The perfect Dark
Why am I not finding any matches? What the fuck is going on? God I hate this generation when it comes to multiplayer.
It just shows how stupid the inclusion of bots are in this.
We played against the same party of 4 or 5 last night for 5 or 6 games; most of the games were close, ending in 40-39/38, except two of them:
- one where they had 2-3 brutes out almost always, which they won by 10 or so.
- the other where we had 2-3 hunters out almost always, which we won by almost 20.
There's a wonderfully skillful and pretty well-balanced game buried underneath the mountain of botmagic bullshit.
Well damn, Best Buy cheated me then. No receipt when I picked it up and no email.
Right, because 2-3 or 2-3 hunters brutes are so difficult to deal with. It's not difficult to just wipe them, and ends up being a complete waste of cash in comparison to other spends.
If they were even a remotely capable team they'd be down almost instantaniously. I really doubt we will see any sidekicks used in competitive play, most will focus their purchases on Staffs and Stones.
Bots even more dominant.
Played against a team who practically had 3 brutes on the map at any one time.
Why do developers ever think it's a good idea to put AI CONTROLLED BOTS in PVP.
To be precise, low upload speeds cause packet loss. If the game needs X upload speed and you have X - Y upload speed, then the white plug will be triggered due to connection bottleneck.It's what happens when you're going through severe packet loss. It's designed go stop people from appearing to lagswitch. It's not really based on upload and download speeds.
Start -> Run -> cmd.exe
ping -t
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=79ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=45
[B]Request timed out.[/B] <-- lost packet
Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45
Ping statistics for
[B]Packets: Sent = 208, Received = 207, Lost = 1 (0% loss)[/B], <-- almost non-existent packet loss
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 73ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 74ms
I still get the "unable to join party" issue in multiplayer. How pathetic. As polished as the campaign is, I expected this issue from the beta to be dealt with by the time the final product was here.
Some of us played private matches recently with down-state removed. It was a lot of fun, even though we didn't get any relic points or unlock progress >_<I think this game would have been so much better if it weren't for the revive system. There's absolutely nothing you can really do when it's 3 vs 5, heck sometimes when it's 4 vs 5 and they are running sidekicks no matter how good you are since you're trying to keep your distance to not get ambushed but that distance often means they are quick to get behind cover or get help. They'll just end up reviving their teammate and run you around the map.
Bots even more dominant.
Played against a team who practically had 3 brutes on the map at any one time.
Why do developers ever think it's a good idea to put AI CONTROLLED BOTS in PVP.
Right, because 2-3 or 2-3 hunters brutes are so difficult to deal with. It's not difficult to just wipe them, and ends up being a complete waste of cash in comparison to other spends.
If they were even a remotely capable team they'd be down almost instantaniously. I really doubt we will see any sidekicks used in competitive play, most will focus their purchases on Staffs and Stones.
They're the opposite of strategic. There's no thinking required. Drop an AI controlled bot out of outer space to do your work for you.Because they add a layer of complexity that can be fun if you're strategic.
They're the opposite of strategic. There's no thinking required. Drop an AI controlled bot out of outer space to do your work for you.
Strategic would be no AI... Relying on player movement and map traversal to gain the upper hand.
Those complaining about sidekicks make me think they don't know what they're doing or they haven't played the game since the beta.
You can kill the brute before you even have to reload your AK.
That's assuming the brute is isolated. I usually see the player who called it in practically hugging their brute, so that when the brute turns 180 degrees to start shooting at me, that player knows exactly where I am. Multiply that by two or even three brutes/players in the same area, and suddenly you're pinned down.
To be precise, low upload speeds cause packet loss. If the game needs X upload speed and you have X - Y upload speed, then the white plug will be triggered due to connection bottleneck.
There are many things that can cause a bottleneck. It could be low upload speed in general, or WiFi interference/low signal, or a faulty Ethernet cable, or someone in your house hogging your connection (Netflix, uTorrent etc), or an ISP maintenance, or living in a heavily populated region where connection speeds plummet during rush hours (too many people using, YouTube, uTorrent or whatever in your neighbourhood <-- this affects Cable/DOCSIS customers).YouPorn
I had done some bandwidth measurements in the beta and this game doesn't seem to be using more than ~500 Kbps (in TDM at least, don't know about other modes).
ND says that you need 1 Mbps to play it safe/have some headroom... 1 Mbps is 1024 Kbps (typical ADSL2+ upload), but the real throughput is 85% of that (due to overhead). VDSL2 increases the real throughput to 94%.
Having 1024 Kbps ADSL2+ upload sync speed means that you have 870 Kbps of real throughput, which is basically ~108 KB/s (KiloBytes per second, not KiloBits).
Keep in mind that some people have 400-500 Kbps upload sync speed in their ADSL2+ connection (even in developed nations, like Australia for example), so the real throughput speed is lower than the 500 Kbps that I had measured*. Ethernet/wired won't save you in that case. Your connection is as fast/good as the weakest link.
* Source:
If you want to monitor your connection, there's a simple thing you can do (provided that you have a computer).
For Windows you have to do this:
Code:Start -> Run -> cmd.exe
Then you give the following command and press Enter:
Code:ping -t is Google DNS server... you can use another one if you want (i.e. a local server in your country).
Pay attention to your ping. It should deviate too much, aka jitter and it should be too many milliseconds. AFAIK, ND netcode doesn't punish jitter or big latency, just packet loss. To stop pinging, you press Ctrl + C and take a look at these stats:
Code:... Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45 Reply from bytes=32 time=79ms TTL=45 Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=45 Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=45 [B]Request timed out.[/B] <-- lost packet Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=45 Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45 Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45 Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45 Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=45 ... Ping statistics for [B]Packets: Sent = 208, Received = 207, Lost = 1 (0% loss)[/B], <-- almost non-existent packet loss Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 73ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 74ms
Basically this is what the game netcode does in the background... it pings some IP addresses (host? other players? matchmaking server? ask ND for the nitty-gritty details) and if it detects packet loss for a prolonged time, it freezes your character and you see the white plug.
My current VDSL2 sync speed is 49998/10000 Kbps (down/up). If I see the white plug, I know it's my connection's fault, unless there's some netcode bug that punishes good connections just because the host is laggy (I wouldn't put it past ND, lol).
1 month ago I had severe packet loss, lots of CRC errors & frequent disconnections, just because some technician had messed up the telephone wires in the cabinet... I went down and fixed it in 10 minutes. It would be silly to blame ND for that. I haven't had a disconnection since last month (DSL Uptime 31 days 17 hours 50 minutes 35 seconds).
The team was "remotely capable".
Most GAF parties of 5 steamroll everyone by just using the basic guns, so when a team gives us a few games that end in victories/defeats by only one or two kills, that team is pretty good.
Staffs are weak because aren't they completely countered by Stealth3? I agree about the Stones, I'd bet a team of 5 Cintimani users would beat a team of 5 _____ users nearly every time.
Those complaining about sidekicks make me think they don't know what they're doing or they haven't played the game since the beta.
You can kill the brute before you even have to reload your AK.
People seem to assume Brutes go off on their own?
Realistically there are two or three of them, all of which are right beside the person who called em in (as the person who called them in knows that their Brute can spider sense enemies and start shooting them, not only weakening them for an easy kill but also revealing their position).
I have my PS4 sitting in the DMZ, and it's NAT 2.From my experience, NAT type can really screw you over with white plugs. You never want NAT 3 in a ND MP game. You want an open NAT at all times. After I changed to NAT 2 from 3, I never white plug any more and it used to happen constantly.
*nodding in agreement*They're the opposite of strategic. There's no thinking required. Drop an AI controlled bot out of outer space to do your work for you.
Strategic would be no AI... Relying on player movement and map traversal to gain the upper hand.
Post a test: was monitoring my ping to whilst playing the other day and I noticed it jump from about 60ms to about 350ms whilst online. It also does that when I refresh a website etc. The issue shouldn't be my connection as such, as it doesn't do it in every match I play. It only does it in matches where some players have 2 connection bars.
Where's your team at?
Right, because 2-3 or 2-3 hunters brutes are so difficult to deal with. It's not difficult to just wipe them, and ends up being a complete waste of cash in comparison to other spends.
If they were even a remotely capable team they'd be down almost instantaniously. I really doubt we will see any sidekicks used in competitive play, most will focus their purchases on Staffs and Stones.
Faffing about like assholes, probably. I get a useful team maybe 1 in every 10 games.
Explosive awareness 3 is amazing! I can see mines through walls and cover and can neutralize it before my teamates trigger them.Another frustrating thing?
How useless explosive awareness is.
Explosive awareness 3 is amazing! I can see mines through walls and cover and can neutralize it before my teamates trigger them.
My only complaint about the brute is how they sometimes can spot you while having their back on you and just 180 and shoot right away. No other complaints.I know that feel all too well.
I think a lot of people complain about sidekicks because if you are playing solo they are super frustrating to deal with as opposed to being dealt with within seconds.
Another frustrating thing?
How useless explosive awareness is.
They're the opposite of strategic. There's no thinking required. Drop an AI controlled bot out of outer space to do your work for you.
Strategic would be no AI... Relying on player movement and map traversal to gain the upper hand.
Its so easy to rope-a-dope the brutes. People are just afraid of them instinctively so the avoid them and don't think of such tactics when they pop out. Easy $200
Exactly. People avoid them. That's why they think brutes are op and don't die easily.
They die so easily, I think they're waste of cash/LP! Also GO FOR THE HEAD!
This a peer to peer based game, just because your connection is fine for some matches doesn't mean it always is. It depends on all the factors that others have been posting and since it's peer to peer the distance between you and who you're playing against as well as their upload speed and pings matter. Wired vs wireless could also matter. There's a ton of factors that go into lag.I was monitoring my ping to whilst playing the other day and I noticed it jump from about 60ms to about 350ms whilst online. It also does that when I refresh a website etc. The issue shouldn't be my connection as such, as it doesn't do it in every match I play. It only does it in matches where some players have 2 connection bars.
Switched to the sniper for a long gun and god damn I'm having so much fun with it. Any recommendations on a secondary to compensate?
You're not gonna like all.
So annoying.
So you haven't played 48 hours or so yet?I'm disappointed that my play time is broken. It's says I've played over two days of death matches.
Laying down suppressing fire!