gotee12 said:How did that little photo come into your possession? If I may ask...
(and if I may not ask, apologies)
No worries. I lifted it from PA
Their Transformers thread is every bit as rabid as this one
gotee12 said:How did that little photo come into your possession? If I may ask...
(and if I may not ask, apologies)
Dude Abides said:The patch seems to have made the connection stability issues worse, not better (360 version).
X-Frame said:Who's signing on at 9 PM EST for Double XP weekend?
I'm always careful when asking questions of someone I don't know. You just never know if it's a dev behind the keyboard on a GAF thread... :lolBamelin said:No worries. I lifted it from PA
X-Frame said:Who's signing on at 9 PM EST for Double XP weekend?
dreamer3kx said:Anybody start the Autobots campaign before deceps?
Ah, I meant shields as in overshields not being useful until the titan wave, which turned out to be the case.Sill4 said:I know I'm super late, but my friends and I found the best use for shields is to throw one up right next to the chaingun toting Titan, then procede to melee the shit out of him. If you have Optimus buff you, you can take these guys out super fast. It's way more effective and much quicker than shooting them. Especially on the wave where about 4-5 come at you!
Teknoman said:Got a really laggy host in 360 MP and near the end, the game froze.
The MP modes are really fun, but if you get stuck with a bad host...horrible time for all. Sometimes its just best to host the game yourself.
I honestly wish they'd do that now. Getting a good, stable game shouldn't be a 120$ investment.X-Frame said:Anyone else think High Moon Studios guaranteed themselves a sequel?
And hopefully next time they'll go further with the game such as more players, customization, variety, and better performance and stability for the servers and matchmaking, host migration, etc.
If the game gets a mod community then those extra characters will probably be added in for free.BudokaiMR2 said:I really wish I could get some of the extra characters on PC. DLC codes are becoming the bane of my existence![]()
gotee12 said:Anyone else on the PS3 having a TON of trouble successfully starting a multiplayer game today?
Lyphen said:I honestly wish they'd do that now. Getting a good, stable game shouldn't be a 120$ investment.
BattleMonkey said:Are the dlc characters now available in the regular MP modes because I've seen some pop in some games like a dude playing Shockwave and such in Conquest. Thought this stuff was locked to Escalation.
Also seem to be lot of folks boosting on this double weekend. Got into two conquest games where an entire team was up against one opponent on the other team and everyone just let the player take objectives and then the whole team just rushed to the objective to score back and this would go on with no combat till game end.
TheFreshPrince said:Does anyone have any tips for multiplayer? I can never seem to get a good spread and always end up just barely positive. It seems like opponents are killing me when we are both firing for the same amount of time. Are later unlocks just that much stronger? Also do you need to be constantly moving to be successful?
X-Frame said:The DLC characters have always been available in MP .. at least their models. I have Shockwave as a chassis option for my Scientist.
And that's sad yet expected - pathetic boosters will always exist, especially in Double XP times. I'd love to fire an Omega Missile into them.![]()
Monkeylord said:Beat the campaign('s) today,a nd have actually been playing online this evening (something that I never do with randoms, so kudos high Moon).
My only gripe... I have lost count of the amount of times I've accidentally transformed.
My average match goes like this:
Run towards the usernames
Oh noes, Why am I TRANSFOOOORM!?!!
I are smashed in pieces :'(
Run towa....
You get the idea.
Teknoman said:Options menu -> Scheme 2 -> Win.
Foxix said:Weird, I know for a fact I wasn't able to use Jazz pre-update.
Monkeylord said:I fucken luff you, man!
Monkeylord said:Beat the campaign('s) today,a nd have actually been playing online this evening (something that I never do with randoms, so kudos high Moon).
My only gripe... I have lost count of the amount of times I've accidentally transformed.
My average match goes like this:
Run towards the usernames
Oh noes, Why am I TRANSFOOOORM!?!!
I are smashed in pieces :'(
Run towa....
You get the idea.