Yup. And barrels also I think. I haven't played single player in years ago I can't remember.
Question: do all costumes now show up for both people while in match? Say I bought Ryu's Alt 2 will it now show up for my opponent? PS3 obviously.
The disc version comes with all the costumes?I seem to recall that Ultra comes with all DLC
The disc version comes with all the costumes?
Complete DLC Costume Offering (retail or full download ver. only): Consumers who purchase the retail or full download version will also receive all previously released costume DLC for the Street Fighter IV series (a $40 value) for free, making it the most complete offering of the game ever!
I seem to recall that Ultra comes with all DLC
Now way. I'm fucking stoked now to rock some new outfits. Haven't bought anything since supers release when they had all the vanilla outfits for the cheap.from the official site:
What kind of stuff? I'm actually practicing him right now.Anyone wanna test some Rolento stuff for me? I won't be able to play until the end of June.
It's 2014, and people still get that wrong, apparently. Like you just did.its 2014 and people still ask if poison is a tranny/man.
She's not.
its 2014 and people still ask if poison is a tranny/man.
She's not. Capcom needed to get final fight past the american censors at nintendo so when they were asked about the violence against women in the game capcom said there werent any women. which is why poison and roxy are replaced by males in the snes version
1. The range sucks. It doesn't even seem like the hitbox goes to his ankle. His entire fit was going past Ryu's foot and it was still whiffing.@The Mango Sentinel
1. What's the range on cr.mk?
2. Is st. mp reliable as an AA?
3. How safe is the first hit of patriot circle? See if SRK's and jabs can punish it. Experiment with spacing it out with normals, too, please.
1. The range sucks. It doesn't even seem like the hitbox goes to his ankle. His entire fit was going past Ryu's foot and it was still whiffing.
2. Seems like a solid AA. Sometimes the timing is a little weird, but the hitbox is generous.
3. Easily punished with an srk. I don't think it even has to be reversal timing. Can be punished by Ryu's cr.LP. Yeah it doesn't seem too safe. I even tested it at max range with cr.mk xx L patriot circle and H srk can still punish it. Super as well.
Which of the new characters do you fancy most at the moment?The new cast fit the game surprisingly well.
anyone on 360 wanna play some endless, add me.
GT: TheAznOne420
3 games in and got my first ragequit.
It was a deejay lol
3 games in and got my first ragequit.
It was a deejay lol