Is TM's singleplayer coop as well? Online and local?
Let's help build a custom playlist, Gaffers
What's everyone's favorite song from the demo and what is your ideal custom playlist going to be? I know PS3 doesn't do custom music yet, but we can dream This song from the game, I love so much. Cruising down the road, and getting into the chaos with this blaring feels awesome. It just fits so perfectly. I feel like putting on my sunglasses whenever it comes up. Compton from NWA is also so badass. Oh, and Rob Zombie is a given.
Would love some custom suggestions, I don't normally listen to this kind of heavy music, but I am wanting to build an awesome set for Twisted Metal
I know I am putting in Superbeast my Rob Zombie for sure, perhaps the whole TM3 tracklist, but outside that I don't have a clue.
Ordered - got more cash than time, though. Mp better be good, you bastards.
Will the retail version of the game support custom soundtracks? I ask because the demo did not support custom soundtracks. Thanks in advance.
Will the retail version of the game support custom soundtracks? I ask because the demo did not support custom soundtracks. Thanks in advance.
It is. 17 vehicles, 30 maps, masterful balance/design, and the best netcode you will ever see.
Damn. Game has now dropped to 9th on Amazon overall and 2nd on PS3 charts now. I was so hoping that the momentum would continue upward. The damn MWF3s jumped back up over it.
Thirty maps? The OP looks like eight...
Don't drive yourself crazy watching its ranking like an investor watches the NASDAQ charts nonstop.
Thirty maps? The OP looks like eight...
Oh I'm not taking it seriously. After all it changes hourly and it was amazing to see it get as high as it was to be honest. It was just interesting though to see that it peaked. LMAO
There are 8 large maps. They then went and created maps set within those larger maps. Also they didn't just create those smaller maps by putting a wall here or there. So they didn't take the easy way out with them too.
That said, I really hope there's DLC Support so we can see older maps + newer ideas, especially ones set in other countries. Seems like all of the new TM is in America, would like to see some amazing DLC of other famous places.
God I hope people support this game.
I'm torn. DLC would be nice yes but man I'd almost rather a TM2 (PS3 or PS4) with a World wide approach like TM2 was and maybe a return to individual drivers per car. I'd also love to see more crazy specials again. But either way I do want more Twisted Metal be it DLC or sequels.
I actually think any possible sequel to THIS Twisted Metal next gen should be a "World Tour" tournament with MASSIVE level wide destruction events that make players to move around the map, or change the map entirely.
Example: Boost the player count to 24, and have a map in Dubai that starts in the desert and after 4-5 minutes, a huge sandstorm pushes everyone into the city while still battling the whole way there. Like a large scale Twisted Metal rally raid. Then the actual city map would have a destructible Burj Khalifa which would cave in part of the map and open up some sort of sewer system. Just really huge events. Paris, Tokyo, London, Washington DC during a war like Modern Warfare 2, etc. etc.
Imagine recreating the Bad Boys 2 Hummer chase with a Cuba map *drool*
I know it's not a racing game, like at all, but a kart mode in the next TM, even as a small jokey thing (like MK Puzzle Fighter in one of the later MK games) would be cool as hell.
I know it's not a racing game, like at all, but a kart mode in the next TM, even as a small jokey thing (like MK Puzzle Fighter in one of the later MK games) would be cool as hell.
I'm torn. DLC would be nice yes but man I'd almost rather a TM2 (PS3 or PS4) with a World Tour like approach like TM2 was and maybe a return to individual drivers per car. I'd also love to see more crazy specials again. But either way I do want more Twisted Metal be it DLC or sequels.
You know they've added racing missions in single player in this one, right? You have a bomb on your car and the first to the finish doesn't explode. Looks like fun.
Never played TM2, was a Gameboy/DC boy growing up...
How much more crazy were these specials? Every vehicle having their own driver is a must, it's what makes Twisted Metal what it is as much as the weapons, vehicles, etc.
I am hoping DLC for proper skins lol.
Already wasting time creating gaf cars. This game will be a time consumer.
Is anyone else leery about buying this day 1 now knowing that basically after a month, the development team is gone and there will probably be no more patches or dlc?
Jaffe said he'll be working on patches/balancing for the next 2-3 months.
Claiming this sexy new avi.
EDIT: with edits![]()
Oh my bad, I thought he said 1 month
Anyone here a trophy whore? Ready to get your ass kicked by the trophies?
Might as well go all the way:
Let's help build a custom playlist, Gaffers
What's everyone's favorite song from the demo and what is your ideal custom playlist going to be? I know PS3 doesn't do custom music yet, but we can dream This song from the game, I love so much. Cruising down the road, and getting into the chaos with this blaring feels awesome. It just fits so perfectly. I feel like putting on my sunglasses whenever it comes up. Compton from NWA is also so badass. Oh, and Rob Zombie is a given.
Would love some custom suggestions, I don't normally listen to this kind of heavy music, but I am wanting to build an awesome set for Twisted Metal
I know I am putting in Superbeast my Rob Zombie for sure, perhaps the whole TM3 tracklist, but outside that I don't have a clue.
Never played TM2, was a Gameboy/DC boy growing up...
How much more crazy were these specials? Every vehicle having their own driver is a must, it's what makes Twisted Metal what it is as much as the weapons, vehicles, etc.
I am hoping DLC for proper skins lol.
I want to import the game from the U.S. (eurotrash here). Can you guys recommend me a fast and trustworthy website for importing TM?
Deepack - According to people on TMA this is a good importing site for euro peeps...
Its Canadian site, but of course has US version...
things to note: You will need to make a US PSN account in order to redeem that online pass and play online(as the online passes ARE region locked).
Thx Liamario, I did not know that. Good bit of info I'll pass along.
Did the demo expire? :/ Now I don't know if I really want it or not, I only got to play the demo for a little while.
It was supposed to be extended until the 13th but Sony decided against it for whatever reason.
Sony doesn't seem to have much trust in this game, reminds me of Demon's Souls when they thought it would be hated in the West. It seems Sony believes a game has to be cinematic in order to do well WW. You would think they learnt their lesson after DS.
I have recently played the demo and the game is fun! Seriously fun. But there is one minor gripe. Can we change/map the controls?
And jaffe please give the man who designed the soundtrack a praise. Really good choice in music!