Hell yeah, let's install a brand new government there while we're at it. What's the worst that could happen?
Certainly not something worse than what we have today. As a Venezuelan living in Caracas, most people here are just at a loss of what to do. More than a hundred people have died on the protests, Maduro is creating a new constitution after election a Constituent Assembly with an obvious fraud (he has 15% of support at most, reportedly 48% people voted in that election, which the opposition coalition did not vote for because it was illegal), that very assembly has taken over all the power in the country, declaring itself above any government branch, including the legislative body which is controlled by the opposition.
We have had 4 months of protests and people keep getting murdered or imprisoned and then terribly tortured (some of them have died in those tortures). An armed nationalistic rebellion is arming itself, with assaults taking place in many forts (including the largest in the country, stealing the weapons from the government army. So there is even a possibility of the country slipping into civil war.
Meanwhile, a faction in the opposition wants to go to regional elections even though the whole system is rigged and even the company that handles the voting machines (the voting process here is done with computers, it's not manual) said the results were modified in the Constituent Assembly election. Many people are opposing this decision, obviously, and the only hope we had in the opposition disappears because now one of the important parties has left the alliance because this faction wants to go to rigged elections.
Moreover, the majors of the capital (we have multiple major in different municipalities of the capital) which are part of the opposition have been accused and sentenced to prison, so they have left the country, like many politicians have been forced to the last few years. Not to mention the politicians who are already in prison, and the protesters too, more 3 thousand imprisoned and they are tortured daily.
Now, I wrote that long post because I feel that NeoGAF needs some context before jumping to conclusion, because the popular sentiment in this country is that if a military intervention takes place and replaces the government, it would be widely well-received.
Really, some people here don't even care if it is Trump or not, these news you're taking with so much dread, is for most people here the best news they have had the whole week (which is not such a big thing, considering we're living in a country where such a thing is happening, we have a projected inflation of 2000% or more and people have to rummage through the trash for food in every single street in the capital).
EDIT: I would like to add that in my case I do not support a messy military intervention. If possible, I would like the transition to be as peaceful as possible, even if such a thing has been made impossible by Maduro lately... I'm just saying that people here would actually support this. Now, if the US can intervene in a more peaceful way, that would be really great news lol