Sucks that you ran into a bug. But lots of people went that path (I've been following the spoiler thread) and the game did not glitch out on them. Seems you were just unlucky, no reason yet to tell people to not do something I think.Game Breaking bug in Chapter 10
Spoilers ahead to avoid breaking your save like me.
When you are controllingin theAshleymines
Do NOT choose, the game will fail to swap control to another character needed to progress the game.Investigate voice
Sucks that you ran into a bug. But lots of people went that path (I've been following the spoiler thread) and the game did not glitch out on them. Seems you were just unlucky, no reason yet to tell people to not do something I think.
Have you restarted the game yet to see if that works? Hope you can get it sorted out.
It did have trouble processing multipleFinished. One death total.
Did anyone else notice some graphical quality decrease in the final portions of the game? It seemed to look worse somehow. Either that, or my PS4 is dying.
It did have trouble processing multipleWendigos
Game Breaking bug in Chapter 10
Spoilers ahead to avoid breaking your save like me.
When you are controllingin theAshleymines
Do NOT choose, the game will fail to swap control to another character needed to progress the game.Investigate voice
Yes, I've closed the application multiple times and restarted my PS4.
Figured I'd at least warn people about the choice even if it is a minuscule chance of it happening to someone.
Game Breaking bug in Chapter 10
Spoilers ahead to avoid breaking your save like me.
When you are controllingin theAshleymines
Do NOT choose, the game will fail to swap control to another character needed to progress the game.Investigate voice
Are you playing it on disc? Perhaps a reinstall will fix it. Hope you don't have to restart your game, that would suck.
I did that (instantly regretted it ;_and had no problems with my PS4.
I'm so glad the way my story wound up with EmilyI had Ashley tell Matt about Emily and Mike so he could see them with the telescope in the early chapter. Then after the Firewatch tower went down and she was dangling I had Matt interrogate her and that sorry bitch admitted she fucked Mike. So i had Matt jump to safety and let her slutty ass drop. Bye Emily
Ashley looks like my girlfriend, so when I had to chooseGraphic scene. And the acting was great!who to kill with the circular saw; I chose the other person! lol.
Possible double embedded spoiler, so proceed with caution.
I chose to kill Josh in that scene, I was always curious what happens if you choose to kill Ashley, due to the Josh thing not being what it seems...
I usually don't complain about day 1 dlc but I think it's kinda shitty move that you can't have all the trophies without pre-order dlc "bonus" chapter.
Other than that it has been awesome experience and I'm on my second playtrough now. ^^
My copy of the game arrived today! However, it's the regular game, not the Extended Edition advertisedDoes anyone know if the DLC chapter will be available separately?
You don't need the dlc to get all the trophies. you access the same area in a different scene. At least that's what people have said in this thread.
Has anyone found out how to use the move controller ? Move support is printed on the back of the box, but it doesn't work ingame.
forgive me if this has already been asked, but has anyone with any otherwise gaming averse wife or girlfriend had success with this?
like, can someone who isnt exactly proficient with the sticks pick this game up and be successful? does it require twitch skill at all or is it basically easy selections, etc?
thinking about picking this up so my wife can play, and shes pretty good at dont starve on the ps4, so shes not inept, but shes not some FPS pro either
thank you
forgive me if this has already been asked, but has anyone with any otherwise gaming averse wife or girlfriend had success with this?
like, can someone who isnt exactly proficient with the sticks pick this game up and be successful? does it require twitch skill at all or is it basically easy selections, etc?
thinking about picking this up so my wife can play, and shes pretty good at dont starve on the ps4, so shes not inept, but shes not some FPS pro either
thank you
forgive me if this has already been asked, but has anyone with any otherwise gaming averse wife or girlfriend had success with this?
like, can someone who isnt exactly proficient with the sticks pick this game up and be successful? does it require twitch skill at all or is it basically easy selections, etc?
thinking about picking this up so my wife can play, and shes pretty good at dont starve on the ps4, so shes not inept, but shes not some FPS pro either
thank you
forgive me if this has already been asked, but has anyone with any otherwise gaming averse wife or girlfriend had success with this?
like, can someone who isnt exactly proficient with the sticks pick this game up and be successful? does it require twitch skill at all or is it basically easy selections, etc?
thinking about picking this up so my wife can play, and shes pretty good at dont starve on the ps4, so shes not inept, but shes not some FPS pro either
thank you
It's rigged so that no matter what you do the saw "kills" Josh. After all Ashley was in no real danger in that scene, besides getting fake blood in her eye. That shit fucking hurts.
Yes, I've closed the application multiple times and restarted my PS4.
Figured I'd at least warn people about the choice even if it is a minuscule chance of it happening to someone.
Most likely a misprint. It doesn't say that on my copy, which is North America.
thx, too bad i think move support could be great here. That means my move controller keeps gathering dust.
thx, too bad i think move support could be great here. That means my move controller keeps gathering dust.
Didn't this start development as a Move game?
Hey guys so im in thewithMinesand I chose to investigate a sound and now i cant progress the other characters stand still and if i try to continue I clip into the walls?Ashley, Em, Sam, and Chris
Edit: According to a walkthrough I should be controlling a different character at this point, guess I'll have to restart the whole game?
yes, it was planned as a move game on ps3
Why is the audio so bad in this? All the dialogue in the prologue sounds like they were talking into a can.
So are all the chapters about equal in length?
I guess its my playstyle (I explore a lot) and on track for this to be longer than a 10 hour game unless the final chapters are real short.
Why is the audio so bad in this? All the dialogue in the prologue sounds like they were talking into a can.
This is definitely the biggest issue in the game. It's pretty bad.
I'm even using the Until Dawn sound profile on wireless gold headphones and it doesn't sound right. Really strange.
Did youI chose to ignore thatopen the hatch?