This was posted on TMA today.
::taunts Twister fans::
I'm not gonna change my avatar (who cares!?) until ESP releases her as a DLC.
Just imagine my avatar riding it
This was posted on TMA today.
::taunts Twister fans::
, there is still hope, I want either #3 or #4.
I'm not gonna change my avatar (who cares!?) until ESP releases her as a DLC.
Just imagine my avatar riding it.
You know I was thinking about "if" Twister was introduced as a DLC vehicle later down the line. I was curious as to what her special could be. Obviously the "Tornado" move Twister does is a given. But I was thinking, since Twister uses a Formula 1 car I think what would be cool you can use the extreme speed of the car to create a vacuum from going so fast that sucks in all vehicles within the proximity of the vacuum. Not sure why, but it came to mind.
i just read today about Eat Sleep Play dismantling and Jaffe leaving. Will this have a serious effect on Twisted Metal? It's no secret that teams that go under or change business strategy after release tend to dump the game and there will be no updates, patches or DLC :/
Could Sony Santa Monica or some other studio pick up the remains?
You know I was thinking about "if" Twister was introduced as a DLC vehicle later down the line. I was curious as to what her special could be. Obviously the "Tornado" move Twister does is a given. But I was thinking, since Twister uses a Formula 1 car I think what would be cool you can use the extreme speed of the car to create a vacuum from going so fast that sucks in all vehicles within the proximity of the vacuum. Not sure why, but it came to mind.
I think ultimately though if Twister really introduced into the game the special will probably something that is grounded a bit into reality. Maybe something that pertains to Twister being a Formula 1 car the special revolves around the idea of extreme speed. Like a sonic boom or something to that degree.
Something about the way Sweet Tooth runs - literally runs - the race is very amusing.
Well David Jaffe did clear this mess up for us. *snip*
i just read today about Eat Sleep Play dismantling and Jaffe leaving. Will this have a serious effect on Twisted Metal? It's no secret that teams that go under or change business strategy after release tend to dump the game and there will be no updates, patches or DLC :/
Could Sony Santa Monica or some other studio pick up the remains?
Thanks! Hopefully everything turns out win-win for both players and ESP.
Dismantling? I know they laid off some of their staff, but I don't think they're dismantling. From what I've heard, they're going into iOS / smartphone-based games. It's apparently what Scott Campbell wanted to get into from the beginning. I know a lot of people think of it as a "step down" but to be honest, I think there is a lot of potential out there to create hardcore, pocket-sized games "for gamers" so I am looking forward to their next few titles - especially with a lot of the talent they have.
I get the impression that Jaffe "leaving" is 1) he's interested in working with a team again. He's was working from his home in Cali separate from the Utah-based ESP and he misses that whole energy you get when you're there working with others real-time. Thing is, he doesn't want to move (probably because of his daughters?) 2) I'm pretty sure that he still wants to make bigger-scaled projects. What shape they'll take remains to be seen but I think he's going to have his work cut out for him with all the crap he's taken for his DICE speech. TM will go a long way to showing people what he means since I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what he's trying to say.
In short, I don't think SSM needs to step in a pick anyone up. Jaffe is going off to do his own thing creatively, and ESP is getting into mobile-platform development. I just hope they were able to find work for those 8 men / women they had to let go.
As for DLC, Twister and Mr. Slam would be great additions. I think Mr. Slam would lose a bit of his appeal since the maps are so much more open now - seems like they're would be fewer opportunities to drop people off the side of buildings.
To be honest, though, I wouldn't get your hopes up. I think development has gone on just long enough that they're going to need to sell a considerable number of copies before they start contemplating DLC - especially if they're worried about breaking up the online community. While the addition of new characters is usually something that most players / fans are willing to put down some money for - you WILL split your community and of course there's also a bit of criticism from people who think those characters should have been available day one.
I'd love to see it, I just wouldn't get my hopes up.
Dismantling? *snip*
dlc maps on the other hand, will split the community. I hope they realize that.
yeah well i meant dismantling as they laid off people, their creative manager is leaving and they are changing the business strategy towards iOS games. That usually means selling all devkits and focusing resources to new games.
i don't think so, just look at Call of Duty, Halo, Battlefield etc. all the players even want more maps constantly.
yeah well i meant dismantling as they laid off people, their creative manager is leaving and they are changing the business strategy towards iOS games. That usually means selling all devkits and focusing resources to new games.
i don't think so, just look at Call of Duty, Halo, Battlefield etc. all the players even want more maps constantly.
Do you know how annoying it is to even play games like halo 3? Where every result boots you out to the menu because you don't have the map?
Even in smaller games like transformers war for cybertron, it was incredibly frustrating to get a game going because 1 out of 12 people in the lobby has the DLC maps so no one can play.
Why is there nobody online with this, I received my pre-order a day early and the server lists are empty.
So for an additional $18 you get a slip case? Yeah, no thanks.
Couldn't see this posted, special edition at EB games
[quote="Seventy_X_Seven, post: 35094067"]So for an additional $18 you get a slip case? Yeah, no thanks.[/QUOTE]
That's AU. Aren't their prices always higher there? And woohoo!! My copy is being prepared for shipment from Amazon. I hope the delivery guy drops it off decently early tomorrow.
David Jaffe HAS said that "if" the game does good enough and the demand is out there then they will work something up.
'No plans at all' for Twisted Metal's future'
It's actually the first map they showed off when they revealed the game back at E3 2010. They showed off nuke mode in it, but this is the first time I've seen it actually played and it's awesome.
The very next line: "We have to wait and see how it does."
Same shit as the post you quoted.
The guy doing the early playthrough finished Grimm's story.
Part 7 (failed attempt at Iron Maiden)
Part 8 (less of a failed attempt)
Looks like this one will be a real challenge on the hardest difficulty. Grimm's ending is also pretty solid, nothing you couldn't predict though. Alsowhat bizarre ass space-time-continuum complex hubaloo did that just violate?
I'm pretty sureIt was so painful watching part 7How does I can sacrifice?
This was posted on TMA today.
::taunts Twister fans::
I'm pretty surehe knew how to sacrifice but he thought he was a total bad ass and could sit in the circle without killing the other enemies or making any attempt to dodge the Predator lasers. He definitely didn't know you can still use your side arm while sacrificing or that you can use a shield.
Demo was scheduled to only last one week. Due to some matchmaking bug it was suppose to be extended to last up till last night but that never happened. Either way the demo would be over right now.Quick question, why is the demo no longer working, was swamped at work so didnt get a chance to play it after I downloaded it and I tried it this weekend and it said it was expired. Will there be a new demo or is that it??
Demo was scheduled to only last one week. Due to some matchmaking bug it was suppose to be extended to last up till last night but that never happened. Either way the demo would be over right now.
They could of done something to make it more clear the demo was temporary for those people who don't follow Jaffe on twitter. Maybe it was in the product description on the PS Store? But who really reads that.
In 8 minutes we will have a review from ign!!
In 8 minutes we will have a review from ign!!
It's kind of up:
They'll complete it when they can invest time in the online multiplayer
Duude. They gave it a 4.5?!?
Sounds like they are going to 7.5 it though
If the online multi is good and deep, it will be a good score. 8, 8.5, 9 or 9.5.
If the online multi is good and deep, it will be a good score. 8, 8.5, 9 or 9.5.
So the embargo ends today, but IGN couldn't be hassled to get a full review out in time?
So the embargo ends today, but IGN couldn't be hassled to get a full review out in time?
They're doing the responsible thing and waiting to see how the online turns out. More "reviewers" should do this.