Still boggles my mind how people don't see this pattern over and over again.
Summer time? Gas goes up.
Winter time? Gas stagnates.
Christmas season? People need money for gifts and the economy; gas goes down.
Election coming up? Gas goes down heavily, as the incumbent wants re-election.
New year? Holiday shopping season is over, gas begins to crawl back upward.
My ex hated that I believed this - she, like many others, believed it was all based on futures, supply/demand, that BS "summer blend" line, etc. Sure, that all certainly has a large stake in gas prices; but I refuse to believe a small group of people don't pull strings to get gas prices exactly where they need to be for that particular time period. So, anyhoo, two years ago, I made 10 predictions with her of when gas would go up, and when it would go down - this holiday were my last two. I said they would go down drastically leading the election and then following into the Christmas holiday, and then they would very slowly turn around at the turn of the year and work their way up. If they do go up for the next couple weeks, I was right 10/10 times. /brag