Garrett Hawke
AK47 seems really good atm
The multiplayer beta of 4 was better than any Uncharted campaign yet in terms of mechanics at least.This game gets two OP's?
Man, GAF loves its Uncharteds and its Lasts of Us's and other Naughty dogged doo-hickeys.
Do people play these games for the multiplayer? I always assumed they were more of an afterthought.
AK47 seems really good atm
I want to use mysticals but I'm stuck using sidekicks until I unlock the hunter, argh.
Do any of the characters from past games have their own hero guns? I've only unlocked one gun past the sniper rifle, and all of the hero guns just seem to be for the folks in 4. Wondering if there's synergy bonuses like in 3 (aka Talbot using Talbot's guns gives you a bonus perk)
Edit: I can't remember the last game that has let people steamroll teams like this, have been on the winning side and losing side of 40 to single digit matches. I don't want to say the Power Plays should come back, but damn I've seen some ass kickings today.
When creating a loadout you can see all the hero guns when you click on mods.
Yeah, it was like that in the beta as well, the steamrolls. Losers need some benefits or boosters or something.
Games probably steamroll so hard because the team that pulls ahead early can load up on sidekicks and mysticals. Shit snowballs super hard.
Games probably steamroll so hard because the team that pulls ahead early can load up on sidekicks and mysticals. Shit snowballs super hard.
Multiplayer really needs more characters(especially the boring villains) and more special skins something like
Nate as Francis Drake
maybe Elena as Joan of Arc
Marlowe as a Queen of England
Eddy as a Jack Sparrow-ish pirate,
Talbot in knight armor
and so on.
I think that loadout will be overpowered with a mystical, just like the pre-set one.
You already hit Prestige?
Those and a new version of the PlayStation Heroes pack would be instant purchases right now.I want Last of Us skins so bad
so some people having the problems I have had lol, like they just stop in the middle of a gun fight and stand still for a sec.....RIP
this is just weird lol
Those and a new version of the PlayStation Heroes pack would be instant purchases right now.
Really need Rika Raja as well to spice up the villains.
This happens to me sometimes when Im in cover by a wall, I aim at someone clearly but I cant shootI have to roll away in order to shoot but by then Im dead lol
Oh god, the flashbacks. So many "PUT RIKA RAJA IN UNCHARTED" requests
For real though, where the hell is Skelzor?
Is there anything I should bother spending my free points from Preorder on?
I'm glad skelzor didn't make it in. The skins were always an unfair advantage and just didn't fit too well into the MP.
What's everyone's favourite map?
The skeletons made almost no noise while running, and didn't say anything so when they jumped they didn't grunt. Which of course provides an advantage.I've heard people say the donut characters were an unfair advantage (because hitboxes didn't match the body), but never Skelzor, that's interesting.
Pirate Cove so far. That map is so cool.
Does anyone else not like the melee attack? You have to hold one button and press another, and its area of attack is so small. Missing is too easy.
Does anyone else not like the melee attack? You have to hold one button and press another, and its area of attack is so small. Missing is too easy.
Having an issue with dropping on enemies while swinging. Few times it just wouldn't happen. I had enemies directly under me, two of them at one point who didn't see me, wasn't getting shot at and square was even showing up in my screen but the fucker won't drop down. Doesn't matter if I tap or hold square, nothing.
It has worked once, but 3-4 times it hasn't. Was not having this problem in the beta.
Does anyone else not like the melee attack? You have to hold one button and press another, and its area of attack is so small. Missing is too easy.
You can only do it off a swing. Otherwise itd be op
I don't tend to use that and just use the basic melee since you can recover from that. If you miss with the charged melee you're basically done for.
Hey guys, I'm streaming ranked on twitch. We're the devs playing ranked
Username: vinixkun
So how do we get the 300 Uncharted points from the Libertalia Edition and stuff? I entered the code and redeemed everything but the points aren't showing up in game?