Riou said:So where is it 39.99 in Canada? I'm looking at and website and i see 64.99 for the ps3 and 360 versions.
Wal-Mart and Futureshop. I recall the last game they did this with being sold out by lunch. So get there early.Lothars said:Walmart is the main one that has it for 39.99
Reluctant-Hero said:Yup, I'm stoked for this too! But I'm only renting a copy from Gamefly as of right now. But getting "Jazz" fas a DLC character is tempting...
Does anyone know how Best Buy is working this? Is it like their past reservation system where one can go in, slap down 5 bucks, and walk out with a game case & DLC code/card?
Ten to 15 years from now? Judging by the way Hollywood is going, a reboot is probably already in pre-production. Release date with Michael Cera as Sam Witwicky will probably be 2013.Falagard said:I'm really stoked for this game. I'm 33, so I was playing with the original Transformers back when they first came out and have been waiting for a good Transformers game ever since.
The movies were a disappointment. I can't wait until 10 or 15 years from now when they do a reboot of the franchise :-D
Falagard said:I'm really stoked for this game. I'm 33, so I was playing with the original Transformers back when they first came out and have been waiting for a good Transformers game ever since.
The movies were a disappointment. I can't wait until 10 or 15 years from now when they do a reboot of the franchise :-D
i believe they can also be used as skins in multiplayerFoxix said:Only in escalation mode.
the topic of your spoiler is a mother fucker on hard modeFoxix said:The first run best buy gets just has the code inside the case. Not sure about GS though. I'm currently prodding a friend that works there for more info :lol
As for reviews... This is basically it so far
And to wag: sorta spoiler?I watched some of the streams and yeah he still uses cassettes, rumble and a few other even make an appearance along with the line "First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside" However the voice actor had clearly never seen the movie.
I can't find those anywhere, where did you find them?Whimsical Phil said:I can't wait. It's very irritating knowing that I have class tomorrow night that will eat into my game time. Looks like I'm gonna have to get up early to get some playing in before class.
My Prime and Bumblebee figures are all ready to go .
Amazon.Classic_Gs said:I can't find those anywhere, where did you find them?
Same...exact...position.lastplayed said:The multiplayer demo hasn't totally sold me yet, but there's so few reviews or campaign gameplay videos. I don't know what to do!
One word: embargo.Mayyhem said:Same...exact...position.
Where are the reviews!? (They don't matter much but I haven't heard much about the game other than this MP demo)
Figured, sucks that it'll probably be tomorrow though, considering it's going to be 39.99 in Canada tomorrow and It will sell fast. I'm just curious about what a few review sites will think of it.Foxix said:One word: embargo.
Sweet deal. I'll be playing the campaign as soon as I get off work tomorrow, looking forward to co-op with fellow TF GAFers.Foxix said:SHAZAAM! Get the hook up to Cybertron with the gaf MetaTag! Just add Teletraan GAF and get the download.
It's like your own personal NeoGaf spacebridge!
Isn't the download code for Shockwave actually included in the case? I can't imagine that GameStop would give you a full refund after you've opened the game and removed the code.Barrow Roll said:Also, is anyone else with a pre-order from Gamestop/EB planning to get the Shockwave code, return the game for a full refund and buy the game from Best Buy for Jazz? That's my plan for tomorrow.
Toys R Us said:Receive a FREE unlockable character, AUTOBOT SILVERBOLT, when you buy Transformers: War for Cybertron Autobots or Transformers: War for Cybertron Decepticons for the Nintendo DS.
SILVERBOLT is a grim and brave warrior, who often worries more about his teammates then himself. He is courageous, can fly at break-neck speeds and truly believes in the AUTOBOT cause. He would die in defense of his friends if ever given the opportunity.
Note: AUTOBOT SILVERBOLT TM is playable in all modes on Transformers: War for Cybertron Autobots. In Transformers: War for Cybertron Decepticons, AUTOBOT SILVERBOLT TM is only playable in the Bonus, Arena, and Multiplayer modes.
KernelPanic said:Beast Wars ? bleh ... G1 all the way.
I guess they kinda messed with the story a bit having Aerialbots and Jetfire before the Autobots arrive on Earth.
Whimsical Phil said:The credits for the PS3/Xbox version have also been uploaded to YouTube. In addition to some slick visuals, the credits also feature a new-ish song from Stan "The Touch" Bush.
Well I had guessed that the code would be on a separate hand-out like most Gamestop preorder bonuses but if it's inside the case then scratch my plan. I wanted Shockwave more than Jazz anyways.Whimsical Phil said:Isn't the download code for Shockwave actually included in the case? I can't imagine that GameStop would give you a full refund after you've opened the game and removed the code.
Confidence in PC port rising...CryptiK said:woooo PC version on STEAM!
Hooray! I'm contributing!Sadist said:Thanks Whimsical Phil, I added the Toys 'R Us pre=order option to the OP.
By the way, awesome figurines from War for Cybertron. Reminds me of several months ago, when I got the Transformers Universe classic figurines of Ironhide and Sideswipe for 8 a piece![]()
Damn, the PC version of WFC is 29,99 right from the start here in Holland.
Also about the show: G1 might the best, but Beast Wars comes in close. Best story in the Transformers franchise ever. Plus, I really like David Kaye as Megatron. Yeeeessss. Animated is the third best TF series btw.
Whimsical Phil said:The credits for the PS3/Xbox version have also been uploaded to YouTube. In addition to some slick visuals, the credits also feature a new-ish song from Stan "The Touch" Bush.
IMO, the biggest concern of a Transformers series is "Do the designs lead to awesome robot toys?"MattKeil said:As someone who grew up with G1...nope. Beast Wars is the best thing ever to happen to the Transformers brand. By far the best written Transformers TV work of all time, and highly unlikely to ever be topped.