Shocking that GAF would rush to defend the 95 minute MGS Ground Zeroes while criticizing a game at 2/3 its price and 3-4x its length, with everything in the "sand box game" getting done.
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Shocking that GAF would rush to defend the 95 minute MGS Ground Zeroes while criticizing a game at 2/3 its price and 3-4x its length, with everything in the "sand box game" getting done.
Shocking that GAF would rush to defend the 95 minute MGS Ground Zeroes while criticizing a game at 2/3 its price and 3-4x its length, with everything in the "sand box game" getting done.
And how does it being an indie DQ it from being able to charge $20? The production values are ridiculously high vs. most indie games, and the $/hr is much lower than most any modern AAA game. Unless you play JRPGs exclusively or don't like the game ( tastes/preferences are individual and subject to different opinions), I really don't see how this is a legitimate issue.
Shocking that GAF would rush to defend the 95 minute MGS Ground Zeroes while criticizing a game at 2/3 its price and 3-4x its length, with everything in the "sand box game" getting done.
And how does it being an indie DQ it from being able to charge $20? The production values are ridiculously high vs. most indie games, and the $/hr is much lower than most any modern AAA game. Unless you play JRPGs exclusively or don't like the game ( tastes/preferences are individual and subject to different opinions), I really don't see how this is a legitimate issue.
It's a legitimate issue because I am the customer. It may not be an issue for you and that's fine, but that doesn't give you the right to tell others that their concerns over the cost or length of a game isn't legitimate.
Who are you talking to?
Loving this game, personally. Art is gorgeous, music is great and that combat system. Combining skills is going to be so awesome. One thing I would like would be some sort of horde-type mode. After a certain number of waves, one of the things that lets you switch out your skills could pop up to let you switch strategies.
But yeah, game is tops blooby.
Just finished it.....and WOW that build up and ending was just fantastic. Perfect execution. Can't fault it. I'm curious though, are there multiple endings or is Red killing herself to be with him the only one? It seemed to hang a while with the Transistor hovering so I wasn't sure if there was a way to not do that.
As someone who has long wanted to make a short, highly replayable RPG, hearing all these complaints over Transistor's length is very discouraging.
Just finished it.....and wow that build up and ending was just fantastic. Brilliant execution. Can't fault it. I'm curious though, is there multiple endings or Red killing herself to be with him the only one? It seemed to hang a while with the Transistor hovering so I wasn't sure if there was a way to not do that.
Guys how long to beat?
I'd really like to play this game but I don't have much time for gaming lately![]()
As someone who has long wanted to make a short, highly replayable RPG, hearing all these complaints over Transistor's length is very discouraging.
It's a legitimate issue because I am the customer. It may not be an issue for you and that's fine, but that doesn't give you the right to tell others that their concerns over the cost or length of a game isn't legitimate.
As someone who has long wanted to make a short, highly replayable RPG, hearing all these complaints over Transistor's length is very discouraging.
One of the trial rooms is exactly this. It maxes out at 7(I think?) trials (with multiple stages per trial)
The people that complain about these things generally aren't indie consumers anyways.
They want a bloated, oversimplified, AAA game with a massive marketing push.
Guys how long to beat?
I'd really like to play this game but I don't have much time for gaming lately![]()
What planet are you on? GAF freaked the fuck out at Ground Zeroes' length.Shocking that GAF would rush to defend the 95 minute MGS Ground Zeroes while criticizing a game at 2/3 its price and 3-4x its length, with everything in the "sand box game" getting done.
And how does it being an indie DQ it from being able to charge $20? The production values are ridiculously high vs. most indie games, and the $/hr is much lower than most any modern AAA game. Unless you play JRPGs exclusively or don't like the game ( tastes/preferences are individual and subject to different opinions), I really don't see how this is a legitimate issue.
Bro, you see dat new COD trailer bro? How sweet is dat!!
I totally agree with you
Who are you talking to?
An issue with length is fine, but saying that the game should be cheaper just because it's an indie title is problematic for me. Why are indie titles inherently worth less?
One valid criticism the reviewers put on the game is Supergiant didn't pace the experience well enough.
Once you get over the initial learning curve, they start dumping abilities on you. The consequence of this is you feel like you are just warming up literally at the end of the game. I will be pushing into NG+, but in a perfect world they would have spread these out more evenly so the combat pulls you in earlier.
For the record, I felt the same way about the combat at the two hour mark, it only goes up from there.
Saying that Indie games should be a certain price (£12 or so as you suggested) is ludicrous. You can't make a blanket statement like that.
Indie games should be priced based on what they offer, not because they were made outside of a traditional studio. Also, I've played plenty of AAA games that set me back full price for barely 5 hours of playtime. Generalisations like that make no sense.
I'm happy to pay £15/20 for a quality experience that's well paced and isn't unnecessarily padded out. I'll likely have a better time with it than a major blockbuster that costs double and doesn't take twice the time to beat.
Equating time played to value just doesn't work. Some of my favourite games from last gen were the same length as this (if not shorter - i.e. Portal/Journey).
I absolutely can make a blanket statement like that. I am the customer. I'll pay what I think a product is worth to me.
Loving everything about it so far . I know why people complained it to be short , because its that good that no one wanted it to end so fast .
Ok, I went back and played for another 15 minutes and find it extremely annoying and boring. From what I've read so far from other users, it appears as if the only draw for this game is adding abilities and that's just not good enough for me. This is how it makes me feel: go from box (a) fight, go to box (b) fight, go to box (c) fight and so forth. Prettying the boxes up doesn't change them. I really can't stand this repetition any more.
Ok, I went back and played for another 15 minutes and find it extremely annoying and boring. From what I've read so far from other users, it appears as if the only draw for this game is adding abilities and that's just not good enough for me. This is how it makes me feel: go from box (a) fight, go to box (b) fight, go to box (c) fight and so forth. Prettying the boxes up doesn't change them. I really can't stand this repetition any more.
Yes, I'm pissed.
Losing an ability every time your life bar depletes is annoying as hell. I'd rather just be dropped back at a save spot.
Ok, I went back and played for another 15 minutes and find it extremely annoying and boring. From what I've read so far from other users, it appears as if the only draw for this game is adding abilities and that's just not good enough for me. This is how it makes me feel: go from box (a) fight, go to box (b) fight, go to box (c) fight and so forth. Prettying the boxes up doesn't change them. I really can't stand this repetition any more.
Yes, but in a forum such as GAF you are generally expected to back up your opinions logically.
Throw away opinions are generally useless and don't contribute anything to the thread or discussion at hand.
Saying, 'I'm the consumer so whatever I say goes,' truly doesn't mean anything without reason and logic to give us context.
You may have said something earlier that I could have easily missed, but your last two posts follow the same format.
There's a retry option, no? Don't know what it does or how far back it sets you, so dunno.
Personally love being punished for fucking up. Incentive to get better and plan out battles.
I absolutely can make a blanket statement like that. I am the customer. I'll pay what I think a product is worth to me.
It's absolutely not a "Throw away" opinion. I am the consumer. If a product is on sale and I don't like the price, then I won't buy it. That doesn't mean that others shouldn't buy it, or the sellers shouldn't charge whatever they like. It simply means that a product only has the value that I give to it.
It's absolutely not a "Throw away" opinion. I am the consumer. If a product is on sale and I don't like the price, then I won't buy it. That doesn't mean that others shouldn't buy it, or the sellers shouldn't charge whatever they like. It simply means that a product only has the value that I give to it.
I like the game so far personally (like the combat, skills, art, music, etc) but this is very true so far for me (about an hour in). There doesn't seem to be much exploration. The level design is pretty much move forward and fight next set of enemies.
Ok, I went back and played for another 15 minutes and find it extremely annoying and boring. From what I've read so far from other users, it appears as if the only draw for this game is adding abilities and that's just not good enough for me. This is how it makes me feel: go from box (a) fight, go to box (b) fight, go to box (c) fight and so forth. Prettying the boxes up doesn't change them. I really can't stand this repetition any more.
I'm such an asshole, I should've purchased and remote-downloaded this to my PS4 while I was at work. Now I'm home from work and PSN is slow as shit indicating a 3-hour download.
Download today, play tomorrow I guess. Still not used to the whole remote-download thing.
Well aren't you describing most action games if you grind them down to their basic levels. You go from point A to B, fight, get some story, go to point C, fight then on to D.
It's how all that intertwines with the story and how it's told that makes me want to play on. Transistor succeeds in that regard, as did Bastion.
I'm such an asshole, I should've purchased and remote-downloaded this to my PS4 while I was at work. Now I'm home from work and PSN is slow as shit indicating a 3-hour download.
Download today, play tomorrow I guess. Still not used to the whole remote-download thing.
I do feel like there's very little variety in encounters so far (~4 hours in). Pretty much every fight is in a box with a white pillars for cover and some enemies scattered around.Well aren't you describing most action games if you grind them down to their basic levels. You go from point A to B, fight, get some story, go to point C, fight then on to D.
It's how all that intertwines with the story and how it's told that makes me want to play on. Transistor succeeds in that regard, as did Bastion.