Thornton Reed
Look. I get the people saying 'lol polls', 'lol Brexit', 'lol, polls said Clinton would winthe popular vote but she actually did so the polls weren't wrong' but that really misses a massive point here.
This poll isn't significant because Labour may win. Its significant because the Tories have completely fucked it. They saw this as a home-run but the real issue is that Corbyn had years of the left and right wing media vilifying him and making the public dislike him with very little visibility awarded to him. Now, though, people actually have to listen to Corbyn and a lot of them like what he has to say. I'm not a Labour voter but fuck me, the Tories hubris has been at least partly an undoing, fucking ridiculous.
Anything other than the conservatives taking more seats is absolute disaster for them. With the passion and movement behind corbyn and the labour party, if they keep him, in 5 years time it will be a landslide.
After the shambles that is this campaign i wouldn't trust the tories to organise a piss up in a brewery. Brexit is going to be a shitshow.