finally my weak inferior PAL copy has shipped! can't wait to start playing this.
...But what is happening now, and I just came from two game rooms to type this, is that a lot of game rooms have the names NOTALONSNO, NO_TALON etc... In fact one room I played on refused to start the next match because a player refused to switch from Talon...
I am had been a huge fan of both TM2 and Black from back in the day but I haven't really looked into this one yet. I had been planning to buy it day one sight unseen but I've been taken aback by the somewhat middling reviews.
Question 1): As a big TMB fan, will this be exactly what I want or is it a more complicated picture than that?
Question 2): I have heard some complaints about the controls which surprises me since I never had any issues with past iterations. Is the 'classic' control scheme more or less what I should be used to from Black?
Cool. I'm pretty positive that I'm going to be picking this up, I just need to finish up some other games first before I dive in.Just don't go in expecting a good singleplayer experience, and you'll be fine.
As for the second question, it plays pretty much exactly like the old ones, but with simplified energy moves (up for freeze, as opposed to left, right, up or whatever it was), and L2 and R2 are switched. I think the control complaints are from those who have never played a TM before.
So yeah, in summary, it's an incredibly fun game marred by network issues and a shit story campaign. The few stories that are in the game are pretty good, mind you, but the events in the campaign make them a chore to uncover. Fortunately, online is a blast... when it works.
Cool. I'm pretty positive that I'm going to be picking this up, I just need to finish up some other games first before I dive in.
Can you elaborate more on the first point. I actually loved the single player modes in the past games even though they just consisted of bot matches with a few boss battles tossed in. How can it be worse than that? Have they over complicated things? Or is your complaint related to the story content?
Ran into a dude the other day with a 100% skill rating. He was running Sweet Tooth and basically playing him like a low-flying, Talon with the ability to transform into vehicle mode. Kind of makes me wonder about the decision to allow flight in game.
I see a lot of Talons with close to 100% skill rating.
I do play Sweet Tooth from time to time but I can't control him in robot mode to save my life (I mostly use JYD/Vermin/Meatwagon).
When they showed the new Sweet Tooth and Talon I thought, "FLYING?! This will be awesome!" Well ... how wrong I was lol...
I saw Jaffe respond on Twitter to complaints about Talon's special. I think he's missing the mark. I have no issue with Talon's special, it's his mobility and what the player can do with it. The vehicle either needs a limited altitude or be disabled on Nuke and LMS.
I don't know if Talon has a vehicle cap, but there should only be one allowed in FFA and one on each team in DM.
Ok, annoyances aside it still sounds like I should definitely buy. I'll look forward to joining in on all the fun.Yeah, I loved that about the older games as well. Unfortunately, you hit the nail on the head: they've overcomplicated things. Don't want to spoil anything with specifics, but as an example, one of the boss battles has a whopping 6 phases to the fight, while another has 5, including a GAUNTLET thrown in the middle for good measure. It's an exercise in frustration rather than fun, in my opinion.
Then there's another type of mini-boss event that tries to one-up itself everytime you encounter it, as well as two race events which consist of little more than picking the fastest vehicle and taking out the fastest AI vehicle before it leaves you in the dust. It's pretty bad.
But, like I said, the online component is where the fun is, and they're patching it again later this week. Hopefully it stops the majority of the network issues.
Sniping Talons are really annoying in some of the maps, i hope there will be some new restrictions for the next patch.
This plus a permanent fix for all the network issues will make TM a flawless online MP experience.
Anyone get a headshot yet with the sniper rifle? Is there a technique to do this?
Anyone get a headshot yet with the sniper rifle? Is there a technique to do this?
No way, Talon is already at a disadvantage against snipers. Little cover in the air and limited visibility during the special make it an easy target already.-Sniper should fill twice as fast against talon
Talon needs more tracking than other vehicles because otherwise mega guns would be absolutely useless. They might need to tone it down.-Talon megabullets are retarded. No one else can get that sort of tracking.
lol no. This is way wrong. Although Talon's special has crazy range, it has terrible lock-on problems. You still need to move around while shooting it, you have very little visibility, and you can't move up or down. If these things are not an issue then you are shooting at a terrible player who is just sitting there wondering why that green bar just started decreasing. The special also takes a long time to regen.-Special shouldn't "click/lock" onto opponents. Talon doesn't even have to play after that, just hold that trigger.
Talon has disadvantages on these maps. A freeze will do fall damage most of the time, making a kill against talon even easier.-LA Skyline is borderline unplayable when a competent Talon is there. Talon is absolute map control, and the rest of the maps are that way to a lesser extent too.
Fall damage for this might be a good idea, but even still, Talon doesn't have much HP. Most specials and a few homing/fire missiles will take one down.-Good Talons just hang above buildings and freeze has little effect if it lands. They are still safe. Either add fall damage or there's gotta be another way.
Its HP is already 3rd lowest in the game-Talon's speed is pretty good. Slow enough to be dealt with, but perhaps turbo could empty quicker.
-Health should be the sam as Reaper's or if nothing else is done, lower than Reaper.
Just a few quick ideas. I'm not suggesting all at once because he woould then be garbage. A couple I think would bring him down to reality.
Also, from the get-go I thought a helicopter in TM was a bad idea. I knew from the start he would have ridiculous advantages over everything else.
Just comparing Sweet Bot to Talon, it's like they balanced Sweet Bot, but Talon just got free pass. SB can only fire special and is only viable with 2+ special as he'll stay in SB form after firing a head. Turbo drains quick to keep SB on his toes and constanly moving, engaging the player and the overall flow of combat. SB is an example of how Talon should be. If he's still to even be there.
No way, Talon is already at a disadvantage against snipers. Little cover in the air and limited visibility during the special make it an easy target already. competent players have no problem avoiding snipers due to their mobility. Even maps like Sunsprings, they know to hang around rooftops so they can easily hide from the dot. Their Super is really the only time a good Talon would be vulnerable.
Talon needs more tracking than other vehicles because otherwise mega guns would be absolutely useless. They might need to tone it down. I'm not saying he needs no tracking, but to say that ridiculous amount of tracking is necessary for him, is a joke. Look at the flamethrower tracking for Crimson Fury and Kamikaze. Most of the time it is lagging behind in terms of contact because even Outlaw can outmaneuver it.
lol no. This is way wrong. Although Talon's special has crazy range, it has terrible lock-on problems. You still need to move around while shooting it, you have very little visibility, and you can't move up or down. If these things are not an issue then you are shooting at a terrible player who is just sitting there wondering why that green bar just started decreasing. The special also takes a long time to regen. There are a lot of terrible players, I'll agree, but his Alt special is utterly useless because his primary outshines it so damn much. Also, He's got some other options besides his Special (mostly Sniper is being used/abused).
Talon has disadvantages on these maps. A freeze will do fall damage most of the time, making a kill against talon even easier. If he's stupid. Most Talons worth their salt stay above high ground for the very reason if they happen to get frozen.
Fall damage for this might be a good idea, but even still, Talon doesn't have much HP. Most specials and a few homing/fire missiles will take one down. Most specials can't reach him, or Talon can easily avoid them.
Its HP is already 3rd lowest in the game And he's the most mobile car in the game. Reaper and Crimson have to navigate terrain, Talon doesn't.
This really sounds like self-fulfilling prophecy. Talon is overpowered because a lot of people believe he is and complain instead of fighting it. I suspect Talon mostly gets high kdrs from preying on players that don't hide from or attack Talons, because although I have noticed Talon tends to have high kdrs in some rooms, I'm not the one being killed by Talon. Giving Talon a unique radar icon and moving sniper pickups to lower locations are good ideas. People need to play smarter. It really is self-fulfilling prophecy. I 100% agree. I rarely get killed by Talons as well, most of my suggestions are fresh off watching the Youtube video that was shown to Jaffe, who then responded with his brief comments. My beef is with what I bring about in the latter portion of the closing. From the video I saw and the little bit of Talon I DID play, he's boring. He's really only getting attention because of how easy it is to abuse him versus inexperienced players, or how he has hometown advantage on virtually every map. I really think Sweetbot was the best way to go about flight in a Twisted Metal. Being Sweet Bot means you're constantly on your toes, either racing to get more turbo, lining up a clown head, dipping between buildings to dodge fire. Everything I've seen Sweet Bot do makes me think that flight in a TM could work. A lot of that play needs to somehow bleed over to Talon. Right now Talon is just a camp vehicle that once empty has to reload on health and Sniper.
One of my favorite recent kills: I was playing in a full room in Grindhouse. I was on the roof of the theater playing as Shadow and a Talon was attacking me. I threw a coffin bomb at the hole in the roof and then jumped down the hole, grabbing the health pickup along the way. Then I watched in the HUD as the Talon followed me down the hole. R2. Dead TalonYeah, I've had some fun things happen against Talon and Sweet Bot. On LA Skyline I arced a coffin just right and nailed a Talon flying inbound and killed him. With Axel a Sweet Tooth tried running by transforming and as he was boosting up, I war-wheel jumped and crushed him mid-air killing him. Also cheap-shot a SB by Freezing him when he was flying away to get health in Metro Square. That 1 damage turned into killing environment damage once he hit the frigid water below.
I by no means think Talon is "Broken" but there are some concerns that will only fully realize once people stop being dumbfucks when Talon is around. I personally haven't had much trouble with Talon once I learned to play against him. In that regards, this is really following in the footsteps of fighting games where you need to know your enemy's toolset just as well as your own.
@davidscottjaffe The only indication I have that hes shooting me sometimes is my health dropping. Cant even tell I'm being shot at times.
Agreed. TM is a car game. The fun of it is simple. Driving and shooting period. Flying changes everything.
@JamesF46 @davidscottjaffe I agree. Its hard to even target his arse when he's hovering right above you. The whole thing is just a joke.
Nuke update looks even better 10xp for a leader pick up 15 for a launch and 75 for a hit, That sounds great.
Just don't go in expecting a good single player experience, and you'll be fine.
As for the second question, it plays pretty much exactly like the old ones, but with simplified energy moves (up for freeze, as opposed to left, right, up or whatever it was), and L2 and R2 are switched. I think the control complaints are from those who have never played a TM before.
So yeah, in summary, it's an incredibly fun game marred by network issues and a shit story campaign. The few stories that are in the game are pretty good, mind you, but the events in the campaign make them a chore to uncover. Fortunately, online is a blast... when it works.
Anyone ever beat it with Outlaw?
I am playing my campaign on hard & I'm stuck on the last boss stages.
Phase 3 maze!
Oh my god I want to kill somebody never been that frustrated.
People that think Dark Souls & Demon's Souls are the hardest games ever are insane!
This shit is insanely hard!
Those damned spiked wrecking balls! They hit you once or twice & you are fucked!
Nonstop rolling mines launch you with the games physics & you slam into another spiked ball.
At first I tried doing them one by one & the mines kept knocking me back. Then I watched a video online of someone beating it with a faster vehicle. I have been using outlaw as that vehicle makes the first boss phase cake.
It seems randomly driving through full speed can get you through or knock you past a little bit, when you fall you start on the beginning of phase 3.
By then your health is reduced & you are fucked.
Single player is fun has its frustrating moments, I like that in games.
The last level on hard or twisted is fucking insane!
Anyone ever beat it with Outlaw?
Got what 2 or 3 games then booted and now can't join.. Oh well fuck you too twisted metal!
Two questions:
Is the third patch out yet?
Is the "dark car" problem fixed yet for custom cars?
EU version launching today. Here's hoping to some fresh meat coming in!
And Sweet Tooth looks like crap.Downloadable patch 3 is not out as of late last night.
"Dark car" issue is fixed, but now there's a slight washing out problem. Some small color artifacting sometimes too. Certain textures come out really low quality too, like Shadow's canvas top when I use a custom skin.
deets? I haven't tried skinning Tooth yet.And Sweet Tooth looks like crap.
Why does it feel like we were abandoned.
Guy got told alright. Shame we didn't get it recorded Fucking funny stuff.EDIT:
Rattle, this is hilarious. Stop talkin' like that in front of the kids!
Guy got told alright. Shame we didn't get it recorded Fucking funny stuff.
Anyone else getting booted after they start their second match in a server because twisted metal says your Internet ducks? So annoying.