Anyone figure out how to use a sniper yet? I'm trying to learn how to get a headshot to the driver but can't figure out how to get those controls.
Anyone figure out how to use a sniper yet? I'm trying to learn how to get a headshot to the driver but can't figure out how to get those controls.
There is no traditional 'headshot' -- it's timer based. Allow the laser to target an enemy, notice that a 'timer' will on the reticule. Allow it to fill up and it will auto-headshot certain enemies.Anyone figure out how to use a sniper yet? I'm trying to learn how to get a headshot to the driver but can't figure out how to get those controls.
Anyone else getting an audio glitch where sound just totally cuts out for a few seconds? Happens after a big explosion/crash sometimes. Might be something on my end.
Anyone else getting an audio glitch where sound just totally cuts out for a few seconds? Happens after a big explosion/crash sometimes. Might be something on my end.
So how do I beat the second phase of the first boss fight? I can't get close enough for my gunner to do anything. Do I have to wait until I reach 100%? It seems impossible to get that close!
you talking about the brothers grimm? you have to basically get UNDER the truck and stay there until it reaches 100%. once it initially reaches 100%, the 2nd meter of him planting the bomb starts. you don't need to stay under there for that, just get away for a while and let him get the C4 % up to 100%. then its pretty much cake from there!
But I keep bouncing off the wheels under the seems impossible on Hard to me.![]()
well keep in mind you dont have to stay EXACTLY under, but you can't drift too far away. it is a delicate balancing of control + the right amount of gas and you'll stay under there. the brothers grimm guy isn't too fast so dont be afraid to let off the gas just a bit to stay in line with him
Best vehicle to take down Iron Maiden? Normal difficulty and going for TMA (no deaths/garage uses).
Don't get a wireless. Get a solid wired one.I'm wanting a PS3 headset. How do they work? Could I also use it for skype and stuff on my computer since they're bluetooth?
Also, what's a good cheap one?
Man I don't know how I did it but I beat one of the juggernauts in like 3 missle hits.
Wow. Thanks everyone for your usual level of insightful commentary. I can always count on you guys for this sort of feedback.
In case you didn't know, I'm the guy who wrote the review (not Adam, so leave the poor guy alone). Without going blow-by-blow, I'll say a few words on the matter.
First off, 3 was my optimistic score. If you're happy playing a game that's nearly 20 years old, more power to you. Most gamers, I believe, expect there to be some kind of evolution in gameplay and Twisted Metal doesn't have any. Seriously, if you just want the same damn thing you got when you were nine, that's fine. More power to you, as the developer has given you exactly that.
Twisted Metal is a game built on the homage to the sort of heavy metal slasher-themed B-movies one might assume the developers loved, but the problem with this genre--be it games or movies--is that it's really hard to do well. TM gets the atmosphere right with its cinematics, but just feels cheap in most other places. The graphics are completely lackluster and there's just bits of laziness throughout. The handbrake is a perfect example--go ahead and hold it down without pressing any button, then steer. The car magically goes in a circle. Lame.
Also, to all those who are so adamant that the driving mechanics don't matter... What? This clearly isn't a racing game--as the racing levels vividly prove--but just because the gameplay focuses on shooting is no excuse whatsoever to not have a decent driving model. To suggest it doesn't matter is ludicrous. No matter what you want to believe, this is a driving game... it's a CAR combat game, and driving is the activity you constantly engage in. Shooting is the activity you engage in as much as possible, but the odds are if you're shooting you're also driving... The driving model feels 20 years old.
I love car combat games. Love them. And I've played a ton of them, including all the old Twisted Metal games. They were decent, if unexceptional games, period. Fun, shallow, and dumb. Much as we all like to jump aboard the nostalgic retro train the simple fact is this: games are better now. Technology and design have come a long way, and I'm sick to death of developers (particularly those from the 90's) who feel content to just shove out the same old crap they always did. It's a particular issue I have with most of the AAA-shooter houses from the 90's. And they don't like me much either.
Finally, give it a rest with the "G4 is biased against Sony" or "paid off by Microsoft". Many of us who review these games don't even work for G4 directly, we just happen to love and care about games and the industry. I divide my time pretty heavily among all platforms and most of my favorite games of last year I personally played on my PS3(s)--Killzone 3, Batman: AC, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, LBP2... just to name a few. The system we, as reviewers, play on is virtually irrelevant.
Just because our opinion doesn't match up with yours does not mean we're on some mythical take. Eventually, you'll have to understand that different people have different opinions and that doesn't mean you can act like an idiot over it. Unless you actually do want to keep living in your mom's basement wondering why real girls won't talk to you.
Also, and for the record, I really can't stand the Call of Duty games. So comparing any of those damn games to a review I write is pointless. I'm not that fond of Halo either.
Thank you and good night.
So I decided to go back and look at that awful G4 review and got to reading the comments. Seems most were like wtf are you smoking. But the reviewer defended his review with this gem of a reply. This reply should really tell you all you need to know about that reviewer and what a dumbass he really is.
So I decided to go back and look at that awful G4 review and got to reading the comments. Seems most were like wtf are you smoking. But the reviewer defended his review with this gem of a reply. This reply should really tell you all you need to know about that reviewer and what a dumbass he really is.
So as you can see he's an insulting prick to start with. Then he reveals that he's never really cared for the franchise. The one point I will give him is his telling off the idiots saying G4 is biased and paid off by MS bullshit. I agree those people are fucking morons. But it's obvious he went into his review with a bias against the franchise to begin with.
So I decided to go back and look at that awful G4 review and got to reading the comments. Seems most were like wtf are you smoking. But the reviewer defended his review with this gem of a reply. This reply should really tell you all you need to know about that reviewer and what a dumbass he really is.
So as you can see he's an insulting prick to start with. Then he reveals that he's never really cared for the franchise. The one point I will give him is his telling off the idiots saying G4 is biased and paid off by MS bullshit. I agree those people are fucking morons. But it's obvious he went into his review with a bias against the franchise to begin with.
So as you can see he's an insulting prick to start with. Then he reveals that he's never really cared for the franchise. The one point I will give him is his telling off the idiots saying G4 is biased and paid off by MS bullshit. I agree those people are fucking morons. But it's obvious he went into his review with a bias against the franchise to begin with.
twisted metal is an arcade style car combat shooter and if someone doesn't like the genre i'm not going to hate on their opinion. but i think in some regards he crossed the "opinion" line and started saying things that were just fucking stupid and not true in his review.
His review just came off like he went in with an idea of what to expect, played a half hour, and figured, yep that's what I expected and wrote a review.
No one expects that everyone is going to have the same opinion, but if nothing else a good review needs to be thorough and unbiased, that's why I like sites that do a "review by committee". It's clear when a review only represents an single individuals opinion and not a majorities.
Juggernaut takes double damage to his grill and his ass when his doors are open. Did you have power missiles?
Shockingly open bias from G4. That's just embarrassing for them. If I was Sony PR I'd tell them to take a fucking hike.
Jaffe informed G4 of his love for them, and his hate towards that tool. Love it.
Sweet Tooth's ending was predictable
Jaffe informed G4 of his love for them, and his hate towards that tool. Love it.
Jaffe informed G4 of his love for them, and his hate towards that tool. Love it.
Someone find out what the god mode code is because I can't beat the dual juggernauts in dollfaces story on twisted.