Gentle Rodriguez
Hell yeah I broke my 25 game losing streak
against a guy that literally didn't block.
How is Poison in terms of learning? Is she super complicated or pretty simple? Any nice easy combos into ultra/super, stuff like that?
I'm trying to pick up a new character and I'm thinking of learning her or Rolento.
So far I play mainly Cody, but more recently a lot of Hakan. Also dabble in Abel and Fei Long a bit
Evil Ryu is complex? I just messed around with him a little bit, but he just seemed like a Ryu/Akuma hybrid to me.
I'll check that out when not at work, thanks! Anything that gives me more utility on the ground will make me very happy indeed.
And see, I knew there was more that could be done with that jumping MP juggle. I'm atrocious with Ultra 2 though. I only used it once yesterday when a poison threw out a projectile after she'd knocked me down. I dunno if she was thinking I was going to tech up and it would hit me or what. Pretty sure it would have wiffed no matter what. Anyway, woke up with Ultra 2 to win the round. I guess I should practice with Ultra 2. My biggest problem with it was that I was using it the lame way and throwing it out as a hail mary. Worked into setups like that jumping MP juggle, I'm sure it works just fine. Usually I just stick with Ultra 1. Feng Shui Engine is very entertaining.
The storing of the fireballs is part of the reason I bought a fightstick, honestly. Storing anything but HK on pad cripples my ability to keep fighting. I've only got one thumb! That and I'm already tired of losing rounds because my finger slipped off d-pad and onto Share. It happened so much, I switched to my pad's stick and twice I tripped the PS button somehow and input my combo right into the OS. I'm sure it was very impressed.
Evil Ryu is complex? I just messed around with him a little bit, but he just seemed like a Ryu/Akuma hybrid to me.
Juri pulls in newcomers because she looks cool. end of story.
For new players Juri has low health and slow reversal. Gonna get rekt a lot lol.
The fundamentals you learn will carry over to the next game and other FG's in general
Ugh, a longshot, but anyone here know much about Oni? Especially the Oni vs. Blanka matchup? I almost never play oni let alone a good one. At a local tournament yesterday I lost to one in loser's finals and its the first time in a while were I was stumped on what to do/punish. I wish there was a video to critique but it wasn't streamed. I have a feeling I let him get away with way to much stuff.
I have lived long enough to be called a yang fraud.
Anyone up for some games on PS4? psn:direct_quote
Alright ggs, you seem pretty good with most characters. I'm still a bit rusty and impatient, need to work on that.I'll play for a bit. psn is angry_eric
Alright ggs, you seem pretty good with most characters. I'm still a bit rusty and impatient, need to work on that.
I was going to ask you who your main was because your BP is spread across all characters..ggs. had some trouble with timing combos so I had to stick with the safe stuff.
I was going to ask you who your main was because your BP is spread across all characters..
Any word on the upcoming PS4 version patch?
fucking thanks a lot strider 801 got fucking Abels running thinking they can beast on players
fucking thanks a lot strider 801 got fucking Abels running thinking they can beast on players
I play Yun, come at me bro
He's actually my secondary character but I've been going mostly Yun lately so the point still stands![]()
fucking thanks a lot strider 801 got fucking Abels running thinking they can beast on players
I play Yun, come at me bro
He's actually my secondary character but I've been going mostly Yun lately so the point still stands![]()
Next time I try to be less free against your Yun. I think I should try counterpicking, always wanted to play Sagat. Now there is a good excuse to learn him.
Agreed. Even if Sagat does win this match its probably one of those difficult wins where you have to play perfectly the whole time.Sagat isnt a counterpick to Yun.
Ken is such a good character in this game. Gonna miss the playstyle when sfv drops.
Still thinking about the time last week when I came back against a makoto with 10% life.
1) kara threw his ex overhead wakeup
2) kara threw his block
3) delayed kara threw his cr tech
4) his instant jump back fierce whiffed because I delayed, threw his landing frames
5) walked in his face, he hit the ultra panic button into my block, ex dp to finish it off
I was dying lol. The cheap stuff
Now you gotta play dat neutral huehuehue
Ken does pretty decent against yun.The only counter pick against Yun will always be Zangief/THawk
Ken does pretty decent against yun.
Feels like the more I play this game the worse I become, I won zero games today. Boy does that make you want to end yourself.
I think Ken's DP can much easily catch Yun's divekicks, and he outfootsies Yun..Id say that's a 5 - 5. What does Ken specifically have that beats Yun? They both have tools that work well against each other.
I think Ken's DP can much easily catch Yun's divekicks, and he outfootsies Yun..
Next time I try to be less free against your Yun. I think I should try counterpicking, always wanted to play Sagat. Now there is a good excuse to learn him.