So what are you guy's aim settings looking like?? I can't seem to get a good aim setting down as I feel like they're too fast. I have aim assist on 0 and aim sensitivity on 1/2.
No Level Up ranks at all.Do you level up in this similar to past Uncharted games? I haven't played any ranked matches yet so maybe that's where it shows levels...
Okay I'm sorry, I've last question.
There is a season pass of sorts for sale for $25
"Access to two multiplayer things and the single player."
But the multiplayer DLC is all free right? What would I be buying? I highly doubt the SP DLC will be $25 standalone.
Okay I'm sorry, I've last question.
There is a season pass of sorts for sale for $25
"Access to two multiplayer things and the single player."
But the multiplayer DLC is all free right? What would I be buying? I highly doubt the SP DLC will be $25 standalone.
Okay I'm sorry, I've last question.
There is a season pass of sorts for sale for $25
"Access to two multiplayer things and the single player."
But the multiplayer DLC is all free right? What would I be buying? I highly doubt the SP DLC will be $25 standalone.
When those packs release, they should be exclusive to triple pass holders for like 2 weeks or something, imo.It's just stuff that unlocks for you without you having to use relics or buy it separately or aka basically early unlocks. Basically, it's not any new content.
It just sucks because a character (Chloe) that I used for free in the previous two games, which were also $60 products mind you, is now locked behind either a paywall or a random loot wall.But most of it is cosmetic. What's the big deal?
It's also clear that they want you to straight up buy it if you're unwilling to wait
The rate seems fine to me
You get one challenge in a game like Hearthstone too, worth from 40-60 gold. A new pack of cards is 100 gold
250 lets you get one vanity chest and leaves you with enough to get another one from a few games
People say you get 200 coins to start BUT I have 300. Now I did redeem a 300 pre order bonus on the PlayStation store... But surely that means I should have 500.
Is there a way to redownload redeemed items in the PS Store incase it never unlocked properly?
Thanks a lot.
I haven't played a match yet. Just the multiplayer tutorial so perhaps you get the 200 after a match?
Thanks chum.I got it after a couple tutorial matches. That's what you're missing, the 300 is from the pre-order.
Maaan, the amount of people just leaving games is crazy, even in ranked matches. I've already seen so many matches where at least one person is idle and multiple people leave the game. I had a match where the entire enemy team left and we won my default. It's a very fun MP, but the people playing this game right now is a bummer.
Yeah dont know if this has got anything to do with it but last night me and a friend were getting this infuriating disconnect issue. Every 5 sec or so I'd get the disconnect symbol and sit idle for 3 - 5 sec till I could move again. Happened on about half our games which we would just leave.
Wonder if it's a wide spread issue.
Yeah dont know if this has got anything to do with it but last night me and a friend were getting this infuriating disconnect issue. Every 5 sec or so I'd get the disconnect symbol and sit idle for 3 - 5 sec till I could move again. Happened on about half our games which we would just leave.
Wonder if it's a wide spread issue.
loving the multiplayer, but something is bugging me, how do i earn Loadout Points? where do i see the progress of my next LP?
Hover over them and it'l tell you. It's X amount of unlocks in each section. So unlocking 13 of 13 guns will give you an LP. It might be unlock everything else in the section first. I'm not sure.
Chapter... 10? SWhat chapter does the last locale that the mp is based on take? I don't want any locale spoiled but I'm also itching to play multiplayer.
Oh dope I'm already past that part.Chapter... 10? S.cotland
There are levels using ASSETS from later on but in an incredibly vague way that doesn't resemble the actual levels and obviously it's a big visual downgrade from the campaign. Maybe have someone else confirm but I'm pretty sure that's it.
If anything they're too short....The MP is pretty damn solid, but fuuuuck these respawn times.
They'd be incredibly dumb to do so and they already said they wouldn't but TLOU mp exists.... either way I'd just spend them personally.I have 500 ND Points
Should i just save for dlc? Im wondering if anything will be hidden behind a paywall
Like there will be new mysticals and weapons...but will they be earnable in game?
loving the multiplayer, but something is bugging me, how do i earn Loadout Points? where do i see the progress of my next LP?
Maybe wait for someone to confirm but I genuinely think that's it.Oh dope I'm already past that part.
Real moniesHow do you get more gold currency for MP?
They'd be incredibly dumb to do so and they already said they wouldn't but TLOU mp exists.... either way I'd just spend them personally.
Has Naughty Dog commented on the server load and tickrate? Feels lower than the beta, as I'm getting a lot of "around the corner" deaths and seeing players on both teams react with delays (such as pausing before rolls, freezing up and then an explosion goes off and they are suddenly downed).
Was having fun with several GAF members but it's also super frustrating at times when you unload a gun into someone who is standing still, then they turn around and down you, KO you, and the game says their health is at 100.
Plunder is AMAZING.
Happened to me all the time in UC2 and 3, made the MP unplayable. Supposedly (and this may be entirely untrue, I just remember reading it on the forums at the time) it's a counter-lagswitching measure, but it unfairly affects people with low network upload speeds.
umm not sure if this has been answered
but is there a way to change the skill level preference?
I chose casual but I would like to pick a higher skill level
or does that choice not matter?
I haven't been able to get through the whole thread for a simple answer to this, so will ask here.
People are absolutely destroying me with what seems like much, MUCH more powerful guns. Literally tearing me to shreds with a single spray (one on one) vs me having to stay on them forever with a FAL or AK.
Is there some less than obvious progression that leads to much harder hitting weapons that I am missing? I see perks like more ammo to start, etc...but having trouble understanding how so soon after launch people have these very godly weapons.
Can someone help me understand this new MP world where I am always last and end up being shred fodder?![]()