Did everyone bail or get kicked?
Kicked. The message about my connection being crap.
Did everyone bail or get kicked?
get in "gaf-denogginizer"
Ok, before I throw my controller through my TV, any tips on the Twisted race? Fuck me this is impossible..![]()
Which race and whats the issue? I beat twisted so I'm here for anything.
Grr. Network errors! I got kicked from my own room and bumped offline.
BruiserK has a Gaf room up. Hurry up and get in here.
EDIT: Makes it a lot easier if you guys join the text Chat we have set up.
Its the first one I have come across, Diablo pass or something. So hard to keep up.
This is officially the best game of the generation. Nothing comes close.
Pick a faster car and leave them in the dust. Freeze or kill crimson fury whenever he's near.
Tried, but the faster cars control like crap..Its so hard, I am ready to give up.
Best I come up is third, but the 1st and 2nd are waaay ahead, no chance to catch up. Its total mayhem, so hard to even stay on the road ffs. Wish I could skip this game type or something.
Tried, but the faster cars control like crap..Its so hard, I am ready to give up.
Best I come up is third, but the 1st and 2nd are waaay ahead, no chance to catch up. Its total mayhem, so hard to even stay on the road ffs. Wish I could skip this game type or something.
Well I don't know what to say. It seems like match making issues are prevalent. Regardless of what method with/without a party. I am really getting exhausted of trying to join a room. The game is blast when it works, but holy shit this is taxing just to try and get into a room. And when you finally do go into a room you have a chance of the game freezing or experiencing spontaneous disconnection. Or the game just downright crashes if your waiting in the lobby or server browser. Really hope this issue can be resolved, and I hope it can be resolved within a reasonable timeline.
Don't give up, not on sweet tooths campaign. A fast car is the key to these races, use what the bots don't have, a brain. They don't have memory, so they just follow the road, try to just blow ahead of them or freeze them. Once CF is dead you have it in the bag.
Use Death Warrant, Use turbo at all times, turn with X and normal steering. Shoot machine gun constantly and shoot weapons at #1 and #2. I just got a gold medal using this philosophy.
Been using him, will keep trying this.
this single player would be a breeze on any setting if it weren't for the sniper rifle.
I'm getting fucking PISSED OFF with the auto aim not working and being a BITCH!
Stop changing my fucking target! That thing has a mind of its own, I swear.
That aftermath!
I haven't been killed by it once.
If you didn't know, you can change targets manually.
Yea, the FMVs are really great. Perfect amount of cheese while still managing to be shot fairly well (for the hyper stylized stuff they were going for). They budgeted well imo.
Didn't I read that Jaffe fought to not include an online pass with Twisted Metal..
I just rented it and as soon as it booted up I was prompted with a screen asking for an online pass..
I was curious to know how much it cost, so when I hit square for purchase.. a screen came up saying there was nothing available![]()
I haven't been killed by it once.