DEVELOPER | Haemimont Games
PUBLISHER | Kalypso Media
PLATFORMS | PC [360, OSX, PS4 in future]
RELEASE | May 23 [Global] / May 27 [US Retail] / “Summer” [360, OSX] / “Autumn” [PS4]
AVAILABLE | Steam / GMG (use voucher FUSWJT-B1DU64-JBV8UY ) / Amazon / Nuuvem / Direct from Kalypso / In Stores
RRP | US$40

Welcome, El Presidente, back to your beautiful palace on the wonderful, glorious island nation of Tropico! I, Penultimo, your most excellent second-in-command and most loyal follower, am extremely happy to see you return and am most definitely not at all planning to overthrow you at any moment. I’m so happy to see you back that I’ve prepared this piece of simulation software to reacquaint you with the running of our little tropical home. Well, that is to say, I had some devoted underlings create it. Please enjoy it!
Once again, you will rule over Tropico with an iron fist, making our beautiful island the envy of all other nations while crushing any dissidents foolish enough to oppose you. But not only that: you’ll also have to juggle the demands of the era, from Colonialism to Cold War Fever all the way to Modern Times. And – even more frightening than global politics – lies yet another challenge: your own family, who will most certainly be clamouring for positions of influence and prestige. Sycophants, the lot of them!
Not only that, but we’ve finally developed technology sufficient to enable multiple El Presidentes to inhabit the same island! Yes, that’s right, for the first time ever up to four players can rise to power and found and run their own cities on the same map, co-operating or competing as they so choose!
Tropican engineers have also managed to add in a host of new and improved changes that we think will result in a simulation that is no mere iteration of the past, but instead, something greater: an entirely new revolution in Tropican Simulation. Yes, I can confidently say that with El Presidente at the helm – perhaps even more than one of him (or her!) – our great nation of Tropico is set for great things. Great things indeed. Viva El Presidente!

TIME MARCHES ON: Curry favour with the motherland while fermenting revolution during Colonial Times, shield your nation during the two World Wars, rule a tinpot dictatorship as the US and USSR collide and milk the hell out of wealthy gringo tourists during Modern Times – and beyond! Face the challenges and opportunities of each era, and emerge victorious!
FAMILY MATTERS: El Presidente may be eternal, but individuals come and go. Thankfully, family members can step up to the pitch – so long as they’re provided for while waiting in the wings, of course. Skill up your personal dynasty and appoint them as ambassadors, generals, and more! Fund it all through embezzled cash - what’s good for El Presidente and his family is good for Tropico!
TRADER JOSÉ: With time comes trade, and periods of selling high and buying low that will fluctuate alongside the political situation and your relationships with foreign powers. Control Tropican trade fleets, micromanage deals and ensure your island nation rides the international markets for as long as possible.
R(ESEARCH) AND R(ENOVATION): Bring old buildings into the modern age while utilising the mysterious secrets of science for Tropican gain! To be honest, I, Penultimo, am not entirely sure what this actually means, but the scientists are telling me it’s good news.
FIGHTING FOG: Our cartographers have unaccountably lost the ability to accurately map the island without the eyes of El Presidente personally seeing the landscape for himself. How strange… anything from lost ruins to killer animals to savage native tribes might be hidden in the mists! On the flip side, communication technology means we finally have rudimentary control of our armed forces. Glory to Tropico!
IT’S ART, NOT PROPAGANDA: Teams of Tropican Artists have been hard at work making visual things for all kinds of buildings and knickknacks and that kind of thing. I’m not an art man, myself, you understand, but it sure does look pretty!
THERE CAN BE MORE THAN ONE: What’s better than one El Presidente? FOUR EL PRESIDENTES! We don’t know how it’s going to pan out, but it should be pretty entertaining!

Apologies for the low-quality/beta/alpha screenshots, the Tropican Ministry of Harmony is working overtime to prevent actual preview information from really spilling forth.
Teaser Trailer | Announcement Trailer | Eras Trailer | Multiplayer Trailer | Developer Walkthrough Trailer

8/10 - Gamespot
8/10 - CraveOnline
4/5 - Saving Content
78/100 - PC Gamer