Ugh me and a friend were waiting to play. We knew this would happen. Good thing we both also have Mario Kart 8!
So because it's on a video game forum it gives you free license to act like a baby over something so minor?
How is he acting like a baby?
(By the way, your avatar is an awesome movie)
I'm just imagining Snapshot King's avatar raging at Iron Tager going
SUPER STREET FIGHTER FOUR...[ARCADE EDITION] and it's making the wait better, lol
I never said I agreed with his complaint. I just don't like a 'it's a video game' argument
Sure, fine then. I should be partially refunded for my wasted time as a result. And to the score of folks telling me to calm down, I'm not exactly climbing the walls here, but I am mad that as a customer I've been fucked through no fault of my own. It's bullshit. It's a legitimate grievance to not get what you pay for. The only reason I pre-ordered Ultra was because of the early access and the pre-load.
Disc version loads fine, the dlc versions gets removed when Ultra installs.
Nothing from his posts came across as particularly like a baby.
He's acting like a baby by saying we should all get our money refunded, pretending that pre-ordering guaranteed early access (the access time is the same for anyone, regardless of pre-order) and acting like this is some nefarious deed over having to wait an extra... like 12 hrs.
As a friend of mine said, if you ordered something for overnight shipping from Amazon and it didn't show up when you woke up but rather at like 5pm, do you deserve a refund since it didn't arrive just overnight but you had an extended wait?
When they said "midnight", did they specify a timezone? Usually when Sony says midnight, they mean midnight PST, since SCEA is in California (and isn't Capcom USA, too?).
Well if you redownload AE and install it after Ultra then it comes back, but yeah it's strange.Haha so people who got AE dlc are out of luck for now until ultra is live
Why not? It's worth having some scope over how big an issue is and what you deserve in exchange for it. Not getting to play a video game 12 hrs earlier than the final result seems beyond petty to me.
He's acting like a baby by saying we should all get our money refunded, pretending that pre-ordering guaranteed early access (the access time is the same for anyone, regardless of pre-order) and acting like this is some nefarious deed over having to wait an extra... like 12 hrs.
As a friend of mine said, if you ordered something for overnight shipping from Amazon and it didn't show up when you woke up but rather at like 5pm, do you deserve a refund since it didn't arrive just overnight but you had an extended wait?
they said 9pm wescoast
He's acting like a baby by saying we should all get our money refunded, pretending that pre-ordering guaranteed early access (the access time is the same for anyone, regardless of pre-order) and acting like this is some nefarious deed over having to wait an extra... like 12 hrs.
As a friend of mine said, if you ordered something for overnight shipping from Amazon and it didn't show up when you woke up but rather at like 5pm, do you deserve a refund since it didn't arrive just overnight but you had an extended wait?
Why not? It's worth having some scope over how big an issue is and what you deserve in exchange for it. Not getting to play a video game 12 hrs earlier than the final result seems beyond petty to me.
He's acting like a baby by saying we should all get our money refunded, pretending that pre-ordering guaranteed early access (the access time is the same for anyone, regardless of pre-order) and acting like this is some nefarious deed over having to wait an extra... like 12 hrs.
As a friend of mine said, if you ordered something for overnight shipping from Amazon and it didn't show up when you woke up but rather at like 5pm, do you deserve a refund since it didn't arrive just overnight but you had an extended wait?
If amazon guaranteed you delivery "when you woke up" you would have a right to be upset.
Why not? It's worth having some scope over how big an issue is and what you deserve in exchange for it. Not getting to play a video game 12 hrs earlier than the final result seems beyond petty to me.
He's acting like a baby by saying we should all get our money refunded, pretending that pre-ordering guaranteed early access (the access time is the same for anyone, regardless of pre-order) and acting like this is some nefarious deed over having to wait an extra... like 12 hrs.
As a friend of mine said, if you ordered something for overnight shipping from Amazon and it didn't show up when you woke up but rather at like 5pm, do you deserve a refund since it didn't arrive just overnight but you had an extended wait?
Amazon says "Overnight Delivery"
I'm going to rage agst amazon if my package doesn't arrive before sunrise.
(Not really)
Why not? It's worth having some scope over how big an issue is and what you deserve in exchange for it. Not getting to play a video game 12 hrs earlier than the final result seems beyond petty to me.
He brings up legit points guys.
He isn't raging about it just stating that it sucks that it's not up when they advertised it to be so.
Just because it's not a big deal doesn't mean it's okay for companies to mislead you.
Heh, USF4 got removed from the PSN webstore.
I don't mean to be rude, but why do you keep accusing me of crying? Do you honestly believe I am sitting here with tears in my eyes? To answer your question, no. I pay for prime. If a package is late, despite my paying for prime purely for the faster shipping, I don't cry and bawl like you seem to think I do. I call them up, and either get a partial refund or credit. I'm not sure why this concept is so outlandish to you, that you are a customer and should be valued because you are giving the retailer your dollars.
Would be funny if there is an error with the update where xb360 players technically get to play it before psn players.Heh, USF4 got removed from the PSN webstore.
But you can get refunds for late packages. Also if you pre-order something that was advertised to be released at a specific date and time, is that not a guarantee? And did they not live up to their end of the transaction?
1. Keep? Pretty sure that's my only post in this thread directed at you.
2. Yes, I do based on the way you're reacting.
Yes it sucks, but why complain on a forum? Do you want us to set up an indiegogo and donate you your money back? We can't do shit, talk to the people responsible.
Heh, USF4 got removed from the PSN webstore.
Refunds for the package itself or just the cost of the shipping?
Maybe I'm more sympathetic because I've seen firsthand issues with dealing with releasing something over SCEA, SCEE and SCEJ all at once and having issues with the release because of an input error in the forms being filled out. Mistakes happen, it's not the end of the world.
1. Keep? Pretty sure that's my only post in this thread directed at you.
2. Yes, I do based on the way you're reacting.
Yes it sucks, but why complain on a forum? Do you want us to set up an indiegogo and donate you your money back? We can't do shit, talk to the people responsible.
Some People in this thread have never gone through an MMO launch.
This got me.They're processing Snapshot King's refund.
Some People in this thread have never gone through an MMO launch.
Some People in this thread have never gone through an MMO launch.
why discuss anything on a forum, then?
Ahah yes, ready at midnight, can't play before 4am, the classic.
I don't really understand the logic behind white knighting a company that has falsely advertised something. Then going around telling people that are justifiably upset that "it's just a game".
Why am I not casting grenade spells with wizard Rolento yet.
I don't really understand the logic behind white knighting a company that has falsely advertised something. Then going around telling people that are justifiably upset that "it's just a game".
Just because it's not a big deal doesn't make it ok
Some People in this thread have never gone through an MMO launch.