"God's Beard!"
Fei can link clFP off of cLK now? Nice.
On another note, it is so damn depressing watching Japanese videos of Evil Ryu. First off it's very hard to find. Top tier or not, he doesn't seem that popular. And when I do come across them, most of them have a sub 50% win rate and get bodied hard by much better players. Sure Daigo is kicking ass and taking names with Evil Ryu, but the only two matches of him floating around on Youtube is him getting beat by two different Mak players.
And if that wasn't bad enough, these Evil Ryu players aren't doing anything new. They're practically playing him almost identical to his AE 2012 self. Not that he's that different, but he has some new stuff that I think is useful, but they're not using it at all.
I have come up with some idea in my mind that I want to try in Ultra. I've already tested them in the USF4 mod, but of course it's not the real thing. And these Evil Ryu players aren't attempting them. I don't know whether they don't work or it's just not a good idea to use them. At least this just makes me hungrier to play USF4 since I'm not getting any satisfaction watching my character.
I think the one thing I learned the most from watching Japanese arcade matches is that if I played at one with decent comp, I'd probably only have a 20% win rate at best. Even the dudes with a win rate that low look about as good as me lol.
Oh I'm still a Chun main. Just needed a break for a while, then ended up not playing much at all for a while after that.Weird. I thought all EX fireballs with knockdown properties retained them when going through a single fireball.
Are you back on Chun or are you still on dat T. Hawk grind?
Does AE runs ok on Windows 8.1?
runs well on my laptop.
does that mean this is coming out for ps4 too?
I really hope they allow crossbuy damn it..
Without issue.Does AE runs ok on Windows 8.1?
I think I'm going to run a very long stream on day one. Would need some people to play in it. Since it's PSN I probably won't bother too much myself.
I'll be suffering day 1 just to get some poison exp in
Playing on PSN itself is suffering. It's just going to be time to figure out moves, combos and the likes. Needs some Degen to make things more interesting.
So Chun is god-tier? Fuck.
Now everyone will complain about how overpowered she is.
Is that true? At least Sim gets a juggle off of EX-Flame in the corner.
I thought that was juri. Also I find it interesting this is my line of thinking whenever I'm interested in a character. Rolento looks obnoxious as fuck, but I liked him since alpha 2. So I was kinda glad to hear they were handing him some nerfs, I don't like that op bullshit.
Just main Dan
I have a pocket Dan because he's fun as hell to use. Everyone should.
Just main Dan
Just main Dan
"Who the hell's Dan?!"
Both. New game with upgrade path for current players.So I'm confused. Is this an add-on or a separate game?
Does AE runs ok on Windows 8.1?
What's up guys? I know there are a lot of you out there who are playing SSFIVAE on Games For Windows Live (GFWL) and are wondering what will happen once GFWL goes down. Well today, I bring you the info on how to transition from GFWL to Steam. Keep reading below to see how.
As Ultra Street Fighter IV is coming out soon for Steam, we are looking to transition our current GFWL users over to Steamworks in order to provide the optimal level of support across the board for PC Street Fighter fans. We’ve been working behind the scenes to ensure that this change will be as seamless as possible, but for users who still wish to continue using GFWL, the game will still function as normal for the foreseeable future.
The transition from GFWL to Steamworks will take place on May 30, 2014.
Unfortunately, both paid and free DLC will not be transferred over in this process.
Both. New game with upgrade path for current players.
Unfortunately, both paid and free DLC will not be transferred over in this process.
The one dude with the maracas, keeps saying "get lost in the beat" and shit.
So I got the arcade edition for free on PS Plus. Im curious whether or not I still need that version if I pay to upgrade.
It's not a matter of caring about costumes or not, it's a matter of ripping us off something we paid for.DLC meaning costumes? If so, who cares. Playing on PC itself gives you access to hundreds of costumes.
DLC meaning costumes? If so, who cares. Playing on PC itself gives you access to hundreds of costumes.
Have they said if they're restarting the leaderboards online? Really hope they do.
Have they said if they're restarting the leaderboards online? Really hope they do.
So can I do an upgrade from the digital Steam version for $15 or is that console-only?
I remember seeing one priced in a news article, but we'll see.Console only, I believe. There isn't an upgrade system for the PC version from what I can recall.
So can I do an upgrade from the digital Steam version for $15 or is that console-only?
Pretty sure Super and AE have their own leaderboards since BP/PP are different with each mode. With that being the case, it's more than likely Ultra will do the same.