Professor Beef
At least all the Blanka stuff is in one post so I can just scroll through it.
I was just farting around with Ryu on Cody in training. I don't know why I just started mashing cr jab, but I did and noticed there seemed to be very little push back. I hit cr jab five times> cr fierce> ex hadoken> Ultra 1/ex DP. I went back into Ultra mode and it's definitely changed. I can only hit cr jab 4 times and even then it's hard to connect cr fierce.
I knew the cr. mk buff for blanka was good.
Less pushback and less startup? You could already do good with the previous one too.
Nah breh, that's just your T.Hawk salt talking.Condor Spire was so damn stupid. It needed to be toned down, but the new MP DP into RFC is just wow m8.
I was thinking the same thing. It's a double edged sword tbh.
1. It'll combo more consistently on the whole cast which is a big buff because on certain characters it would whiff a lot. Even if you do the HK Lynx tail point blank on like T. Hawk you won't get all the hits in 1.03. Now you should get all the hits.
2. Much easier to punish because it sucks them in if they block. ouch.
Yeah I get that, but mp tomahawk was my go to during jump in or cross up combos because hp version would whiff for some reason on certain characters. I guess I'll take the risk with hp or I'll sacrifice the damage and use lp.Figures. But for the most part, you won't be using MP DP for that second it. it's for the first hit into Red Focus Crumple or regular FADC anyway.
No. That's just stupid and poor design.It's really not meant as an anti-air primarily anymore.
Not like this. I'm sure it'll be patched.Its omega. Who cares. Its supposed to be goofy.
Not like this. I'm sure it'll be patched.
In practice mode with Omega Decap decide to fight against the CPU, chose Ryu has my dummy, this mofo just back dash through DCM![]()
Just watch out for Gens...I'd just like to say Kudos to Capcom regarding Omega mode. It's very fun and most of the combo's are pretty easy to do which is nice because my 40 year old scrub ass needs something like this.
PC online is still pitiful. Looks like they did nothing to it.
I got way too much amusement out of Zangief's post-infinite inputs.
PC online is still pitiful. Looks like they did nothing to it.
Not like this. I'm sure it'll be patched.
How long has Hakan been able to combo out of level 1 Focus? Parries are back early.
Watching this reminds me of old rainbow SF2 edition. But in a different way
Pretty sure it wont
Why wouldnt it be? It's clearly not meant to be in the game
Any PC players have a hookup to Russian Steam? I want to upgrade to Ultra SF4.
I was watching my buddies play online and it made me want to play.
Well its in the game. So..i guess it was. Omega was meant for funsies so i wouldnt hold my breath for any balance changes. I think it will be held in the same regard as edition select in the long run.
I'm not salty cause I beat most Hawks anyway lol. Just saying the Gun that they gave him was stupid.Nah breh, that's just your T.Hawk salt talking.
As for Elena, I'd consider it overall as a buff, at least for me. It was rare I'd use mk or hk version during block strings. And now I can use the hk version during combos and not look like a goddamn fool.
And that rhino horn buff could be useful.
Yeah I get that, but mp tomahawk was my go to during jump in or cross up combos because hp version would whiff for some reason on certain characters. I guess I'll take the risk with hp or I'll sacrifice the damage and use lp.
No. That's just stupid and poor design.
Sakura seems worse in Omega than she does in Ultra lol.
I kinda think the same about Makoto. :/Thought that as well while I was messing around with her in training mode. Not nearly as easy to land that damage.
Well its in the game. So..i guess it was. Omega was meant for funsies so i wouldnt hold my breath for any balance changes. I think it will be held in the same regard as edition select in the long run.
Does omega get rid of the ridiculous one frame link?
This is something that's just completely broken to the point of being absurd. I can't fathom them thinking this was ok, even for this mode.
Well considering that capcom seemed to go through some length to balance omega mode, I'm inclined to think they'd definitely patch this. ono wants a omega tourney at evo.
russian steam. surely you dont value your account.
Lol so there's a 567MB update being pushed right now.
edit - probably just the stupid fucking dlc hats.
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