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Ultra Street Fighter IV |OT| What is old is new once again

why the hell did you use that super

More ranked progression: Played 15 matches, beat some good players, some trash players. Lost to 3 trash players. Lost my soul. How can I win 12 matches and come out with less points than I started with breh

I lost to a trash Guile who I kept thinking would amount to shit, but he didn't and played the most basic style and I kept expecting shit from him and it was so basic I just got slowly out played.

Lost to a Guy that did pseudo unsafe slides the mashes ex tats

Lost to a T Hawk I had like a 70% life lead on by getting hit by an Ultra. I did hit him with like 5 or so Soul Throws then missed one then lost the whole match.



why the hell did you use that super

More ranked progression: Played 15 matches, beat some good players, some trash players. Lost to 3 trash players. Lost my soul. How can I win 12 matches and come out with less points than I started with breh

I lost to a trash Guile who I kept thinking would amount to shit, but he didn't and played the most basic style and I kept expecting shit from him and it was so basic I just got slowly out played.

Lost to a Guy that did pseudo unsafe slides the mashes ex tats

Lost to a T Hawk I had like a 70% life lead on by getting hit by an Ultra. I did hit him with like 5 or so Soul Throws then missed one then lost the whole match.




Don't you love this game breh?

I got trashed earlier by one of the best players I've ever played against period. Online or offline. I think my first 2 losses just mindfucked me for the rest of the time because I just couldn't recover. I've played against him before and he always ends up winning like 5-7 more matches than me when we play a long set (20+ games), but today I just got completely wrecked.
Don't you love this game breh?

I got trashed earlier by one of the best players I've ever played against period. Online or offline. I think my first 2 losses just mindfucked me for the rest of the time because I just couldn't recover. I've played against him before and he always ends up winning like 5-7 more matches than me when we play a long set (20+ games), but today I just got completely wrecked.
I played a dude with like 5000pp today called Crispe117. Poison is fuckin cheap. I beat him like 3 times out of 10+
Maybe if you were good with Rose you wouldn't have missed that Soul Throw and lost yourself the game.
I'm gonna buy and mail you an xbox just so I can give you this work


In honor of Pepedey I went into the training room and messed around with Fuerte, tryna see if Gief's lariat was actually as useless against Fuerte as Snake Eyez made it seem by not using it at all.

Seems Snake Eyez had the right idea.

I also learned that it is, in fact, possible to reaction throw EX Q bombs. But only if the Fuerte is being real lazy with his spacing and doing it from mid to 3/4 screen. Anything else is basically Tool-Assisted because it's impossible to react that quick and there's probably still invincibility. But half three quarter screen is just within the edge of human reaction. I will of course, never use this in a real match ever. But it's fun to practice, like some fucked up minigame where if you lose you get chested and/or wallbounced.


why the hell did you use that super

More ranked progression: Played 15 matches, beat some good players, some trash players. Lost to 3 trash players. Lost my soul. How can I win 12 matches and come out with less points than I started with breh

I lost to a trash Guile who I kept thinking would amount to shit, but he didn't and played the most basic style and I kept expecting shit from him and it was so basic I just got slowly out played.

Lost to a Guy that did pseudo unsafe slides the mashes ex tats

Lost to a T Hawk I had like a 70% life lead on by getting hit by an Ultra. I did hit him with like 5 or so Soul Throws then missed one then lost the whole match.




So what the PP at though?
This guy is saying I am getting better.. >_>

Seems like your impulse in a lot of situations is to either jump, sweep, or EX pinwheel, and you put yourself in the corner a few times. Don't try to mash jab much against grapplers, because they'll mash a command grab back at you and get you if there's any space between attacks. Remember Juri's anti-airs (c.mp and c.hp especially) and try not to sweep against jump-ins. Juri can at least make her jumps semi-safe with well-spaced divekicks, though you still probably shouldn't really be jumping around much.


Hugo is just forcing me to learn with grapplers... Working on the Jumping. I was so flustered when he was making that comeback after my excellent first round. :(
This guy is saying I am getting better.. >_>

You Jump a lot. but if you gonna jump Juri Medium punch is god like, and it also starts a juggle combo, after MP in the air, do standing FP into ex fireball, also depending on the character you facing for example Sakura her jump is kinda floaty, you can MP in the air, and then jump back into to the air and do an ex dive kick into ex spinning kick..


also, you need to learn what's punishable by looking it up or reading the situation. Hugo's EX Lariat is -6 on block and he's right next to you, so you can do a lot.


Dude's name is even AfterGlow. Bro learned to just spam everything constantly from team AGE and is gonna end up in the same place as AGE too. RIP

edit: I guess it's AcidGlow, point remains. Dude can fuck off already


A few days ago, I finally won against fairly good Rolento player. I suck and I am supper scrubby for some odd reason.


Any tips guys?

Well you are really impatient. You got away with it because the Rolento couldn't anti-air, though. It's not really on me to tell you when to jump in this case, cos sometimes it works out, but you should really chill out at certain points, like when you're getting up and when you just got hit.

Be as aggressive as you want in neutral and you're both standing up if you want, maybe you can make that work, but going ham on wakeup or right after you got smacked by something are signs you're being too reckless usually, and continuing to press forward in those cases against players that know what they're doing will get you stunned and killed most of the time because you're trying to attack from a disadvantageous position. Also if you're going to attack at these moments maybe try something safer/less costly lol. Don't just burn super or Ultra for random guesses like that.

Also, that Rolento is not that good.


A few days ago, I finally won against fairly good Rolento player. I suck and I am supper scrubby for some odd reason.


Any tips guys?

Yeah, I think patience and just a good control of your inputs are needed. I'd personally recommend not to jump ever, unless you know it times a safe jump or if it throws off the opponent's anti-air timing. Jumping constantly (especially on your wakeup) is very bad and actual good players will capitalize on that since there's no way you can defend yourself while airborne. And like I said, control your inputs, don't mash out things constantly. Take it nice and slow and press buttons when it's appropriate.


A few days ago, I finally won against fairly good Rolento player. I suck and I am supper scrubby for some odd reason.


Any tips guys?
Don't interpret this as harsh or anything, I'm laying everything out just so you get the full picture. So, basically, you play a very random Ryu. I'm going to assume you're new to Street Fighter in general? Here's a basic outline of how you should be playing Ryu:

You want to avoid jumping like you do. Here is a breakdown of what you should be doing based on range:

-Throw fireballs to build meter until your opponent gets within medium range.
-Does your opponent jump your fireball within distance? Anti-air with either fierce SRK or standing roundhouse
-Do not spam hurricane kicks. They may be hard to punish online but its a bad habit you want to get rid of

-You want to learn how to poke with crouching medium kick (cr. mk) and cancel it into hadouken: Basically, you press "DOWN + Cr. MK", then immediately press "FORWARD + punch". --> This is a basic cancel and is a HUGE part of Ryu's gameplan

-What the above does is it creates chip damage and spaces your opponent further out. From there you can jump in, throw another fireball, or throw an EX fireball to catch your opponent off guard

-Try to make calculated jumps, don't just jump because you think its easy.

-You want to apply pressure using block strings (try cr. jab x 2, cr. mk cancelled into fireball, get it into your muscle memory for starters)

-You want to learn how to SRK and how to FADC out of it. But leave this until you get the basics down completely.

By pressuring your opponent from long range and medium range, you hopefully get them to jump. At that point you should get comfortable using fierce SRK or crouching fierce punch to anti-air. It is VERY important to know how to anti-air (AA) with Ryu, otherwise your fireballs will become largely ineffective.

Try to get a grip on this stuff first, then later I can post about Ryu's oki, hit-confirms, FADC stuff, and all that other jazz. Also, give a look at this match from ST. Its an old Street Fighter game but its also the most hardcore in terms of having good spacing. I honestly think every SF player should play it in order to learn how to stay grounded.


Let me know if you have any questions. Also, feel free to upload more matches and I can continue to give you advice to the best of my ability.


I just checked his post history. He lives near Toronto.

AcidGlow, you me ft5 lets go. Loser gets banned for life. We'll do it in KI, USF4 and KOF13. Cumulative win count decides who stays. Meet you at a&c on Friday night.


I just checked his post history. He lives near Toronto.

AcidGlow, you me ft5 lets go. Loser gets banned for life. We'll do it in KI, USF4 and KOF13. Cumulative win count decides who stays. Meet you at a&c on Friday night.



Anyone else really skeptical about the 1.03 PC netcode changes?

I hope it's just a client issue with Steam and this fixes it, but as some others have stated, they sound like band-aids rather than root cause fixes.
Anyone else really skeptical about the 1.03 PC netcode changes?

I hope it's just a client issue with Steam and this fixes it, but as some others have stated, they sound like band-aids rather than root cause fixes.

I'm curious about this as well. Capcom performs hot-patches rather than completely fixing the problem.


Anyone else really skeptical about the 1.03 PC netcode changes?

I hope it's just a client issue with Steam and this fixes it, but as some others have stated, they sound like band-aids rather than root cause fixes.

I'm not just skeptical, I think it might make things worse.

Your average player won't recognize when massive input delay allows them to get away with something.
The PC lobby fix- I've seen that fix already with VF5FS, it isn't a good fix.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
"Don't jump ever" is bad advice imo. Like anything else in the game, you're just limiting your options for no reason if there's a thing that is good but you never do it because it's unsafe. You just can't be super predictable with it.

I get fucked up by people who make their jumps random enough. Probably my biggest weakness.

I mean if you're trying to train yourself to not jump all the time then it might be a good idea to go out of your way to not jump for a few weeks though. Just to clear bad habits out of your head so you can reintroduce it in a smarter way.

Gief u2 is also inconsistent against her neutral jump. I think maybe she just jumps higher more quickly than any other character so she'll jump right over the hitbox.

I kinda feel like the nerf where certain command grabs that were already super laggy on whiff got extra recovery frames was done purely so Elena could punish them with a neutral jump.


Is there anyone who is legitimately convinced that El Fuerte is a true Street Fighter character? I'm watching some TFC matches with Pepeday slaughtering everyone. Every match has Fuerte's opponent jumping around like crazy trying to land a knockdown. It just looks so "hectic" and I don't quite like the fact that the character forces every character out of his element.

This whole trend of speedy characters who negate footsies and zoning is worrisome to me, I hope this crap never touches SF again. I get he's a fun character to play and he can create hype moments very well, I just think his existence is bad for the franchise. I like to watch tense matches where both players are itching to land that first jump. Not a match where jumping is done 99% of the time.

I would actually be fine with Fuerte and air-borne characters if they could actually be kept out for a whole round with the right type of zoning. But they can't. Even Vega, for all his walldive bullshit in ST, could be zoned with the right amount of patience.
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