonochrome Schoolhouse
You kill the Dark enemies while keeping the colored ones alive. You restore the color in all the area to advance.
Chapter 7 dungeon:
No encounter in area 4 ? I reached the end with the door and past it there's a big empty room, weird way to finish a dungeon. I thought I'd have gotten one last Zemurian Ore.
I think you have to defeat all the preceding Abyss beasts without ever returning to the Hermit's Garden.
Damn, I was going back to the base to swap party members to catch everyone up. Ok I'll clear all the bosses with my main group
Do you know where is Sun door 5 too ? Only door I have missing.
Is it me or the boss's chapter 5 is super hard?![]()
Was pretty easy for me once I had everyone with petrify resiting equipment​Is it me or the boss's chapter 5 is super hard?![]()