So the gap has closed by 7 points im assuming?CON: 44% (-4)
LAB: 36% (+3)
LDEM: 7% (-)
UKIP: 5% (+1)
GRN: 3% (+1)
(via PanelbaseMD / 26 May - 01 Jun)
Panelbase previously showed the largest gap (15 points) and has by far the most Labour-punitive weighting.
I look forward to ICM with interest.
Things seem to be gaining a little speed. Lets hope this continues and it hurts the Tories even more.
On a side note I just had my first Tory Ad on YouTube, absolutely disgusting. The fact they even included reporters asking a question as an attack when if you watch the actual video Corbyn shut her down straight away and she looked foolish.
Lastly, are there any good UK based progressive podcasts around? I watch TYT, Secular Talk and The Humanist Report for US news but it just seems that the UK are far less engaged with politics from my searching on YouTube so the only ones I can find is big news channels and random people videos with less than a dozen views.