I wish this was me holding it
Soon. So very very soon. This weekend is going to be hardest without a doubt.
I wish this was me holding it
Soon. So very very soon. This weekend is going to be hardest without a doubt.
Sad that the demo has expired.
I couldn't believe it but you're right. I thought they were extending it because of the online problems ? The demo was out for like 9 days but the online only started working for me this week. I got to play it for less than 30 minutes.
Jaffe was trying to extend it to the 13th, but apparently Sony wouldn't oblige.
yessssssssssssss! can't wait for next tuesday! gonna get twisted metal then a blow j
Twisted Metal is involved so think of the ways your BJ wish can go wrong![]()
I laughed way too hard at this.Twisted Metal |OT| Salt Water Jaffe
Twisted Metal |OT| Salt Water Jaffe
Twisted Metal |OT| I scream. You scream.
Twisted Metal |OT| Grab a tombstone to heal
Twisted Metal |OT| Buy the game so there will be DLC
Twisted Metal |OT| A shit rip-off of Vigilante 8
Twisted Metal |OT| Not Twister Metal
Twisted Metal |OT| Sony goes Book of Job on Jaffe's ass
Twisted Metal |OT| Don't Eat. Don't Sleep. Play.
You know what the soundtrack needs? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtY8OisQpBo
I haven't played TM in probably 10 years, but the Race controls immediately felt off to me. All I need is Gas + Quick Turn under my thumb and the rest is gravy. I use the actual brakes/reverse like 1 or 2 times per 10+ minute match.
Just bought Twisted Metal 2 on PSN because I couldn't find my disc.
Man, this is still good. Kick back a few beers and I feel like I'm 9 years old again.
Amazonia with Outlaw, all lives, fuck yer. Still remember all the secret passageways and rooms, weapon placements, etc. This game is burnt into my memory.
Though I like Twisted Metal 2's aesthetics and story better, I can't wait for the new Twisted Metal's gameplay.
How can he do that when he left the company? Don't expect DLC for this game.
HAHA. I've been doing the same thing. Going through them all again. Each game really is different. Some more so then others. lol
there is a gaffer who continuously calls it twisted mental and i don't believe he knows the correct name. i forget who though.
I wish this was me holding it
Gah - hoping my copy arrives before the end of the week, especially if the demo remains gone.
I wonder what's this fixation with DLC.....
17 vehicles and 8(?) maps with 7(?) different modes will keep me occupied for a longggggggg time.
I wonder what's this fixation with DLC.....
17 vehicles and 8(?) maps with 7(?) different modes will keep me occupied for a longggggggg time.
It's just the masses being fed that if a game don't have DLC it sucks. They're starting to believe it now which makes it easier for a company to bleed them of money. I actually appreciate that David and co thought enough of the fans to not have DLC packs all planned out. It means they got as much as they can into the game which is a good thing.
This makes like zero fucking sense.
So you'd rather not have new maps/characters 6 months down the line?
Mr. Slam dammit.
Is there really no backstory for any of the vehicles? The terrible stories were probably my fondest memories of twisted metal. I don't wanna be part of a generic gang archetype, I wanna play as Axel and hear his b-movie backstory.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't early videos of PS3 twisted metal show the sniper rifle having a zoom effect; in that it actually zoomed in on the driver or whatever!?
Just bought Twisted Metal 2 on PSN because I couldn't find my disc.
what I still don't understand is how the euro psn store has the original twisted metal for download, and yet, the us store doesn't.
Tossing my at in for ot phrase:
Twisted Metal OT: Jaffe's finest/final hour!