Never thought Id say this, but now we wait on A-A-Ron to lead the way.

Would love to see Rodgers takes a knee. I'm already #PackerProud, but damn, would that be amazing
Never thought Id say this, but now we wait on A-A-Ron to lead the way.
People with influence are under no obligation to suicide their careers for political messages, especially to appease some as ignorant to call him an asshole for standing AND sending a message by locking arms. Your expectations are unrealistic. He sent a message. Multiple actually. He isnt the problem. He isnt the sole solution either. Nothing wrong with that.Tom Brady's such an asshole. Imagine the message shot across the country if he had kneeled.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Increasinglynervousman.jpg
But I think you may be underestimating just how many people worship football, even more than they worship Trump. Especially in Texas.
Not for good reason. "We're here to play football, not be political"Sorry if it's already been mentioned but I just found out the ENTIRE Steelers team is staying in the the locker room for the anthem. That is fucking awesome
Via NYT notifications
Sorry if it's already been mentioned but I just found out the ENTIRE Steelers team is staying in the the locker room for the anthem. That is fucking awesome
Via NYT notifications
So many of his base are football fans. I think it was fine with them when Trump was just attacking kneeling players, but now he's saying football is boring, the league is anti-US, etc. Going against the game itself has got to hurt him.
People with influence are under no obligation to suicide their careers for political messages, especially to appease some as ignorant to call him an asshole for standing AND sending a message by locking arms. Your expectations are unrealistic. He sent a message. Multiple actually. He isnt the problem. He isnt the sole solution either. Nothing wrong with that.
People with influence are under no obligation to suicide their careers for political messages, especially to appease some as ignorant to call him an asshole for standing AND sending a message by locking arms. Your expectations are unrealistic. He sent a message. Multiple actually. He isnt the problem. He isnt the sole solution either. Nothing wrong with that.
People with influence are under no obligation to suicide their careers for political messages, especially to appease some as ignorant to call him an asshole for standing AND sending a message by locking arms. Your expectations are unrealistic. He sent a message. Multiple actually. He isnt the problem. He isnt the sole solution either. Nothing wrong with that.
Not for good reason. "We're here to play football, not be political"
Oh yeah, I see that now. Isn't this still a lot better than nothing? Isn't it still making a statement, even if not the best one? Seems to me not participating is more of a fuck you to Trump without actually saying itBecause they don't want to have to choose sides though.
Oh yeah, I see that now. Isn't this still a lot better than nothing? Isn't it still making a statement, even if not the best one? Seems to be not participating is more of a fuck you to Trump without actually saying it
Isn't this s good thing though? Even if they're not outright condemning TrumpIt's going to backfire. I see a lot of people on social media calling the Steelers cowards for not coming out lol
Isn't this s good thing though? Even if they're not outright condemning Trump
Washington (CNN)Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said Sunday that NFL owners should decide on a rule on how to handle players who kneel in protest during the national anthem.
Mnuchin said it's "not about Republicans and Democrats" but "about respect for our military" and "respect for our first responders."
"Players have the right for free speech off the field. ... " Mnuchin told CNN's Jake Tapper. "This is about respect for lots of people, and I don't understand why there's rules that when the Dallas Cowboys wanted to put stickers on their helmets out of respect for people there, they couldn't do it, but now the NFL is saying people should be able to decide what they want to do and disrespect the United States flag."
As others have mentioned he supports Trump and whatever at "suciding his career", like it would actually affect him at all. Dude could retire right this minute and would still have more money and prestige than he'd know what to do with for the rest of his life.
Well maybe they should read the statistics on Vietnam and what races saw combat.My parents are the same. It's fucking stupid.
Tom Brady's a piece of shit who supports Trump
Something something the first amendment
HmmNo, forcing your players not to protest is not a good thing.
Ya, Mnuchin is an idiot. He is just an enabler of Trump.
I'm really disappointed at how few players took the knee during the anthem at the Vikings-Buccaneers game. Looked like only two players on TB from the TV shots.
Are you fucking kidding me? Literally campaigning to limit people's rights.
Treasury Sec. Steve Mnuchin to @ThisWeekABC: NFL players can have "free speech on their own time"
7:26 AM - 24 Sep 2017
Yeah that's true
Though I was thinking if not showing up a protest in itself. But maybe it's just s clever way if being around allowing players to actually kneel or sit
It's going to backfire. I see a lot of people on social media calling the Steelers cowards for not coming out lol
It gets worse holy shit.
"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."
I didn't realize Steve Mnuchin owned a team. Why does he give a fuck about what the owners allow their employees to do? Will he be appeased if the NFL passes a rule explicitly allowing players to kneel?
That last question was obviously rhetorical.
We live under a fucking dictatorship.
"You can have free speech on your own time" sounds like the rumblings of a dictatorship tbf.This seems like a pretty big insult to people living under actual dictatorships.