I have all the Tropico OSTs in rotation. Don't think this one will make the cut.
Yeah the audio is the one thing that is really getting to me in this. The voice actors are all different, and Penultimo doesn't have that charmy smarm, now he just seems like a sarcastic jerk :\ Jokes aren't as good either. The music is a big letdown too.
I'm digging the game, I appreciate some of the things they do to make it a bit more challenging, but sometimes its because they handicapped a lot of the stuff. Like the hardest thing now for me seems to be elections. While they were a no brainer in Tropico 4, in 5 it seems like your approval rating is great until an election rolls around and then all of a sudden people aren't happy. I wondered if it had to do with my competition, but nothing I did to them seemed to affect my approval rating. I had to resort to either jacking the budgets up on buildings (for housing and jobs) and a few times i had to resort to fudging the numbers a bit and cheat. Puts a bad taste in my mouth.
The military stuff I could do without, its never how I played tropico before, having to build guard towers and keeping a decent military is annoying, those are sla- er workers that could be doing more productive things. I'm finding in the earlier eras is pointless to go liberal too, I had to replay a few world war missions to figure out that nobody gives a shit about freedom and an iron fist is easier to work with.
Which then bites you in the ass in the cold war era, now you have environmentalists coming out of the woodwork.
This isn't really griping, its what I wanted

Trop4 especially with modern times and a few of the DLC's became easy to really rake in cash and just buy your way out of things. The one thing I REALLY notice is with docks, starting in the cold war era I'd have my docks stuffed with 100k stuff in exports but it seems the ships can only export so many things, like only 30k worth of stuff or so, which made me have to build more docks. Its a trade off because it then became harder for me to plan out what my economy would look like every six months or so when the freighter would come in, now I had 3 docks and my exports were all split. I'm guessing this is because by the later eras you should be sending more high priced processed goods rather than raw materials, but even in the cold war I was glutted with a bunch of raw goods that couldn't be processed until the next era. Not only that the new factories I could build were harder to get off the ground because
I'm really bummed on Avatar customization, there seems to be so few options compared to 4. Though I guess it doesn't matter because you don't really actively control your avatar(s) in 5. Aside from assigning them to missions or manager roles, they don't do much accept provide a global bonus.
Speaking of the Avatars, its a shame they had to just get rid of negative traits. I guess nobody used them much because the trade offs were so bad, But I like the idea of them. Maybe if they had a system where you'd have "slots" for "Good Traits" at a certain count and then could open up more "Good Trait" slots by taking on some "Bad Traits" system would have been nice.
So yeah its the same but its different enough to keep me engaged, so its what I wanted from a Tropico. A few things so far though if I could make improvements:
- Fix the Almanac. Its harder for me to gauge what the hell is going on with my country compared to Tropico 4. I have to go through too many mouseclicks to figure out what the factions are up to and what is making them happy or angry.
- Allow us to set your different exports to specific docks. The way it works now is that the teamsters just throw exports to whatever dock and it would be better to be able to set each dock you make for a specific export so you can plan on what goods sustain your economy and the other ones you'll be using for expansion.
- Bring back the vocal music. The instrumentals all seem to bleed into each other and it doesn't really pump me like 3 and 4 did.
- Exploration seems kind of pointless, you really don't need to use it for expansion because by the time you need to expand you've probably already researched Drydocks. Either give it a reason to exist or just do away with the Fog of War, it really just seems tacked on.
- Let us filter the Trade Routes. It would be a LOT easier to be able to filter what people want to buy from you by what you actually have available. Its nice to see what people want, but its pointless if you don't produce it. They should also separate the import and the export portion. Its distracting when I'm trying to see on the fly what it is somebody wants. I rarely import right now, I'm sure I'll be doing it a lot in the modern era when my own resources have dried up.
- Resource layout. I miss the opaque layout rather than the grid. The grid while makes your city easier to see doesn't make it as quickly apparent what your problem areas are in terms of crime or pollution or where the best resources are. Also I wish they would let you highlight where your mines and what type of resources they have.
Some really good things I like:
- Churches and Clinics: By showing how many total people are serviced really helps a lot in this game. In 4 it was a guessing game, you could build like 10 churches and your citizens still bitched about religion quality. Now I can see what peoples needs are and if I need to build more churches and clinics and groceries.
- Research: I dunno I just like unlocking things haha.
- Much more bonuses and "combos" Although they seem like a no brainer but I like how each building has their own bonus usually. Like with residences. Country homes provide food with their gardens, apartments have a better quality when built near a road.
- Input vs Output. I like being able to see what raw material an industry building wants, especially with canneries so I can see if I can hold off on just more ranches or plantations because they've got "enough".
- General productivity: Teamsters actually seem to do their job more reliably, and building more than one construction yard actually seems to do something this time.
Anyway I'm enjoying it, I'm currently in the cold war era of the campaign and I'm sure it'll be more fun. I wish there was more building variety but that's what expansion packs are going to be fore.
Oh and one last thing: I got the "Steam Special Edition" I paid a few extra bucks for, but I don't know where this Isla de Vapor is. Also the description of the special edition said a guide to tropico, and I don't know where that guide is. Anyone got any help on that? My DLC in Steam says I have it installed but the game gives me fuck all where it is. Is it just a sandbox map?
Something i hate about tropico is idiots building shacks next to empty apartments with 0 rent ...
You and me both, but in 5 it seems more to do with the wealth of the citizen. Depending on the house they may be barred from living in say a regular house if they're poor. But in 4 I had goddamned professors making 30 bucks a month living in a shack. This isn't real life, in tropico getting 30 bucks an hour is FILTHY RICH