6 is actually 3/5 which equals 7-8/10(honestly), which fits the overall narrative.
6 is actually 3/5 which equals 7-8/10(honestly), which fits the overall narrative.
Gee didn't see these coming./sarcasm.
Oh well did we not know this was going to happen review wise? Won't stop me from enjoying the game.
why release the game on valentines day, i mean it's the worst day to release it. i'm going to stare at it all the way home in the car. when i get home she's gonna wanna go out and eat, which is going to lead to her complaining that i'm quiet and seem distant because i just wanna go home and play. oh well, btw jaffe rogue trip is the best, not TM![]() math better.
It is not an issue of math, genius.
Twisted Metal is a hard sell for those in search of a well-rounded driving game. The game play and physics feel almost as if they were ripped from the original PSOne game, and the genre has come a long way since then.
Just read through the Joystiq one. They said the online is awesome but docked all points off because the campaign is "unfair" and Talon is "cheap."
The G4 review is stupid as fuck. Period.
Oh wow G4 review
According to who? You? You disagree with the laws of mathematics, the reviewers and Metacritic. Great, good for you. Keep on fightin' then.
anyone that was expecting reviewers to have an understanding of the game design and systems behind twisted metal were setting themselves up for disappointment. g4 is the standard.
You can only select the color from the color grid if "U-Mix-It" is selected.When customizing the colors of your cars, how in the hell do you move the target in the color grid? It says L1 up and L2 down but I can't adjust the color any more than just the default 9 squares.
Just read through the Joystiq one. They said the online is awesome but docked all points off because the campaign is "unfair" and Talon is "cheap."
Yea. G4's reviews have always sucked. I only watch shows on the channel for the hot chicks. lol
Oh wow G4 review
This is what I'm afraid of. I'm a TM vet but the single player demo kicked my ass. Everyone was out for me, not competing against everyone else like in past games.
/5 and /10 systems are not necessarily compatible. Aside from a few exceptions (who are usually inconsistent in this regard), 7/10 is the average score for the 10 scale. 6/10 is considered below average. You can disagree with what I'm saying, but it has nothing to do with math.
I quickly skimmed through the reviews and most of them seem fair. There are a couple exceptions, however...
The demo was in hard mode. You can toggle the difficulty in the retail release to whatever suits your fancy.
But the review failed to recognize that this isn't a game for people looking for a well rounded driving game. If you're looking for a driving game you picked the wrong game. Don't be fooled, these things only look like cars. And the physics are how they are for a reason. Cars get popped up into the air so you can string together combos like how in fighting games characters get popped up in the air for the same reason.The car combat genre has not come a long way since the 90s at all....and I'm personally glad it has arcade-style physics over trying to play car combat with GTA IV style controls and physics.
Either way, I made my purchase so that's that I guess.
Wondering what score IGN give this...
/5 and /10 systems are not necessarily compatible. Aside from a few exceptions (who are usually inconsistent in this regard), 7/10 is the average score for the 10 scale. 6/10 is considered below average. You can disagree with what I'm saying, but it has nothing to do with math.
Just read through the Joystiq one. They said the online is awesome but docked all points off because the campaign is "unfair" and Talon is "cheap."
From the G4 review
".....the combat and controls arent as nearly as refined as Rages car combat"
I certainly hope this isn't true.
Fucking terrible. This game should control nothing like Rage. Completely different game in every way, with far deeper mechanics in TM.
Can't say I'm too surprised though. TM is very much a unique game that not everyone can get a handle on.