As a Mainly 360 player coming to the PS4.
It's my responsibility or our responsibility to beat the ever living crap out of these guys to level them up.
Also to tell them benefits of a god damn wired connection when playing fighting games. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
I really wanted to try get to the #1 Elena on the boards but..
not like this fam
I really wanted to try get to the #1 Elena on the boards but..
not like this fam
Breh u shlulda done it. I was like #7 Honda on 1st week of USF4 on 360 lmao
this game is too shitty to try
ill never get to body your Elena online now :|
Fix this shit Sony
How would you rate the netcode compared to PS3?OK so the PS4 version is pretty bad like most people have been saying. But I think I'm going to keep playing it anyways. What can I say, I like the convenience of suspend/resume and being able to upload shit at will at my own leisure. I still have the PC version right beside me that I'm still going to play a lot so it's not like I'm stuck with only this version.
Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not defending this port. I'm just willing to compromise for the conveniences for now and hope that it gets fixed. I think it's fucked up what they did and would warn others about the issues if they were thinking about getting it. But as someone who has bought almost every console version of this game. I think I would have gotten it regardless, if for nothing else than the lol's. At least I have some uses for it versus the other versions of the game I own.
And here is some random match I had earlier today on PS4.
OK so the PS4 version is pretty bad like most people have been saying. But I think I'm going to keep playing it anyways.
How would you rate the netcode compared to PS3?
At least in my experience, I'd say it should be better, but it's not due to the additional input lag. If the input lag was removed, it would be better than PS3.
So right now PC>360>PS3>PS4 for online
What's your PSN?
How would you rate the netcode compared to PS3?
I think it's actually good/decent. I've mainly stuck with green bar matches and they've been lag free or had very little lag. Anything below that and it stinks. I won't fault the PS4 version for laggy 3 bars and below matches when that's always been the case. No matter what platform you play on with this game you almost always need green bars for good matches and the PS4 version continues that pattern.
As for input lag, I'm not feeling it like Onemic has. I'm playing the PS4 version with my new Hori VLX(for PS4) and on a Acer H233H monitor which I believe is considered to be a very good gaming monitor. Sometimes I feel things are slightly off, most of the time not. So maybe it's in my head, I'm not sure.
But if anyone wants to play this version then let me know. My ID is Rice_Eater483.
I think it's actually good/decent. I've mainly stuck with green bar matches and they've been lag free or had very little lag. Anything below that and it stinks. I won't fault the PS4 version for laggy 3 bars and below matches when that's always been the case. No matter what platform you play on with this game you almost always need green bars for good matches and the PS4 version continues that pattern.
As for input lag, I'm not feeling it like Onemic has. I'm playing the PS4 version with my new Hori VLX(for PS4) and on a Acer H233H monitor which I believe is considered to be a very good gaming monitor. Sometimes I feel things are slightly off, most of the time not. So maybe it's in my head, I'm not sure.
But if anyone wants to play this version then let me know. My ID is Rice_Eater483.
I'm down to play. PSN is JayDee191
I'll play you for as long as I can tolerate this dogshit. I bought it, so I might as well get some use out of it. If you happen to see me on Street Fighter then just shoot me a message.I think it's actually good/decent. I've mainly stuck with green bar matches and they've been lag free or had very little lag. Anything below that and it stinks. I won't fault the PS4 version for laggy 3 bars and below matches when that's always been the case. No matter what platform you play on with this game you almost always need green bars for good matches and the PS4 version continues that pattern.
As for input lag, I'm not feeling it like Onemic has. I'm playing the PS4 version with my new Hori VLX(for PS4) and on a Acer H233H monitor which I believe is considered to be a very good gaming monitor. Sometimes I feel things are slightly off, most of the time not. So maybe it's in my head, I'm not sure.
But if anyone wants to play this version then let me know. My ID is Rice_Eater483.
Played a long set with Cobalt, got bodied pretty hard to first dozen or so matches. So I was pretty frustrated throughout those games. Then I finally started winning some towards the end and tried a scumbag move to Yun in the final match to win and bail. It backfired but I asked for another match and won that time and then bailed lol.
Nice to play you again Cobalt. As for the lag, it wasn't perfect but it was very playable. I think our matches on Xbox Live felt pretty good. On PS4, I think Cobalt put it pretty well. It was a consistent lag, no spikes and not atrocious so we both could adjust to it and hit our links pretty well. It was a yellow bar connection which was what surprised me the most. It was very playble for yellow bar because all the other yellow bars I've played on PS4 were horrible.
GG's again Cobalt. Hope you don't mind but I'm going to upload some of our matches to youtube. If their is one thing I like about the PS4 version, it's being able to do this very easily and in HD.
only upload the wins
Nice to play you again Cobalt. As for the lag, it wasn't perfect but it was very playable. I think our matches on Xbox Live felt pretty good. On PS4, I think Cobalt put it pretty well. It was a consistent lag, no spikes and not atrocious so we both could adjust to it and hit our links pretty well. It was a yellow bar connection which was what surprised me the most. It was very playble for yellow bar because all the other yellow bars I've played on PS4 were horrible.
I didn't use hop kick because you actually beat it with cr. MK in the first few games. I stopped after that, I did notice you were tech'ing with cr. LK later though but didn't get myself back into the habit of using hop kick.
As for demon flip, it's risky to do it so deep. And my DP has been stuffed several times by my friend when I try to do it at the last second. At certain angles, cr. HP just works better. I try save meter to anti-air demon flip because chances are I'll still get at least a 2 hitter even if I do it too early.
To buy or not to buy... I want to enjoy some Juri, but my Juri sucks. Hmmm
I didn't use hop kick because you actually beat it with cr. MK in the first few games. I stopped after that, I did notice you were tech'ing with cr. LK later though but didn't get myself back into the habit of using hop kick.
As for demon flip, it's risky to do it so deep. And my DP has been stuffed several times by my friend when I try to do it at the last second. At certain angles, cr. HP just works better. I try save meter to anti-air demon flip because chances are I'll still get at least a 2 hitter even if I do it too early.
EDIT: On that note, while playing on PS4 I met a Guile(PSNID imstilldadaddy and some number) as Ryu. Was fully expecting zoning and got mauled by a rushdown Guile.
You'll have to start listen to others, put some work in and get good.
imstilldadaddy is a Guile GAWD
best Guile in Europe
Isn't that Dieminion?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just gotta find that sweet spot to do dp. It's very rare for me to stuff out an invincible dp out right. The risk/reward for doing dp seems to be way better.
Do you think the lag difference had something to do with the input lag? Or do you think the netcode is indeed different?
whats your steam id
My steam ID's GOGETPAID if anybody feels like adding.
Speaking of which, I literally spent the entire night getting my ass kicked by a Bison. He just didn't make a wrong decision. I was outfootsied in every possible way.
I could swear I played you in ranked last night, or at least saw your name. I was a Dud or Gouken. Don't remember the match though if we played lol. Will add you!