There's likeshooting in this game (I don't think this is a spoiler but I'll tag it anyway), it's not worth stressing over..00001%
The bonus chapter is a preorder extra? Has anyone got their codes yet? I ordered my copy from Amazon.
Looks like it'll be waiting for me when I get home today
Amazon as well. They said I'd have my code by Friday at latest
Does this game work with Share Play?
And by that I mean two things:
--Is Share Play allowed?
--Is it lag-tolerant enough so that a friend could play and still be able to hit all of the QTEs?
the companion app provides more info on all the characters, but ill specify the ages since its not in the OP
Sam 19
Mike 19
Jessica 18
Chris 19
Ashley 18
Matt 18
Emily 19
Josh 20
only watched one cutscene with emily and i immediately wanted her to be the first to be killed off.
also is there a black guy? please tell me he dies first. in spoiler tags of course lol
Hayden Panettiere, is that you?
Fantastic OT!
I canceled my order for this cause it'd be late and I'm tired of
Gonna go pick it up immediately from Best Buy or EB Games tomorrow morning instead.
I'm surprised that none of the actors have done any publicity or anything for this in contrast to something like Quantum Break.
I'm surprised that none of the actors have done any publicity or anything for this in contrast to something like Quantum Break.
I follow Jordan Fisher on Instagramand he's posted a lot about the game urging people to buy
I love horror movies but hate jump scares, would I enjoy this game?
If you hate jump scares then this game is going to fuck you up, 'cos it sounds like jump scares are there in abundance.
Lol my order is out for delivery right now
Last 3 games I've ordered from them have been a day early actually
Oh, it is! Just checked Wikipedia. Damn, I'm sharp.
I love horror movies but hate jump scares, would I enjoy this game?
I hate horror movies AND jump scares and I loved this game, so just play with one hand covering the screen like I did!
never heard of him. what else has he been in? his twitter does mention being into gaming and anime so i guess that makes more sense. to some of these other people its just a job and not a passion.
Mine are always late, so much, that I'm fucking sick of them.
Any ETA on the iOS companion app?
It's going to be a lot of fun comparing choices with people tomorrow.
Anyone else downloaded the companion app?
Doesn't load for me. Guessing this could be because the game hasn't officially launched yet?
I've taken the Character Test already, the Facebook integration isn't active yet. But everything else seems to work thus far.
It'll be up for digital preorders with the game at midnight.damn...with how important the dlc sounds, they should really put it up to buy on psn tomorrow/tonight
It'll be up for digital preorders with the game at midnight.
Not sure whether people who haven't preordered the game will be able to find tokens in Day 1 retail copies of the game. Hopefully that's the case.
If you hate jump scares then this game is going to fuck you up, 'cos it sounds like jump scares are there in abundance.