The acting in general in this game is pretty good, but wow (late-game)is something else.Royce
The acting in general in this game is pretty good, but wow (late-game)is something else.Royce
I think I'm just not good at the game, but I can't seem to find any use for Switch() - I have it permanently disabled because accidentally making enemies invincible outweighed the benefit of having them shoot at other enemies for a few seconds. I probably just suck or something though.
I think I'm just not good at the game, but I can't seem to find any use for Switch() - I have it permanently disabled because accidentally making enemies invincible outweighed the benefit of having them shoot at other enemies for a few seconds. I probably just suck or something though.
Grimløck;113084665 said:just got the plat. finished at level 28, i believe.
You should probably put that image in spoiler tags, I think. Congratulations on the Plat though.Grimløck;113084665 said:just got the plat. finished at level 28, i believe.
Same here. Played a couple hours of Bastion & while I didn't hate it, I thought it was nothing special and didn't bother to return to it. But I enjoyed Transistor enough to finish it in two sittings.
Here ya go:
Jaunt (lowers turn time recovery)
Void (increases all damage to all functions)
Crash (reduces physical damage)
Get (sucks in cells)
Tap()+Ping()+Void() (Tactical view)
Spark()+Spark()+Jaunt() (Spam while you are waiting for turn recovery)
Mask() (If you are in trouble waiting for a turn, or if you want to increase damage of tap in tactical view)
I've done very very well with this, even with all limiters on.
The bolded is incredible. Like, holy shit, for real. And Spark is perfect for picking up cells during recovery. Props dude, I blazed through the 2 other encounters I needed for the achievement! <3
Individual people within the game are refered to as users. So some sort of higher functioning society of real people living inside the computer may be implied. I think people are being force logged out, while Transistor is the only person who's actually "died" and by died and mean, consciousness permanently implanted into the transistor. Everyone you see along the way who are corrupted seem to have been put in a state of corruption, so the process seems to be destroying consciousnesses within the system. Which makes the idea of the Camerata more reasonable. People don't want this structure, this society, this way of life to change at the whim of a few people that the populous find interesting, so you take the source code, the code that makes up everything and use it to wipe everything you don't like away, then use the key to shaping said code to rebuild it in the way you see fit. Which is why the ending happens the way it does. Red's guy isn't getting out, he's part of the source now. Whether she remakes this digital world the way she sees fit or logs out into the physical world, she's still lost him. So she goes where he is. Into the transistor
I don't get how people are getting numbers that high. Everything explodes upon 1800, then I have to wait for more drones to come in.
A bug? Limiter is still blowing up my shit when I unequip even though I turned it off. Still happening after a fight or so.
For people going after the Steam achievements, has anyone gotten Memory()? It's for unlocking 32 memory.
Oh wow the last performance test is hard. 16 steps. I'll try again after a night sleep I guess.
Just keep leveling up.
Yeah, I got it once I hit 20. What confused was that I read how people were getting it at level 17, apparently. I went to some PlayStation trophy website and that's where people were saying they got it so I thought maybe it was bugged on my end or something.
Played about three hours.
I love the style, I love the sword voice, I love the functions system and the soundtrack is a pure blast, but I don't know, something is not clicking me.
The acting in general in this game is pretty good, but wow (late-game)is something else.Royce
So what's everyone's record in practice mode?
Just hit 23,231. /humblebrag
No, all the art work is 1080p. I think you can brute force 1440p in an ini I saw some one say but even that won't look ideal.Does anyone know if this has 1440p support on PC? Or is 1080p the highest?
Does anyone know if this has 1440p support on PC? Or is 1080p the highest?
Jesus Christ this game is so good and I've only been playing for an hour!
It's sadly one of those games where as a spectator, the combat looks sort of average, but when you get your hands on it, the mechanics are just sublime.
Absolutely fallen in love with it already. The art, animations & music are wonderful as well of course, but I'm so glad the combat feels as great as it does.
The combat system has a crazy amount of depth.
My first play through, I spent the entire game in planning mode, now I spend the majority in real time.