Is there a different British spelling for the word pissed or u just pull'n out the ebonics n spell'n pissed, pist on purpose, hellscream? I'm only mentioning this cause u seem like a person that's always pist, just wondering

Juggernaut is a wonderfully destructive distraction. Eventhough some of his abilities leave a bit to be desired, his practically unlimited ability to rear freeze can buy him a hell of a lot of time. Too often I run out of mines and rear fire abilities while still having two people left chasing me, but two rear freezes later, and im in the clear.
Juggernaut is pretty survivable even when I get 3-4 people tailing me. Only thing that can be annoying and hard to deal with, other than talons, are the people who love to ram into, hug, and shoot at the pivot point of the vehicle where the trailer meets the truck. When they do this, they look like lamprey latching unto the back of humpback whale. Those bloody parasitic pests!
One thing I love about driving the juggernaut, is that
the people who "get it" come and find you. In fact I played a nuke game where every round two eager randoms would immediately search me out and enter my rear. This is unexpected considering how dense your typical gamer is, and how below the radar juggernauts apc ability is.