ScOULaris said:Did I miss something? How is everyone getting the game early?
ScOULaris said:Did I miss something? How is everyone getting the game early?
PaddyOCanager said:Sounds to me like people spoiled the game by watching too much media - I did this for U2 and knew every set piece going into it. I know next to nothing this time, it's gonna be sweet.
Damn thats like not jacking off for like 4 more weeks. Best of luck.CaptYamato said:I've been on media black out since the first trailer. I'm not getting the game until Christmas though.
It looks good for the hardware it's on, (rather absurd really that the ps3 can still push out that kind of quality with such old hardware) but he's right, the ssao is kind of bad.SamBishop said:Seriously, shut the fuck up. You have no idea how good the SSAO in this game is and must reserve comments for seeing it while playing. I'm not stating that as a jerk who has played the game(tm), but... no, I AM a jerk who has played the game.
Dump frames when it's out. Seriously.
=[ Maybe it's only in the proper context? I hope the game isn't ruined for me.Wario64 said:I watched the launch trailer after beating the game. Holy crap spoilers ahoy :lol
Stallion Free said:Uh I was commenting on the picture, not how it looks in the game itself.
ZeroRay said:That sucks.
I thought the embargo was over though, or was it just for reviews.
Massa said:In what way are you finding the situations unfair? Does it have anything to do with enemies having sniper rifles, RPG's or a huge amount of hit points?
darkwing said:be sure to post your impressions on the buckle and ring
I could have told you that the first time they released pics of it a few months ago. It was the biggest reason I didn't buy the special edition.Steve McQueen said:Ring and buckle are quite nice actuallyThe only thing I don't really like is what I bought for in the first place: the statue. The statue does not look like Nate imo...that's a bit of a letdown.
The suitcase is very nice though ( EU-version ).
acevans2 said:I bought my Fortune Hunter Club season pass yesterday. This game better rock as hard as U2.
SamBishop said:Yeah, that was weirdly hostile, sorry about that. There was definitely no need for me to be so harsh, and I apologize.
Oh there's no embargo anymore, I just don't want to talk specifics until more people have the chance to play through the game. Trying to keep my gripes as spoiler-free as possible.
There are some levels where the shootouts are 360 degree affairs. Moving between bits of cover is much harder now when you get ambushed from behind, and yes, there are definite sniper rifle/rocket launcher moments. Combined with the whole "endless waves of enemies" feel from previous games, some sections are just patently unfair in terms of what they make you do between checkpoints. Even on normal, the guys with explosives (RPGs, grenades, grenade launchers) are deadly accurate.
I restarted on Crushing and the on-screen indicators for melee combat are gone, which isn't a huge deal now, but some of the boss fights are going to be absolute murder. I don't think I'm going to be able to Platinum this game...
Seriously. NO we dont know the place. How about you tell usCrewnh said:WHERE?
We are pleased to inform you that your order has been packed and will be dispatched with the next ROYAL MAIL collection.
I wasn't aware Royal Mail did same-day delivery.Spiffy_1st said:Monday is going to be a good day.
Cruzader said:First for all thank you for the first thing I highlighted. Not everyone has the game nor beat it. I'd say wait a few days after release to go more into it or just go to the spoiler thread.
As for the second part, I know Crushing on U2 is the same where you cant see the buttons on melee but it seems melee is more complex or something on U3. So my question to you is, should I just play normal then hard and last Crushing just to make sure we learn all the button commands or is that overkill? I mean thats how I normally play but I read playing on hard the first time is ok this time around but I hope that it doesnt make the game "tougher" on the sections you posted about.
jigglywiggly said:I wasn't aware Royal Mail did same-day delivery.
I'm also mid way through my U2 replay, and I'm actually blown away by what I'm seeing.EatChildren said:A little ways into my Uncharted 2 replay, and after watching the opening scenes again I have to ask; what the hell were you guys talking about in regards to a low poly bottle model during the pre-rendered scene of Drake at the bar?
I hope you weren't talking about the one he and the others were drinking from, because those were far from low poly. Something in the background I missed?
Wow that sounds so awesome! Didnt really know that since I have skipped all the media/interviews! Thanx for that info, sounds like Normal will be key but want to try Hard on my first play this time.SamBishop said:Of course! There are some parts in the game that are truly mind-blowing, and I wouldn't want to have them spoiled like a week before the game came out, that would just be cruel.
Definitely go through things on Normal or Hard first so you know what to expect. The melee is much more complex now; enemies will grapple you (hammer Circle to break the hold) and take swings that need to be reversed (tap Triangle). The reversable moves are telegraphed pretty well in one-on-one fights, but there are definitely parts where you're fighting multiple enemies, Batman-style, and it's just not as fluid or responsive as Batman, so you can take a lot of shots to the dome.
You'll definitely want to have some context for sections later in the game, but there are mini-boss encounters that pretty heavily use counter-attacks and grapple breaks, so you'll want to know what they look like to respond as quickly as possible. Not only that, but that game has a much heavier focus on meleeing enemies -- often in the middle of gunfights, so pulling off moves quickly is key. Familiarity is your friend.
It starts of well but then takes a backseat towards the endTheExecutive said:Wait, so people are actually saying the story is weaker than UC2? I do not like the sound of that.
Yeah I don't think the EU have the online passes in store yet, when I tried to purchase one to check if it's online it gave an error message. Oh well gives me more quality time with BF3.hullostranger said:US copy here, my code got accepted just fine. Went online to confirm it and what not. Try again? Also, what/when do the beta rewards get dished out? After launch I'm sure but what exactly are they?
@perineumlick; Sure man! BTW I think the servers are already up because I could log in and made sure all my stats went through just fine.
Marius_ said:It starts of well but then takes a backseat towards the end
perineumlick said:Add me, PSN is perineumlick. I love co-op much more than competitive, can't wait for the U3 servers to go up. Sucks that we can't play it over the weekend. : /
WHAT?! You mean a guy who has Nathan Drake as his avatar likes the Uncharted series better than any other games!?The perfect Dark said:Holy shit this game is amazing, GOTY so far. Who the fuck is Batman?
Hard isn't that hard. Nothing in it felt as cheap as the endless waves in U1 or U1 crushing IMO and it was about as hard as U2 in Hard. All the combat prompts except for the stealth one's are in Hard too. If you feel comfortable playing U2 in Hard/have beaten it in Crushing start on Hard in U3.Cruzader said:Wow that sounds so awesome! Didnt really know that since I have skipped all the media/interviews! Thanx for that info, sounds like Normal will be key but want to try Hard on my first play this time.
I beat and platinumed both so I think ill do that!Killthee said:Hard isn't that hard. Nothing in it felt as cheap as the endless waves in U1 or U1 crushing IMO and it was about as hard as U2 in Hard. All the combat prompts except for the stealth one's are in Hard too. If you feel comfortable playing U2 in Hard/have beaten it in Crushing start on Hard in U3.
Good news. I couldn't get my codes to work before. Guess I know what I'm doing after work today! I'll add you later.d0c_zaius said:I played coop with some people last night.
Feel free to add me on PSN if anyone is looking to do coop adventure/area/etc.
brandonh83 said:Do the spines of the Uncharted 2 and 3 cases line up pretty well when side by side? I'm asking because I just started working on making all three covers that line up so they look good together, but if 2 and 3 are pretty close I'll just do one for the first game that matches the other two.
ohhhh so they are metal and not plastic?Steve McQueen said:Ring and buckle are quite nice actuallyThe only thing I don't really like is what I bought for in the first place: the statue. The statue does not look like Nate imo...that's a bit of a letdown.
The suitcase is very nice though ( EU-version ). perfect Dark said:- Game seems shorter than U2...after 3 Hours I'm at chapter 9...on normal![]()
Spiffy_1st said:It would have been collected today. Don't say things like that, it scares me.
Wario64 said:Just for you: