The treasures are not just shiny anymore, you can actually see them!RyanardoDaVinci said:If you just run through at a somewhat brisk pace, not collecting/actively searching for treasures, 7hrs is pretty expected.
U1/U2 took me over 10hrs each the first time because I look for them shines!
but you're a beast wario can't say the same for the other GAFfers playing on hard.Wario64 said:12 hours is overkill imo.
EloquentM said:but you're a beast wario can't say the same for the other GAFfers playing on hard.
9 hours was my playtime for playing hard the first time. I got 53 of the treasures so at least I did half. Not sure I want to do crushing even though I did it for 2.EloquentM said:but you're a beast wario can't say the same for the other GAFfers playing on hard.
END BOSS DIFFICULTY SPOILERScackhyena said:So the last boss was either a pain to do the way they wanted, or a cake walk/cheese fest by hanging off the edge of the platform in 2. Anything as frustrating this go around?
Neuromancer said:Is there a particular meaning or reason behind the thread title?
It's also the first line you hear in the very first trailer. With people being substituted for developers.Neuromancer said:Is there a particular meaning or reason behind the thread title?
Toki767 said:9 hours was my playtime for playing hard the first time. I got 53 of the treasures so at least I did half. Not sure I want to do crushing even though I did it for 2.
I just realized I still have to cancel my Gamestop pre-order.
The Xtortionist said:I beat Uncharted 1 in 5 hours and 19 minutes on Crushing so there
Killthee said:So whats the plan with all the DLC skins for multiplayer? Are they all gonna be part of the Fortune Hunters club? Most of them were just redone skins from U2/U2 DLC...
Neuromancer said:Is there a particular meaning or reason behind the thread title?
Wario64 said:Paid DLC and part of season pass I bet. I like how they show you the skin/model on the screen but you can't choose it because there's a shopping cart next to the skin name indicating that you need to buy it. So awful
Wario64 said:Paid DLC and part of season pass I bet. I like how they show you the skin/model on the screen but you can't choose it because there's a shopping cart next to the skin name indicating that you need to buy it. So awful
NotTheGuyYouKill said:All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.
- T. E. Lawrence.
Solo said:7 hours on your first playthrough? Damn, shortest Uncharted yet it would seem.
It's a thirty minute run through. I stopped five minutes in as thirty minutes going through an entire chapter is just too much.autobzooty said:Has anyone seen the Giant Bomb quick look for this yet? I'm trying to decide if I'll regret watching it or not. My media blackout has been going well so far, but I kinda wanna actually see some of the game now.
cajunator said:What really amazes me is people who buy these games and pretty much within two days they are talking about the endgame already. It's like "fuck, guys, you can take your time with the game you know. enjoy it a little bit".
Ricky_R said:You left "This, I did"
I know it's not part of the original quote, but I thought it was strong.
arne said:Well, the studio is pretty empty today, but that question of what could get patched in has been raised by a few of us if it's at all possible. Although that is specific to the cutscene viewer. Everything else I know has no chance to getting patched in, since that entire system of SP game modifications isn't present to begin with.
cajunator said:What really amazes me is people who buy these games and pretty much within two days they are talking about the endgame already. It's like "fuck, guys, you can take your time with the game you know. enjoy it a little bit".
I have a MGS4 PS3...SolidSnakex said:ND had a much more serious problem to worry about near U3's gold master
cajunator said:and that's why there are all these "my console is gathering dust" comments all the time.
cajunator said:I dunno. We wait so damned long for all the games to come out. May as well space out the playtime to days or weeks instead of a couple cram sessions. I know gamers are all different but it just seems like people blow their load over a game in a short span of time and that's why there are all these "my console is gathering dust" comments all the time.
Definitely. With all the releases, you tend to have to finish a game within a week. A couple of years ago, I blasted through Gears of War 2 in two days to get to the game that was coming out the week after, and this year, I'll be blasting through Arkham City on the PC to get to Skyward Sword.brandonh83 said:I'll probably finish it in a few sittings, mainly because I won't be able to put it down, but also because of the plethora of other November releases.
cajunator said:I dunno. We wait so damned long for all the games to come out. May as well space out the playtime to days or weeks instead of a couple cram sessions. I know gamers are all different but it just seems like people blow their load over a game in a short span of time and that's why there are all these "my console is gathering dust" comments all the time.
brandonh83 said:
cajunator said:I dunno. We wait so damned long for all the games to come out. May as well space out the playtime to days or weeks instead of a couple cram sessions. I know gamers are all different but it just seems like people blow their load over a game in a short span of time and that's why there are all these "my console is gathering dust" comments all the time.
jackdoe said:Definitely. With all the releases, you tend to have to finish a game within a week. A couple of years ago, I blasted through Gears of War 2 in two days to get to the game that was coming out the week after, and this year, I'll be blasting through Arkham City on the PC to get to Skyward Sword.
Ricky_R said:Don't play with me... It links to youtube, but no video.
brandonh83 said:I said "there will be a cutscene viewer by the end of next week" meaning that most of the cutscenes, if not all, from Uncharted 3 will be on Youtube by the end of the week.
Ricky_R said:haha yeah I figured a while later. Still, it's not the same at all for me.
brandonh83 said:
cajunator said:I dunno. We wait so damned long for all the games to come out. May as well space out the playtime to days or weeks instead of a couple cram sessions. I know gamers are all different but it just seems like people blow their load over a game in a short span of time and that's why there are all these "my console is gathering dust" comments all the time.
gdt5016 said:Unless you're calling him a liar and all.
brandonh83 said:Well for me when I'm on my triple I'm on there to play games and not watch cutscenes... if I want to watch cutscenes from a game I'll get on Youtube. Just saying... cutscene viewers in games aren't a necessity IMO.
I'm sure there's a Metal Gear burn on the way.