The shape of the PS4 triggers are nothing like the PS3 ones. At all.
But I can respect your opinion if u like the xbone's triggers better, I'm just saying not everyone has the same problem with the shape of the PS4 triggers.
And I definitely don't think they're horrible for this game. That's my opinion of course. Coming from a PS3 / PS4 gamer.
Two bonus items free for PS+.
Arrived a little earlier and while I'm enjoying it, I kinda regret buying it on PS4 due to the trigger shape. I'll try to soldier through, but the DS4 triggers really aren't up to the task, which is rather unfortunate.
Ah well.I can always double dip and get it on X1 if it continues to be a problem...which I can't help but feel it will continue to be.
In regards to triggers, I played Trials HD and Trials Evo on 360, and have this on PS4, triggers are a non-issue.
If they were the same awful triggers as the DS3, I could see it being an issue. But DS4 triggers feel great with this game.
EU only?
That's why I take EVERYTHING into account when choosing my version. On paper, PS4 version looks superior due to the higher fram rate, but I knew I would be more comfortable with the X1 controller, especially the triggers, and also had a hunch they would implement the rumble a bit. That mixed with a (for the most part) great oinline infrastructure just made me go X1 version. Downloaded my review copy yesterday morning and have been loving it so far. Unfortunately I'm embargo'ed until a bit later, but I'd love to share my impressions then.
I will be happy to give a comparison, unfortunately it will not be quick. Since I purchased the PS4 version and rented the One version from GameFly, I still do not have the One version. I got the email on Monday that it shipped so depending on which shipping center it came from, I should have it either today or tomorrow, definitely by Friday.I've got the PS4 version sitting here unopened, but I've been watching streams of both versions tonight, and I swear I'm seeing less textures pop in on the XB1 version. It's quite an eye sore on the PS4, so I'm curious to know definitively if it's better on the XB1. Also, I'm not seeing server/leaderboard issues on the XB1 side.
Can you give a quick comparison with the XB1 version?
Not sure if you are perhaps alluding to the fact it could somehow be on my end, but I can assure you that is not the case. My home network is a well oiled machine. With that said, I also did my due diligence to see if perhaps the issue could be on my end, and several tests revealed that was not the case.I've played for about a week and as more and more people have gotten game yesterday and today, I've had zero problems with the leadearboards on the PS4. I have not had a problem of getting my score onto the leaderboard.
Is there a tricklist available someplace? I can't get past the FMX tutorial -_-
It shows you what tricks you need to do in the background on the big screens?
It does, but for some reason my finesse on the right stick is not so good. Can't seem to get what I think is the trick (upside down superman?) to register.
Really frustrating as I just want to go back and unlock all the levels so my girl & I can race each other.
EU only?
Damn PSN webstore keeps crashing my iPad browser.. Anyone got a direct link to the uk product page?
Damn PSN webstore keeps crashing my iPad browser.. Anyone got a direct link to the uk product page?
Polygon reviews mentions framerate issues and screen tearing on xbox one version?
Anyone experience this?
Polygon reviews mentions framerate issues and screen tearing on xbox one version?
Anyone experience this?
Not really feeling the FMX stuff. Pulling off specific tricks seems weird because of the exact posture of the rider needed before doing it.
I'm gonna take a wild guess on my luck and say that this game can't be started before the download is complete?
Which one is that?Correct.
The Hard Skill Game is doing my nut in.
Which one is that?
So where are the reviews?! I wanna get Trials when I'm done with school but there are no reviews out!
.Edge review is up. 8
edit: also Eurogamer, 8 as well.
So where are the reviews?! I wanna get Trials when I'm done with school but there are no reviews out!
So where are the reviews?! I wanna get Trials when I'm done with school but there are no reviews out!
gamespot -
polygon -
joystiq -
oxm -
eurogamer -
So where are the reviews?! I wanna get Trials when I'm done with school but there are no reviews out!
In regards to triggers, I played Trials HD and Trials Evo on 360, and have this on PS4, triggers are a non-issue.
If they were the same awful triggers as the DS3, I could see it being an issue. But DS4 triggers feel great with this game.